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Everything posted by SupportMage

  1. This topic has taught me just how easily offended you people are. Ugh.
  2. How can numbers and letters stored at the jagex HQ be your friend? :-s Well, I would sell it for 500-700 (thats about 640$-900$). Depends on the person who is buying it. If a RL-Friend would like to have it, I propably would give it to him for free (cause I am kinda bored of RS now, AoG wtf 8-)) The problem is just, all of my RL-Friends that played RS have quit years ago. I hope none of the Jagex-Staff reads this :? Because I role-play, that's how.
  3. What if you wanted to win the goat?
  4. Supportmage isn't a lump of skills in snazzy pants; he's a personality who's been developed over four years. He's my friend, and he's not getting sold for any price.
  5. And here I thought you could see the Shade Catacombs from the Barrows tunnels because they were geographically near each other, like how Taverly and Entrana dungeons occupy nearly the same space if you overlay them on a map. What a fool I am. :|
  6. Have I been posted? I see people HYTing me, but I dunno if they've stuck pictures here though. They should, because I'm playing.
  7. It's been my understanding that 'lol' means laughing out loud. Now going off of this, I would have to say that when people use 'L' they generally mean that they are laughing - although not necessarily out loud. Then you say "haha".
  8. "L support" You cannot abbreviate a three letter abbreviation. Anyone who uses 'L' in place of LOL earns my eternal IRE.
  9. Finally! No more "can someone do the flower trick with me" idiocy! Oh god, I'm happy. =D>
  10. If you want your friends to see your accomplishment, that's great. If they want to see you get it, great too. No sense fussing over a gigantic event,
  11. The slowest monster attack I've encountered is that of the Ghast, one hit of which is just a bit slower than two cracks of a whip or slashes with a scimitar.
  12. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=780428 Will this end soon? Discuss.
  13. Who's up for another picture from Support? [hide=][/hide]
  14. I'm disappointed in how the people ignore the music. It's good stuff! Also... Iban's Staff, because I am so beyond walking to the Underground pass, much less through it from either direction. Arandar, because if I need to go to Tirannwn I can use an elf crystal to teleport to someplace less hostile. Slayer, because I hate it. The Haunted Mine, because of the contrived fungus puzzle. Every time I need to go back to gather a new batch of salve shards I complain the whole way. Brewing. I get it just fine, but having to buy yeast, add water, hops, etc. for something I can achieve to greater effect with other things is dumb. Except Chef's Delight, but I have a barrel of that in my house. Also it's a waste of my precious pieces of eight to buy The Stuff. The vast desert. Only if there is a quest released will I go in. Agility pyramid is dangerous and annoying to do. Theiving, aside from Sorceress' Garden. I honestly can gegt by without plundering people's chests. :twss:
  15. I ignore Dorgesh-Kaan. if I need to go there for some reason, I don't talk to anyone, don't do anything else, just go about my business. I hate it.
  16. That didn't work, I'm afraid. On a related note, I discovered a way to prevent it from having an option to use the back button. by way of opening the game in a new tab. Thanks for your help!
  17. Sort of a general question, but this is bothering me. My new mouse has the buttons that are customizable, usually to page forward and page back. But page back is right next to my thumb, meaning I close during the game more than I should. I can disable this for certain programs, though. Does anyone know the program that Runescape plays on? I know it's Java, but there's a bunch of parts of Java in the folder and I need a specific one.
  18. I did too, heh. Something like "Whites protest use of 'white' crayon; demand rename to flesh". Or something.
  19. My friend said if I were a girl, she'd marry me. What do I say to that? :|
  20. Lol, freshly taken. At 4:30 AM. :D
  21. Public stupidity. Harsh to be illegal, yes, but when someone doesn't answer their phone to hear their own ringtone, or when a parent lets their kid run screaming through a resteraunt, come on. No. Not now, not ever. Plus the law is vague enough that I can make it apply to everyone.
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