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Everything posted by Abyssalwhip

  1. uh, different shoe on a different day? or with different clothes. uh, waste of money?
  2. Why do people need to have 20 pairs...
  3. You do know we've been hunting mammoths since Fred Flintstone was around right? And I doubt inferiority was on their mind at the time - I'm pretty sure their main concern was getting food. And you said preparation of food means you shouldn't eat it... Then I'd like to see you pick a potato out of the ground and eating it. No washing it either. Seeing I wouldn't eat the skin (dirty part) sure.
  4. Plants are rooted to the ground and eat sunlight and nutrients in water and dirt. For the most part they don't have organs. Plants don't think (No, not even Venus fly traps, they're just that, traps). Plants and such are the furthest things from animals that is still included in the category of "living things." Last time I checked I haven't seen plants feed their children, build homes, or show emotion. I can't believe I even have to retaliate this argument. :wall: Uneducated about this topic. This guy has been vegetarian since 1997 and vegan since 1999, I'd be surprised if he doesn't live until 100. I used to be protein deficient before vegetarianism , but I got my year blood test back a few weeks ago and it's gone up into the OK-High level. On average vegetarians and vegans live significantly longer than meat eaters. Meat is HORRIBLE for the environment. Cows eat around 16 pounds of grain a day, that's a hella lot of grain to grow, just to make 80~ pounds of usable meat for you to eat. Shutting down cow/chicken/pig farming for only year would save more than enough grains and such to seriously affect world hunger. A cow will probably be killed at 3-5 years of growing, meaning 17,088-28,480 pounds of grain consumed, 22,789 pounds being the middle and assuming 100 pounds of meat, that's still 228 pounds of grain for a single pound of meat. All that grain needs space to grow, so they cut down habitats, letting out CO2 by killing trees. (also why I don't support ethanol, but that's a different topic) Yes, sorry that we don't consume that equivalent of an extra 228 pounds of grain per week (assuming you eat 1 pound of meat a week, which is probably a lot less than some of you). That one pound of meat is probably worth at least a month's worth of grain for a block of households. If humans are supposed to eat meat, then we are surely pathetic meat eaters. What real meat-eating animals have to cook their food just so they won't die from it? What natural weapons does a human have to kill animals? You can't even bite through leather. Our "canine" or Incisor teeth are pathetic as well. I have a freaking Maltese and his incisors are longer and sharper than ours. Even horses have these "Canine" teeth = warning-large resolution picture The reason you might see vegetarians that look ill is because a lot of the time girls just do it because they think they'll lose weight and don't know any thing else vegetarian to eat besides cheerios or something. Not vegetarian but not a huge meat eater either, anyway this is so true.
  5. Capitalization is fun, and another reason why grammar is needed: I helped my uncle Jack off a horse. I helped my uncle jack off a horse.
  6. You're so stupid I can't even describe it...
  7. Mhm that works too, just do away with one or the other. C just has more than one sound which can be substituted by other letters.
  8. Not going to bother with pics, but I usually go with gray/black/white (in one) nikes or new balance.
  9. Not quite correct. Theory says that the first organism was a prokariotic unicellular organism. Plant-like features were added much more later on in evolution when the first eukaryotes came up. Supossingly cyanobacteria that had been "devoured" due to endocytosis created the first chloroplasts. But really, the first plant-like cells came up much, much later. I think you quoted it wrong. Anyways it was plant-like. IE; having the tiny-est bit of features that seperates it, which sort of branched off from what I remember though I could be wrong.
  10. Well, the first organism was a plant like cell, which eventually evolved into a very simple organism, which evolved more until it started laying eggs, which kept going on until a chicken popped out of one of them. @above x2, if god created humans, why are some so god damn stupid? no pun intended
  11. And how did this not wake you up? Anyway once on a cruise there were bunk beds, I dreamed I got hit in the head with a metal bat, woke up and found myself on the floor with my head bleeding (was top bunk), rolled off apparently, concussions ftw.
  12. >This is not spam< But what's the point of this letter, any sound it makes can be replaced with another letter, if anything the "CH" sound should just be replaced with "C".
  13. wel its a bit Anoyin wen ppl tak liek dis isnt it
  14. Yeah but creationist believers can just say: "The chicken, ever heard of God?" Well, we have proof in evolution, not god.
  15. Also Robert, will you just PLEASE STFU and stop making yourself look like a moron.
  16. The egg, ever heard of evolution? The chicken came out of the egg of a slightly different species, unnoticeable differences.
  17. Now it all makes sense.
  18. So.. 1. Buy the game 2. Download a patch 3. Play?
  19. Once I gave a rabbit a carrot (never bit me before), about 1 minute later I realized my hand was covered in blood (thought it was water so I just wiped it on my pants), must have bitten me thinking I was part of the carrot.
  20. I finished it a while ago, adult swim (late night cartoon network) has it dubbed on Saturdays also. off topic, spell Yagami backwards.
  21. Death metal is almost as stupid as rap... (almost)
  22. I'm going to make this pencil dissapear *WHAM* tada!!
  23. Yay for tax money going to people "perioding" all over a piece of paper. Oh now that is just not fair. Have you actually seen any of her paintings? While I personally do agree it's disgusting, you clearly either haven't seen the paintings, or are dismissing any potential merit simply because of the medium used to paint with. They show alot of artistic talent and you have no right to disregard that. Well if she's doing this for fame or money, the shock value is certainly working. Good publicity. Issy, I think you're missing the point of the post...
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