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Everything posted by hybrid2hell

  1. Thats exactly what im thinking. Waste of forum space, you phail at rants.
  2. Good luck on 99 WC!! Its also my goal, and we are starting around the same place :o If your F2P then add me, we can cut together :)
  3. Just repair barricades in PC for a long time. Then you'll have it at like 60 Combat.
  4. They help PK. =) With 60 def people like mhatma won't touch me...and levelling up my strength to 85+ with pots and prayer will own anyone in my way..so I'm good. :P sure... 99 str 92 attk cant cut through 60 def =) It may, so I'd get my def up to 80, strength up 90, and attack up to 84, I pot for all 3, and we'll see who's better. :lol: He wont fight you'll be like 105+ Combat. Start over, this is a terrible F2P Pker unless you get your str up a ton and do no armor fights. Or just dont pk, because when i figh tpeople like you it makes me want to punch a baby.
  5. Hobo u so fine. Signing off - Ammo931 - Currently owning Hobo in all skills (except for Wc :oops: ) <3
  6. Or he staked/merched/has friends. The 3rd one obviously does not apply to you. Go Poddy! Glad to see your back! Gl on 99 Range When you get around 69 combat DM me in game k?
  7. Range 79 Str 75 Prayer 44 train at flesh crawlers. Ill buy 1k lobs, add Ammo931 in game
  8. Thanks can't go his funeral..school ftl. That's sad... i hope you will be happy anyway. Grats on 80 cooking btw! can you imagine sharks in f2p? Hmm.... :-k The possibilities... Lol yeah... It would be crazy :-k Yep, the p2p'ers would be mad... :uhh: Maybe not... P2p would be able to buy them from f2p too. this includes that the price will go down a lot because there will be a lot more! :ohnoes: Nah, definitely would expect riots. Lol. Engage security guards : Z0|\/|6 1 |_31|< |_0|\|6 QU0735 700!!!one11shifteleven11!!!ninteynine!!! z0mg!!!! ! :ohnoes: hobo is narb :-w i'm going to be very immature and make a very long qoute train even longer. grats on 80 cooking, and good luck getting 600 total Hehe, thanks. hmm i'll keep on posting till hobo gives me money! please? :uhh: I iz on ur computer, quotin ur posts. Btw why wasn't I invited to 80 cooking? dis large quote Gratz on 80 cooking nupple!
  9. Hmm, ill have to think of mine and edit this later. Although i do like yours, Chuck owns :lol:
  10. I do not hate Jagex. They made the game that takes up all my free time on my weekends! Thanks Andrew
  11. Wow lol, if your going to give an untrue rating at least state why. Very nice guide, id add a few more spots (like the one near lumby chickens, around the lake. around 11 willow trees there, no one ever cuts though) 7.5/10
  12. If this is true, nat prices will tank.
  13. Bah, you sir, did not pk me. I attacked you with no lobs and 11 HP left. Now give me my rune pick back :P
  14. Good luck i guess, love the bunny ears and [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] :P
  15. hybrid2hell

    OMG!!! P2p-ers!!!

    Age: 15 Status: F2P (for life) I know how you (and many other) f2pers feel, because i myself am one. Unfortunatly, i find this thread is very stereotypical, saying that all P2P'ers make fun of F2P'ers, which is cjust like saying that all F2P'ers buy RS money and use bots (Completely untrue). When you make threads like this is brings you just as low as the P2P'ers who make fun of F2P'ers. OH MY GOD MOONSHADOW YOUR MY HERO!
  16. Speculation FTL. I am getting so sick of these threads!
  17. Assuming both bounty hunter and the clan wars arena are p2p, then i do not see the end of pking. Also, its not as though clans will only choose to war people, they will probably want to do regular pking at drags and such..
  18. I was shaking when i saw that blue mask in there. Too bad i only got a feather :(
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