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Everything posted by ddaanniiellh

  1. Missed the pic, was too busy holding my spot from a lvl 133 and 134 (Just finally got the 134 to leave, as you can see in the cc). ~Dan
  2. Last I checked, Proselyte gave a better prayer and defence bonus than initiate which in turn gave a similar prayer bonus but better defence than monks robes... Someone correct me...or praise me. I am pretty sure monk robes have better prayer bonus than initiate (at least the bottoms do). ~Dan
  3. Its funny because I was just thinking how there are about 50,000 other things in rs that could use an update before the hp bar, which nobody seemed to have a problem with before. Well, sure there is, but I'm sure there are people working on those things too, just that the first thing that was done was the HP bar, so it came out first. There will always be a team to work on graphics, if you removed that, well...then we should all go back to playing text based rpgs. ~Dan
  4. How did you manage to do that? Pluto, how soon after dropping a scroll have you managed to get one as a loot drop? One of the new creatures from Missing my Mummy drops a lot of level 1 clues, I don't bother picking them up. I've had 3 on the ground at once before. ~Dan
  5. Given that I've had 3 clues on the ground at once, I seriously doubt it. ~Dan
  6. According to Jagex, the code/project name is Mechscape, it is possible that that is the final name, but at the same time, you never know what Jagex might do ; ) ~Dan
  7. Not necessarily, but they did remove the post regarding it being "soon". So, it either means they're still trying to keep it under cover (Although, doing a really poor job at it by now) or that it may be longer than expected till the release. ~Dan
  8. Here's the original post: Taken from Mechsociety.com: ~Dan
  9. For Question 1, I have a quote here, which I got from Mechsociety: Source: http://mechsociety.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=540 and on Question 3: Take from Massively.com Source: http://www.massively.com/2009/03/31/gdc09-what-jagex-has-in-store-with-mechscape/
  10. It's a level 1 clue. Killed 1...during the whole quest, and got a clue lol. ~Dan
  11. Hmm, this vid is rather interesting, gonna watch more of them later. ~Dan
  12. I remember in High School, figured out who played Runescape, and that's mostly what we discussed about, quite openly, during breaks about the game. Now a days, I play Runescape in my dorm room while my friends are over, some of them used to play, most don't, but they all know about it, and it's just like knowing that I play other games, doesn't make that much of a difference to them. I always would admit to playing RuneScape to my fellow peers. (Slightly different when younger kids learn that I play and ask me if I play) I used to play in public places when I first started...quickly learned that was the fastest way to get hacked. So no more playing in the library.
  13. Wear Proselyte, or the best prayer outfit you can, and kill them with protect from mage. The Zamorak fortress probably has the greatest spawn of them right by the boss room, however, you need to bring some extra prayer pots because you lose all your prayer when you initially go across the river. ~Dan
  14. Grats on being soon to be maxed out F2P! Probably won't be able to make it so early grats! ~Dan
  15. Wait a second, Fletching more expensive? Last time I checked, you could profit making Yew Longs or at least break even very easily. I got 99 Fletching a lot faster than I got 99 Cooking. Either way, once again, I don't think any cape as "crap." If you decided to get the cape, I'll respect you for getting it, I may be more impressed by a Herblore, or Smithing cape, but I will not look down upon a Cooking or Fletching cape either. ~Dan
  16. I have 99 cooking, I enjoyed the skill and I wear the cape despite having other capes, and I still enjoy training the skill. ~Dan
  17. Lulz, there's no free version of WoW and that has plenty of members. (Free trials DO NOT COUNT) That is quite different in that they were already a well known company with many players playing other games made by them. Also, Free trials do count, they provide a bit of experience towards the game. ~Dan
  18. Java space? Exactly how much java do you know? OT: Definite support! ~Dan
  19. Ok, so what you have said is correct (Not...exactly sure how you came up with 12000% more storage space though...given that everything is simply stored as data, and most P2Pers have more data per than 3-4 F2Per) However...since this is already happening, exactly how much of this is changed by allowing High-leveled F2Pers into the RSOF? You have been simply ranting the entire time about how much F2P has cost to maintain, exactly how does this relate to letting F2Pers into the RSOF? How much more server space will this require? ~Dan
