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Everything posted by Voldmort0

  1. Quoted for truth tbh. :P So, why did you leave kohe? Dunno.. He's probably just jealous cause I'm going to see NOFX LIVE NEXT SUNDAY :D
  2. thanks thoodle :XD: Haven't played since the lvl just got on a bit now for wouters party, think I won't get anything done much today though :o
  3. Don't like pm's on screenies anymore :P personal convos remain personal imo. Except for kohe of course but he's ma [garden tool]:-$ Btw, Wikipedia isn't too reliable tbh :P
  4. G'luck with 99 fishing :) Long goal but it'll be fun and help you build up your bank :P Grats on 88 and lol at your story :P *ouch*
  5. After something like 5 days, I finally managed to finish off all the smith bars for the lvl :P Got like 9k left to smelt now #-o
  6. wut doez loot meen? btw answer the doggy thing now@@@@@@@@@@ :anxious:
  7. Vid not working :( Grts anyway man :D Get 97 tbh! I wanna witness a lvl of yours soon ;)
  8. Farming ftw tbh :P G'luck with your goals, specially slayer, if you start training it now by the time you reach some high combat lvls, you slayer will be awesome Keep it up :wink:
  9. I'll be there hopefully :) Be sure to add me ingame so if I'm online remind me ;)
  10. Grats on 26 man :D I told you you were gonna get a whip that task :XD:
  11. Thanks :) If anyone knows anything else about them feel free to discuss/say so.
  12. When I completely stopped playing (and I'm basically never playing atm) I still check in whenever I can here. It's fun and I like sharing opinions, seeing my friends' blogs, etc, even if I already quit. One thing is quitting the game, another is actually just "cutting relations" with everyone you got to know inside the game :P
  13. Yeah, it's what I heard. Anyone know how many there are?
  14. It's either some sort of mystery, or I'm just not looking/searching in the right place :P What do you know about them? How many are there? What are they used for..? Discuss. Btw if you got some kind of link to it go ahead and post it here.
  15. Not necessarily 10 year olds, just the ordinary people who always find some kind of detail or aspect of the update that doesn't suit them and just complain about them. But yeah, if they're paying - why complain? Go to F2P, no updates there so I guess they'd have nothing to complain about, eh? :?
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