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Everything posted by ddaanniiellh

  1. 99 HP, 2k total and 130/120 combat all achieved at once =] ~Dan
  2. Are you very sure? Ok lets use this scenario. Casual Clothes day at school and you wear it. Would you or not? lol.. :lol: :lol: Yep, in college right now, I wouldn't mind wearing it. People that I know, know that I play. Other people...who cares what they think? ~Dan
  3. I wouldn't mind wearing a T-shirt or a sweater with something like that on it...if someone would make it. ~Dan
  4. OMG! Congrats Drag!!! Sorry I couldn't be there =[ (Share bank plz? =p) ~Dan
  5. Your attitude = the reason BTS is gone. You can go into high detail and still turn all (or most, at least) of the effects off you know? :P Unfortunately, on full screen, the text is still terrible for full screen...especially in areas like snow. You can't read a single thing unless you look really close. ~Dan
  6. [/hide] not for the frog tokens Was pinball. :( then you don't have a high enough total lvl to get one. thats my best guess. you might have to be around 1900. It's just random sometimes when you don't get one. I've had one recently where I didn't get a lamp option, and I have 1991 total. ~Dan
  7. It is definitely a money saver, and if you have points left-over from SC, it is without a doubt a great use for it. Double xp = Half money spent (Sorry I don't know which one would be better xp, although I do see a lot more people making the doors over larders) ~Dan
  8. There's a guide on BlackJacking in the Archive's of Wisdom...it has the xp/hrs in there. It is profit, but I'm not sure what the amount is for the lower bandits. It still shouldn't be too low. If you can stun them 100% of the time, you get 80 gp per successful stun (If you're fast enough). That should come out to ~1200 successive stuns per hour (I'm guessing it takes takes around 5 sec for the bandit to wake back up). So that's...around 96k per hour? ~Dan
  9. I have a skiller too that can't tele, I use Air altar tablets then go to Falador. Still much faster than home teleing. If they are training, they really shouldn't be training on swordies/lobsters, that's inefficient xp. The time the save from fishing trout/salmon, results in more money from having a higher level in fishing, and fishing swordies/lobsters at a much faster rate. Plus, to get a decent level to fish lobsters at doesn't take that long...and fishing an inventory of lobsters in <5 min in comparison to one per 30 min is a huge difference. ~dan
  10. Each one lasts for a specific amount of xp (Depending on the skill). I don't know the numbers, but you can probably find them if you looked hard enough. Or...you could try one out and see how long it lasts for and divide the xp you gained by 2, that'll give you how much xp you gained extra from the sc tool. ~Dan
  11. Actually, the more effective way would be to get the Lumbridge Ring 3 to use to tele to the Cabbage patch. This is much faster than home teleing. Also, in the long run, the 30 gp saved is not worth it for the efficiency of this. ~Dan [Edit]: Also, if someone is taking 30 min per inventory, they should really not be fishing lobsters/swordfish, that is extremely ineffective for earning money. Picking up respawns of items are even faster than that.
  12. Well, I'm guessing that I am going to get around 1.5k xp from the Balance Elemental and Demons (If they give normal xp and have the same amount of hp as normal ones, Can someone please tell me if it's otherwise). So, based on what you're saying, it is possible, if I use the cannon on other parts. I guess I could do that, I'll try it out when I go do the quest. Also @pureprayer, the reason I want to do this quest, is for the 4 xp lamps, It'll easily boost me up close to 2k total (Getting 70 RC and farming with it, and close to 80 mining), if I can do this quest. ~Dan
  13. I care about it, I enjoy doing it that way more. and that doesn't really help with my question. ~Dan
  14. You need to do the Feud Quest to do blackjacking. Also, I believe that the lowest requirement for effective BlackJacking is level 45. The setup is very basic: Buy around...2k wines and a maple blackjack. Carry the 2k wines with you and 1 spot for gp and wield the blackjack, and fill the rest of your inventory up with food. Lure the Bandit (or whichever one you're trying to get) into an empty house, close the curtains and knock him out. If you knocked him out, pickpocket him 2x really fast, and repeat. If he's not knocked out, immediately do it again and he won't have time to attack you. If he does become aggressive, run out and away until he's unaggressive and repeat above. When you get low on food, refill by selling and rebuying wines from the general store in Pollnivnech. Repeat above till you have reached the level you want. I believe that this is the best method till you can reach the highest room in Pyramid Plunder (Level 91 or 92). Once you can, switch to that. ~Dan
  15. I am currently 6.6k xp from 99 HP, I'm planning on saving this to get at the same time as 2k total. However, I also want to do WGS, is it possible to finish the quest without gaining this level (I need to do around 5k damage to gain this xp). I know you need to kill the 2 Tormented Demons and the 1 Balance Elemental, does anyone know if they give reduced xp, or normal...also, how hp do they each have? Thanks. ~Dan
  16. [hide=quote train] where's the tokkul? you only get tokkul if u die on jad... Do you even know what you are talking about? :| [/hide] You don't get tokkul from beating jad, you can now trade in fire capes for tokkul instead. (At least from what i remember) ~Dan
  17. Forum Name: Ddaanniiellh RuneScape Name: Lil Dan Def Name to use on picture: Lil Dan Def Picture: URL: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y197/d ... if2009.png ~Dan
  18. Hmm, I have 2 rune sets right now...might buy a few more before this Saturday, if I can make it. ~Dan
  19. Black Knight's are lvl 32 lol, those are dark warriors that are lvl 8. And then there are Elite Black knight's during the WGS which are lvl 138. ~Dan
  20. Has anyone ever considered wearing white knight armour there and see if anything new comes up? ~Dan
  21. One other thing: Pure essence can also be used for crafting lower leveled runes, but provide no extra boost or bonus when crafting them. ~Dan
  22. As far as I see, all your calculations are right. ~Dan
  23. Even though I have not tested this...I'm 90% sure it would. ~Dan
  24. For Crimson: Stranger Plants --> Granite Lobsters (Should be best xp to 79 [per gp]) At 77 you could switch to Talon beasts, but you need to collect the tokens from Talon Beasts, which can be rather slow and annoying to do. ~Dan
  25. Easiest answer: Jagex is removing the random that give's broken pickaxes, and people think that they're not going to remove the previously broken ones/replace with fixed ones (Which they are going to do). So people think that they can get rich off of the broken pics. ~Dan
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