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Everything posted by NoMoreDead

  1. Hey Vold, I'll be on tomorrow (Thursday) at around 8 P.M. your time, so if you want we can DK...if you're not doing schoolwork :? If not, no worries, we got a weekend coming . I'll hopefully see you on and talk to you tomorrow regaurdless. : --Nomore
  2. Yeah, we definatly do need a suicider. We could do some serious damage there. Let me know what works for you this weekend, if anything at all : ...or perhaps tomorrow after school 8-)
  3. Thanks a lot for the pics Mens :D Next time we go to either of the three, we should be in great shape because we'll understand each of the three monsters a bit better...except KQ : The more we have days like this, the better
  4. My turn next! :D Great loot overall...great for Kohe at least Grats on your first mud Vold. ---Nomore
  5. I'm for it. Combat level only represents your achievements in a select 4 Skills. Total level is all 23 Skills (and soon to be 24 Skills) put together, which really shows how much time you have invested into the game.
  6. I'll guess: A Dark Colored cape (Deep blue, Black, Perhaps even a Dark Green) with an emote of summoning 2 or 3 very high level monsters.
  7. VOLLLD, Grats on 18.5M Def Xp. Climb that ladder! I'm ready to go to the Dk's with ya. I can't stand metal dragons anymore, there are wayyy too many people who take my dragon from me after I've been there for hours training on the same one. They annoy and frustrate me, so I'm going for a change of scenery. Let me know what day/time works best for you, or whatever you want to do :D. ---Nomore
  8. If I had to say stay or go, I'd say stay. Just be limited at times...don't overplay, you know? You've got some more things to accomplish here before you can leave knowing you did everything you wanted to. Satisfaction is the key, I suppose. Whatever you do choose, enjoy it. PS: I also think you should stay because we still need to dk after the holidays :XD: Talk to you soon Vold :D.
  9. I seriously don't get what emo is. I see it referenced throughout this forum and alot in game. Could someone explain this to me? "Emo" which is short for "Emotional" is a genre of music that relates to the writer of the song expressing his or her emotional problems (Girlfriend/Boyfriend issues are common, as well as death of loved ones). Most TRUE Emo bands get their roots from punk, and the songs are therefore moreso agressive and fast-paced than your standard radio music. Emo today has been reduced to a fashion statement by kids who live in suburbs who have their girlfriends dump them and decide to whine about it. Most emo bands appeal to these people in a small percentile. They relate moreso to people who connect with their music...which is just about everyone. This is why the Emo 'trend' has become so popular in the U.S. Most "Emo" kids have no idea where emo music came from (they tend to not care about the roots of the music), and are therefore viewed upon as "posers". Side note: "Emo's" (which are usually people who think their girlfriend dumping them is the end of the world) today are constantly made fun of and stereotyped. The "Cutting your wrists" reference comes from a small percentage of kids who use cut their wrists to relieve stress and aviod emotional pain. Which is why that guys wording was idiotic. How ignorant some kids can be... And about my "Send him a PM back saying "lol, noob"", that was a joke, don't do that, or you're not much better than him. Good luck :D...hope I helped clarify some things...and I REALLY hope this doesn't become an emo-flame-fest.
  10. Rise Against... EMO? What is this world coming to? RA sing more about equality and decency of life as opposed to they typical "emo" music. They are more punk than anything. Always remember that emo music died out in the late 90's anyway. OT: Well, based off of the above, the guy obviously has no idea what he's talking about. He is probably an insecure 14-15 year old kid who has nothing better to do than call people names he has never met or knows nothing about. I'd just send him a PM back saying..."Lol, Noob".
  11. Woot! Grats on 90 Metal hammering Wakka! GL on 99. PS: Grats also on 2150 total!
  12. People who have nothing better to do than argue will ALWAYS find something stupid to argue about. I guess we all will just have to live with it.
  13. 4 D-boots drops=Woot x4. 15.5M mage xp and 18M Def xp...it just blows my mind how quickly you're getting xp Vold :D. Making me jealous with my 3M mage xp. Hopefully you'll get 90 slayer soon...and you can pwn some dark beasts. I'm gonna read up on Dking in the meantime, and hopefully we can go up there sometime soon...when I quit being such a scared no0b. : PS: Merry (late) Christmas! Hope you enjoyed it. --Nomore
  14. Although I may be a bit biased.... I'd say that no matter what, a skill cape is a skill cape. It commands respect. + You've got to start somewhere with the 99's, don't you? Just to remind yourself during the next time you get into a grindfest getting 99 (Mining, smithing, insert other difficult, costly skill here) that hey...remember when I got 99 cooking and I actually cooked 30k+ sharks? That helps a lot.
  15. Excellent outfit! Love the matching trim on the prayer cape and the p-hat. Very expensive, yet very outstanding :D.
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