  20. Smallest world has 377 People There are currently 103,742 People Online [hide=300-400]World 52: 377 World 54: 379 World 137: 382 World 124: 383 World 121: 385 World 67: 386 World 71: 387 World 117: 388 World 138: 389 World 84: 389 World 151: 390 World 68: 391 World 51: 391 World 148: 393 World 53: 395 World 133: 397 World 69: 397 World 82: 398 Total: 6997 Total up to Now: 6997[/hide] [hide=401-500 People]World 23: 407 World 160: 422 World 83: 446 Total: 1275 Total up to Now: 8272[/hide] [hide=501-600]World 92: 515 World 24: 537 World 156: 568 World 166: 572 Total: 2192 Total up to Now: 10464[/hide] [hide=601-700]World 111: 603 World 110: 604 World 112: 623 World 143: 634 World 116: 664 World 157: 671 World 115: 671 World 18: 673 World 114: 675 Total: 5818 Total Up to Now: 16282[/hide] [hide=701-800]World 12: 726 World 145: 791 Total: 1517 Total Up to Now: 17799[/hide] [hide=801-900]World 132: 828 World 159: 877 World 15: 882 World 65: 893 Total: 3480 Total Up to Now: 21279[/hide] [hide=901-1000]World 99: 911 World 48: 911 World 42: 911 World 72: 912 World 56: 912 World 46: 912 World 45: 912 World 59: 913 Wolrd 28: 913 World 130: 914 World 39: 914 World 36: 914 World 70: 915 World 98: 916 World 97: 916 World 79: 917 World 89: 919 World 76: 919 World 22: 920 World 27: 921 World 164: 923 World 77: 923 World 100: 925 World 88: 925 World 104: 926 World 103: 927 World 91: 930 World 60: 954 Total: 25723 Total Up to Now: 47002[/hide] [hide=1001-1500]Note: I broadened the range, because there were very few worlds left World 66: 1013 World 26: 1052 World 64: 1097 World 129: 1106 World 9: 1277 World 158: 1398 Total: 6943 Total Up to Now: 53945[/hide] [hide=1501-2000]World 144: 1525 World 31: 1576 World 44: 1861 World 6: 2000 World 2: 2000 Total: 8962 Total Up to Now: 62907[/hide] Total P2Pers on P2P Worlds: 62907 62907/103742 = ~60% of the online population is currently P2P There you go. [Edit]: Just found a site that keeps track of this stuff, and it validates what I am saying: http://www.sercrui.com/popgraph
  21. Really, I missed the exact counting. Convenient how all those numbers fell precisely on even 100s, is it not :roll: Not that it would matter, grabbing lower and upper limits means nothing, especially when the data set size varies. I'm afraid that Jagex's active player numbers are slightly more revealing then your completely made up 'data'. The actual numbers were all higher than that...the lowest populated world was at 600 persons at the time, and my data was all rounded down, for your benefit of the doubt. How about this, you go add them all up right now, and let me know what you get? ~Dan [Edit]: Actually, I'll go add up exactly the amount right now.
  22. If you read my orginal post, you should've read at the time of that post, those were the numbers, I didn't add up the exact amounts, I simply took the lower limits of each subset (2k, 1-2k, and 500-1k), and I actually counted how many fell in each subset. Also, ACTIVE players means nothing. Does active mean, played one hour a week, one hour a day, 8 hours a day, or something else. This is a highly ambiguous word that can be interpreted in many ways. The only accurate way of figuring out how much server space is actually used, is continuously taking samples of how many people are on all F2P and P2P worlds at time intervals, with the numbers being slightly skewed towards F2P (As P2Pers can go on F2P, but the reverse cannot happen). I do not have the time, nor the will to do this at the current time. ~Dan
  23. Sorry, but storing the item codes for a few dozen objects is essentially nothing compared to rendering the graphics and drops for thousands of hours for a single player, to say nothing of the gigabytes of bandwidth used for updates and gameplay. Alright then, lets calculate the amount of people online right now. There are 133k+ people on right now. There are 2 members world with 2000 people on it. 35 with between 1k-2k people on it. Remainder (46 when I counted) has 500-1000 people on it. If we take the lower half of each portion (2000 * 2 + 35*1000 + 500*46) You get 62000 people, with the actual number closer to 70000. This makes up nearly half of the amount of people (When taking the lower limits) on the servers right now. With members having full screen (Therefore more to render at once), I would assume that at most given times, members actually take up more bandwidth than F2P does. ~Dan
  24. Compfreak, you keep saying that F2P takes up more server space, in comparison to P2P. Why don't we do some math... For example: Bank Space, I'm assuming that they are storing the items in something similar to a linked list (If they are smart with memory management). F2P has 64 bankspace, and...lets say 6m people. P2P has 490 something spaces (Not sure on exact numbers) and around 2m people. Ok, now lets assume the average F2Per uses all their bankspace and an average P2Per uses up 200 bank spaces (Probably more). If each linked list object held...Item name, number of item, and "other stuff related to linked list," The average P2Per uses up over 3 times the amount of memory to store bank items than F2Pers do, if all F2Pers max out their bank. ~Dan (I'll get more of this later if you want, when I get back)
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