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Everything posted by Voldmort0

  1. Just see if they give less xp per hit or not :?
  2. Congrats :) You should max combat now and beat me to maxing all forms of combat :XD: Good job. If you want you and I can meet up and wait for molly in a dark corner of rs... :twisted:
  3. How did that happen? :? I also got a photobucket account (it's what I always use) and they're working fine. How annoying though... I myself just went over my own blog to see if that had happened and apparently the only ones not working were from imageshack.us, mostly screenies from some time ago from when I didn't use photobucket yet. Wierd
  4. A whip IS fast... Lol at the guy who said that "a dagger is faster and still pretty strong". News flash: IT ALREADY IS [dragon dagger] so it'd be illogical to make a new type of dagger, which would be stronger than whip. Whip is good as it is, Jagex should invest more time to develop other types of weapons like the GodSword, which was indeed a good update. In other words, I think instead of wanting a "OMG A BETTER TYPE OF WHIP PLX!!!" people should think about it for a second and understand that it'd be much more fun if Jagex created weapons proportionally as good as the whip in their own ways (2h'ed swords, battle axes, war hammers...)
  5. :? High levelled >desperate< players. You forgot to add "desperate" ;)
  6. It's constructive criticism. It doesn't imply that he does not enjoy or like the game, simply he has ideas and opinions on how to make it better and wants to share them.
  7. I agree with the "I am Muted" emote. An easy, useful and practical update that the whole community would benefit from. About the text, I must say I've felt what you say there myself. It is quit annoying for me specially since I'm F2P and smelting 12k bars (back and forth from bank/furnace). People start following me and asking me for stuff, lvls, what mask I'm wearing, etc... I, half the time, am not even looking at what they're saying 'cause I'm pm'ing friends or just browsing the TIF. The other half I'm either on public chat "friends" or "hide" seeing as, quite honestly, I don't give a penny for what random people have to say by asking me annoying questions. Yet, I reply. Huh? Didn't you say you didn't care about what they have to say? Yep, even so I respond from time to time so people don't assume I'm a bot. I mean c'mon it's unfair and annoying that I'm forced to reply to other players who are simply annoying me just so I don't get reported and defamed at the eyes of Jagex (maybe even banned, judging by how things are run nowadays... :? ) Simply put: something has to be done, and it can start by Jagex supporting and public announcing they are aware of how unfair and annoying it is for players to feel obliged to reply to others, to avoided being confused and treated as a cheater (being reported). It's not our fault people report anything they think is minimally suspicious and are poor judges of situations. We have the right to play the game our own way and not be influenced by them.
  8. Great going man, have fun getting the last lvl I obviously won't be able to come, lol - F2P. Enjoy that well earned cape.
  9. Welcome back man! Just realised you still had your blog going strong, great to see :) Good job with the magic, when are you lvling up? Enjoy the cape and one of the best skills ingame maxed :D Have fun out there dude, still haven't forgotten how you first helped me when I started my own blog back in... march? i think. Keep it up ;)
  10. Lol you wish :P 3 weeks without your computer... :-k What'd annoy me the must would be not being able to put new music on my ipod... :x Well if it makes you feel better I lost all my bookmarks, and I had loads of awesome youtube vids with great songs and clips, as well as loads of programs I had install and whatnot. *cough*heph is gonna go live at a cyber cafe*cough*
  11. Grattttttttttssssssssssssssssss sorry I wasn't there :( Great going, congrats on 1600 total too
  12. wtf is kohe doing bidding for a slave :o aww I'd worry about that more than what kohe could do to you^ ;)
  13. Huge update :o I actually read through it yesterday but was in a small break of maths study didn't have time to reply. Loads of dk trips :P Shame for no drops.. try a different ring maybe? What me and kohe used to do was take wealth for 5 trips, fremmy ring for next 5, wealth for next 5... and so on :P Btw what happened with the system update, you teled? Great going overall mate, (how can you say you enjoy agility!*scared*) Keep it up ;)
  14. Oh, and I forgot to say on the last post... I got my computer out :D I feel a bit guilty cause a friend of mine who knows all about computers came over last night and I wasn't even here #-o But ah well, it's all fixed now thanks to him ;) Think it was a virus... didn't lose too much data though
  15. Don't worry thiesje, I'm above getting drunk on weekends. I gets drunk on school days tbh :XD: :XD: Thanks for the posts noodles :P <3 your random posts sjak
  16. It'd be illogical. HP = Health. When you "rest" you regain health/you rest. Prayer I guess is related to having faith or something, so it only regenerates when you bow at an altar and show you support a religion. It's goodin my opinion.
  17. Pretty good update. Helpful and doesn't affect anyone negatively in any way (except for the rule breakers of course).
  18. Lol :P Oh btw et, I still haven't added you in game.. cause tbh I still haven't logged on since... tuesday? not sure :-s Ah well... freaking tests are over and today afternoon was loads of fun torelax after a such sucky week... next week's there's more! lol Then im finally on holidays since tests and works will be over. Going out in about an hour or so, so I'll probably only get to play tomorrow. Have fun guys :P
  19. Welcome to the absolutely-nothing-to-say-just-wanna-chat blog club :D
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