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Everything posted by loaf2000

  1. I like really like the water :) you should try to texture the ground, too.
  2. my pixel sig, not sure what i should add or change. I think i'm done for now, unless i get some suggestions.
  3. 5/10 November Rain - Guns N' Roses
  4. Actually i used ms paint. (i dont have photoshop anymore. :()
  5. heres my pixel. Its based off my character ,and has a rough lesser demon. Im going to add a background. I want to know if theres anyhting i should change before i shade it any more. URL=http://imageshack.us][/url] shaded a little, and started a background..... mountains, i'll copy/paste the people over it. heres what i have so far ..... heres the next update... changed demon a little and shaded, added some shading in background.
  6. I figured loaf2000's dot would cover the dragons yellow dot, because he' is riding it, but i wasn't sure. Anyway thanks to everybody above for the compliments and a few c/c. :o
  7. YOu do becaome more evil. Then you are so evil your good. I wish i was a member.
  8. you get ten thousand more cabbages. Inserts an IOU. :)
  9. heres a fake screenshot of a dragon pk'er I made today. \ Edit:changed the line at the inventory, and added a few yellow dots.
  10. Okay, I fixed most of the items and changed some of them. Fixed the numbers too, and removed the nine from the santa. :)
  11. some of the items were old because they were the first pics i found of them. Ill change some if not all.
  12. Theif breaking into the varrock bank. This is my first fake. I spent a few hours today on it. comment if any suggestions or c/c . thanks.
  13. he's blinking way too much, and it doesnt look natural. :shock:
  14. I think the pin for not talking every 10 minutes would get annoying after a while...I guess it would'nt be too bad if it was longer, and if it didnt interupt your woodcutting. It could show a message on the sreen and give you 10 seconds to type in the pin without stopping you from woodcutting. The level of woodcutting should also be a little lower.Other than that I think the woodcutting guild would be a good idea.
  15. The machine starts vibrating violently and the kool-aid guy smashes through the front exclaiming " Oh yeah!! Oh yeah!!" inserts 1gp
  16. You clog the coin slot up with chille cheese fry, nothing comes out. scapes out slot with quarter and inserts 50 cents hopefully....... :pray:
  17. You get your soda but it explodes in your face and it all ends up on the floor. :( inserts monopoly money.
  18. it should be guess the next persons age.
  19. you destroy your ds trying to fit it into that tiny slot. (well...... maybe thats a good thing.) inserts a peso.
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