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Everything posted by Voldmort0

  1. Smithing? .. Hmm sorry, what? Am I missing something? :-w I'll probably finally play again tomorrow dw :XD: :wink: Btw demonnoodle that statement is pretty preoccupying tbh - LOL :shock:
  2. rofl rofl Dude that vid has over 11million views now :shock: the real question is... would anyone pose in bunny years sober?
  3. Only thing that is truly impressive is the whole ridicule of this situation of 20k per hour staking 1v1 if you win 4/4 fights - lol. :shame:
  4. I agree completely with your 2nd point about going after the duel arena transferrers, even though they do affect it after all. It is not worth completely ruining staking (which I found quite fun, and got VERY ticked off by this update) because of only a percentage of RL trading. On another note, 19Bil in 9 months? You're sad. RL traders spoil it all tbh.
  5. Well deserved 16k pages of rants. Jagex screwed staking over, and it doesn't make any sence - lol.
  6. Woot, they sure handled that problem well! :D :D /sarcasm
  7. OMFG You can make 20k an hour staking now? (that is if you win 4/4 of course) AMAZING!!
  8. LOL @ the aussie translation. Grats on 2030 total. I fail to keep up with all the lvls you get from just reading your blog title. Insane lvling :oops:
  9. Go for 99 rcing and beat wakka in his race to fat-dom :wink: On topic: Herblore ftw. G'luck.
  10. lmfao omg please put that in hide menu. THAT'S KOHE IRL BTW ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ obviously sober :anxious:
  11. I just read the duel arena update.. 5 times. I've just cruised like 3 different forums, including RSOF, to see if it really said what I think it said. My only question is: What the living hell were they thinking? They are completely DESTROYING normal 1v1 staking and making a max of >>3k gp<< per stake? What on earth?! That's even laughable! It makes NO sence. It's as if jagex said that real world traders were way more important than the whole point of the duel arena and what the players want to do in it :?
  12. I like many, though from the ones I know (from friends) I'd say... Ridged Didge Agony Begins (my pure) There are alot of funny ones out there, though. I just can't remember them lol.
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