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Everything posted by a7xpure

  1. Wow, I'm suprised I didn't see any pictures of me in those stakes >_< Str Pker 313 Ring a bell? We had a few hours worth of staking between each other lol.
  2. "lol" is for ze win because people use it in their sentances without realizing it sometimes. I know I do, it can become a habit when talking to friends d^_^b
  3. You're better off with SilkRoad Online Silkroad.net it's a free download as well..but you can get gold-membership (for 28 days you get double the exp and I think you get some 50M or so coins)
  4. Highest f2p magic bonus is way too low: Elemental Staff Blue Robe Top Blue Wizard Hat Magic Amulet that's all there is..and it's only like...25 something bonus
  5. PC with Chinchompas if you can't do that (because I know you honestly didn't consider than you REALLY can't use everything), Iron knives at fire giants OR Lathas's training grounds (ogres)
  6. Have you smoked for over a year? If you haven't then don't open your mouth about how 'easy' it is to quit. As Spicer said, it's alot harder to stop than most people would think. I'm stuck with the "this is my last pack" routine.
  7. Lol I do the same thing, but I try to make any SENSIBLE (sp?) Naruto term. I have Hyuga and Ichiha Tribe, I wanted clan but they were already taken >_<
  8. no, the mage prayers just increase accuracy
  9. Your body decomposes in the ground
  10. you need 60 range to weild them I believe :-w
  11. In a heartbeat I'd change it to: InaHeartBeat (XD) or Ethernia Bet (My old OLD rsc main)
  12. King of Bandit Jing WAS one of my favorites, but I can't find anymore episodes of it (I've only seen like the first 10 lmao) Naruto doesn't suck ^o^
  13. I was all sad this winter because I couldn't go snowboarding, until christmas when my aunt rented a snow boarding machine for her part-ay! (I mean those things that run on a track that you slide your board on)
  14. If anyone remembers my retirement post (I posted it the day of Christmas I'm pretty sure), I've decided to start playing again (even though it's only been around a week and a half) My friend's list was cleaned off from the hacker, so if anyone wants to drop a HYT, or wants to chat just add Str Pker 313 In-game :P :thumbsup:
  15. Hah..I'm a mental case if you ask me (I realized after looking up all my phobias) Acrophobia - Heights, even though I can climb..very well.. :\ Ophidiophobia - Snakes, I_HATE_SNAKES, I bloody CRY if I see a snake next to me Nyctophobia - Darkness, I'm 15 and I still sleep with my touch-lamp on the dimmest setting XD Coulrophobia - Clowns, My cousin made me watch IT when I was 6..-.- Spheksophobia - Wasps, Got swarmed on my 7th birthday o.O Apiphobia - Bees, I'm allergic to them, like...2 years ago I got stung 4 times in an hour, had to go to the hospital -.- Claustrophobia - Anxiety in small/enclosed areas, I don't really know how to explain it..I've just always hated that cramped/crowded feeling Arachnophobia - Spiders, ~look for snakes ^_^ Xenophobia - Strangers, I was almost stolen (kidnapped) right from my mom's arms when I was 3.. Agoraphobia - Public, Unless I'm with friends I get extreme cases of paranoia Glossophobia - Public Speaking, I break down half of the time.. I also suffer from extreme cases of Paranoia (I think I'm being followed/watched). One time I got such a bad case I was sent home from school and forced to stay home for 3 days :\
  16. I use to play on ragnarok private servers...I quit a few months back though... I still know my pass and such though lol
  17. I noticed I was hitting at 2 different times, instead of hitting both damage at one time.. am I lagging or did they change back?
  18. Lol bullcrap she's not addicted
  19. -Shave head except for ring around a bald spot -dye the ring Blazin' hot pink -Join/start Blazin' hot ping hair ring cult
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