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Everything posted by Abyssalwhip

  1. Yeah um about that, you can't hurt a robber if he has his back to you or that's a crime. If a robber is trespassing and stealing in YOUR house and he hurts himself he can sue, has happened and they have won. I love this country :wall:. And crime would be reduced without guns but not by much, as said there are bats, knives etc, people can also make their own guns. Also, as said guns shouldn't be illegal (too lazy to find the quote) but obtaining one needs to be a hell lot harder. I'm pretty sure it's not that hard to get one with all the drive-by shootings, gang wars etc.
  2. Pay up dude he's apparently Aussie. And redneck is an American term.Hah! How about a low IQ'd poor drunk "lolz i luv 2 shuut tings 4 fun" patriotic moron.
  3. $100 says the OP is a redneck Anyway, yes because look at what guns did for America.
  4. Everyone is racist, whether you want to admit or not there are just certain levels. (probably been said, I didn't read other posts)
  5. :wall: He said that it was a typo, and he gets paid 6.50, which is the New Hampshire minimum I could swear minimum was around $7.15 but whatever.
  6. $5.50? Isn't there something called minimum wage?
  7. He probably had some mental issues, or as said he was just doing something stupid. Also did anyone else think of the story of the kid who killed his dad over Myspace?
  8. This is full of win, banned 70's kids show. ApiPS6GAy_0
  9. Comparing a baby nursing and a grown person eating a meal are two completely different things. That's a horrible comparison if you ask me... My point is its the babys meal just like yours. Do you even read any replies to your posts?
  10. It seems like most of these posts are fake.
  11. K, this is how it's gonna work. We are gonna put you, and everyone else who wants to go along too, on a boat to an island. It is here where you will create your own society, with your own views, since it seems that you can't accept something that is clearly natural. Oh, and I'm sure there will be no sex or reproduction on that island because most females probably share the same viewpoint as Goddess. kthxbai. ------------------------------------------ Because older people need the finest atmosphere to eat? (See what I did there?) That doesn't exactly make sense, a baby is going to give a crap about where it gets fed.
  12. Will you just go DIAF already, you're not even trolling right.
  13. The gay test (I got 16%) http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites ... meter.html
  14. Wouldn't that kind of hurt?' Edit: quote chain beat me to it
  15. Making really short sentances And double spacing them makes me really cool lol seriously Anyway how are they going to know if you spit in their drink anyway. If they're being a [puncture] they deserve it.
  16. Look how should I know you edited a post on another page, look I don't reread posts checking for edits. Also throwing someone out of a restaurant doesn't have to be the solution.
  17. How many times do I need to ask you how it's discrimination?
  18. You got that from the picture "HOMOSEXUALS ARE GAY" in the funny picture thread didn't you.
  19. That I agree with, in restaurants the thing is it gets VERY awkward.
  20. Yes public nudity is illegal, however there is a complete exception for all breastfeeding mothers. Breastfeeding is encouraged everywhere in Australia, including restaurants. Comments like yours are generally frowned upon, not only by Australian women but especially medical staff. If you're from a culture that is against women exposing parts of their body even if in a completely natural state, that's okay they exist. However, bringing your beliefs upon more liberal countries doesn't quite cut the cheese. Just as I wouldn't breast feed or expose large amounts of my flesh in other countries, others shouldn't be coming to such liberal countries and expressing their anger at our norms. I'd have you up for discrimination, want to write that down, date it and sign it? ;) No? How about you go ask that nice restaurant manager over there to do the same, here's a pen. That's like me asking you to wait 30 minutes when you're incapable of feeding yourself and are already starving. If it worried you that much and approached me, I'd be more than happy to wait until after you finished eating. I can't however, guarantee that you'll enjoy a screaming kid while trying to enjoy every bite of your steak though. This is my kid we're talking about, he's going to take after his mummy and have serious lung power. He's going to be heard! 1. If your kid is starving someone needs to be arrested for child abuse so I would hope that isn't the case to begin with. 2. How is that discrimination exactly? 3. Why am I still in this thread anyway
  21. Why are boobs illegal to show in public anyway, I mean it's not a sexual organ or anything.
  22. Please, be a little more full of yourself would you? Just because a man is homosexual doesn't mean hes attracted to every single other man, meaning, he may not be attracted to you... It is alright to hang out with someone who is homosexual, don't worry, its not contagious, and they aren't all attracted to you. :roll: How would you know that? You wouldn't be able to know what a gay person was thinking unless you could read minds in which case you should see a doctor. Get your head out of your [wagon], not every girl is attracted to you, which is your logic (well none are but that's not the point).
  23. Woot kicked from a guild for kicking an officer from a ZA pug for cursing me off/being out dps'd by our MT, got invited back 10mins later with him /gkicked
  24. 1. No, have you ever dealt with a crying baby? They're not gonna wait for anything, especially not for the convenience of some stranger lol. 2. Doesn't sound very sanitary. And why should it really matter if they are not doing it in the bathroom. The kids hungry let it have something to eat. I bet you wouldn't eat in most resturants bathrooms now would you? It's a bit different... I'm sure that 5 month old needs the finest quality of sucking on mommy boobs. (I don't when it comes to other moms :D)
  25. Same here, I don't care about northrend I just want to play a DK and see dalaran.
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