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Everything posted by Voldmort0

  1. Annoys me too. So I usually decide the place first myself :P
  2. i laughed at that irl :P me too. the best part is, he never explained quantum physics :XD: lmao
  3. Oh god... not another "Are Random events random" topic. IT'S RANDOM. Maybe you can get them more often when you're in more frequented places of autoers or not. BUT THEY ARE STILL RANDOM. It doesn0't increase or decrease.
  4. Fishing/cooking. Farming, through kingdom. Herblore through farming. FM, from kingdom logs. RCing, all the rune ess from drops
  5. Came across the same person in W121 over 7 times in one day. Always doing different things.
  6. Nice drops :P You need to put yourself in your siggy tbh (and visit my blog rly)
  7. G'luck with 90 slayer ;) I see we got the same goal :P I'll race you to it once I'm member tbh
  8. Few updates. Removed some minor mistakes I found in the blog and also decided it was time to renew my personal "Goals and Achievements Stats". With all these new updates to the stats interface, and me having gained quite alot of lvls since may 24th (when the last one was made) it was time I made a new one too. I'll be updating it every new lvl I get, and every 5 total lvls. ;)
  9. Grats on all the hunting lvls :shock: Keep rockin' and lol @ your prayer lvl and ignore list :P
  10. Grats on 70 cons ;) You only got it so you could beat me tbh.
  11. :pray: !Hails! :pray: Anyway keep it goin Voldeh you will have the 74 smith in no time buddy : -Demon :oops:
  12. Pretty good xp for one day :P I'm guessing you were a sober-noodle today huh :P
  13. So is this post about you telling us you quit, complaining about P2P'ers who become f2p, or people who brag about their achievements? I'm confused. :-k
  14. I didn't :o I checked it out and... dang some fast typers there, lol.
  15. Lmao :lol: :lol: Good one tbh, made me laugh =P You got a point there tbh, and toxic wants to join too...! *heph is also secretely trying too, he's just not noodle enough XD* but you know i love ya<33
  16. Sorry to say this blog has more views :P (I'm not really sorry actually :XD: ) And don't worry, I'll keep smithing...
  17. Thanks for the support :) [ VOLDMORT0 ]: [smithing] lvl: 66 | exp: 520,327 (3.99% of 99) | rank: 87,717 | EXP to lvl 67: 27,626 (46.5% to 67) (18:55:10) -[XX]RuneScript- Required for 27,626 smithing exp [smelt/smith/both]: Steel Bars: 1,579/737/503 1600 bars left to smelt for 67 ;)
  18. Hehe what a nice post to read through tbh :D Yep it's true man this blog's been up for quite some time now eh? Thanks for the regular support tbh :P And btw zuper, you're right, the sentence looks better with the "almost" ;)
  19. Great going, big congrats :) I only need prayer for that too, so it's going to be the last one like you :P Enjoy the cape ;)
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