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Everything posted by Asmodeous4

  1. Hai, I'm evidence. Nice to meet you.
  2. I'm so nub, my new Woodcutting outfit. You have no idea how long I have wanted Guthix Rune <3:
  3. Wasn't particularly interesting I have to say, I'd go so far as to say boring.
  4. Points? Eh? I used to attend them, before points but since I've been back I haven't really got into them, not to mention I haven't noticed any F2P ones in February. So, not attending any tbh.
  5. I crafted ~130k sapphire necklaces is F2P for 99 crafting. :3 From lower levels you need moreof around 200k-230k sapphire necklaces to achieve 99. However, a few people I have recommended this method recently have moved back to gold amulets as they couldn't be bothered waiting for sapphire necklaces to sell. I myself haven't crafted sapphire necklaces in a long time, but to test it out, I would make a batch of 1000 and see how things are flowing. As of now, gold bars are 108gp and CUT sapphires are 1,746gp. The total cost of supplies is then 1854. Sapphire necklaces are 2,098gp, so for each necklace crafted, we would yield a 244gp profit per necklace, assuming you bought and sold all products at med. However, I crafted mainly before the Mobilizing Armies update, and thus duel rings were not in such a high demand as they are now. I am not sure if they give more profit, but I do know that you will be able to craft less of them in one batch due to higher costing supplies. Also take into account that sapphire necklaces and emerald rings yield the same experience points, and since they both require secondary 'ingredients', they will take the same time to craft. Thus, choosing between the two is a matter of profit vs. accessibility. Sapphire Amulets* ;) And after trying Emerald Rings I have to say that they sell a lot quicker and on mid, sometimes max, price. Sure you can't buy them in as big a batch but I feel that being able to quickly regain your money is useful. It's probably some of the best Crafting experience I've got in F2P.
  6. Can't vote seeing as I'm F2P, but from what I've seen, the Lunar stuff would look nice dyed.
  7. I'm not a homophone; I love watching my girlfriend get off with girls for me. Still think [bleep]s shouldn't be put in men. Thats my belief - Be more tolerant. ;) You better be trolling dude.
  8. Gotta support. Good idea, if only JaGex stalked these forums ;)
  9. Support, I can imgaine accidentally unequipping being extremely annoying.
  10. Good idea, I like it. They have this in Guild Wars and gotta say that sometimes it's nice to see some hair.
  11. Erm, not quite. In fact we are already working out how to make life. I can't quite remember, but scientists have currently found most of the proteins and how to make them etc. etc. But the consequences of being able to create life? Have you read no Sci-Fi? It would be simply disastrous. And we wouldn't learn anyhting new about making life from the metorite anyway I guess. Basing your knowledge around fictional work isn't very creditable.. First off it is a fake world and no one can say for certain what could happen if someday we started "creating life", which is a very broad to begin with since we "create new life" through sexual reproduction. The Sci-Fi thing was a joke, but potentially, being able to create life as we wish it to be, is not a good road to go down in my opinion.
  12. So, on the Help and Advice I was asking about gems etc. and Crafting. So it came to the conclusion that making jewellery is a good moneymaker AND good for crafting experience, it was something I hadn't really thought of before I suppose. So I'm gonna start emerald rings (I found sapphire amulets hard to sell) after I've got my Woodcutting goal of 80. What do you guys do for Crafting? Cow killing? Silver and gold? Or jewellery? And which do you find to be most efficient?
  13. That was an interesting read, you should definitely send that to the Times. I'm not sure if it needs to be cut down but it's worth sending in. Give it a cheesy name like Patience gives Rewards or something like the rest of the articles ^^.
  14. I'm just wondering if anyone else saw Horizon on the BBC the other day. It was on infinity and was absoluely fascinating. If we live in an infinite universe, then anything that is possible is happening infinite times right now. They even worked out how far away you would be from your exact replica although I can't remember the equation and answer. Somehow it is comforting to know that there is so much out there, in fact, infinitely "much". But still disconcerting, because it is still simply mind-boggling. We can't comprehend it. This is of course assuming that the Universe is infinite. ;)
  15. What update hurt me the most...Hmmm. I really can't think, I missed the Wilderness, even though I was never a big PKer. But being F2P for nearly all my RS career, nothing much has affected me. In fact, the F2P updates they do are generally of a high standard in my opinion.
  16. Erm, not quite. In fact we are already working out how to make life. I can't quite remember, but scientists have currently found most of the proteins and how to make them etc. etc. But the consequences of being able to create life? Have you read no Sci-Fi? It would be simply disastrous. And we wouldn't learn anyhting new about making life from the metorite anyway I guess.
  17. Woah, that's pretty darned cool. I can't wait to see the results of this.
  18. Asmodeous4

    Silly fears

    Omg same. But mainly spiders. I hate them so much. My little cousin got a freaking REMOTE CONTROLLED SPIDER for Christmas and brought it to my house. Oh God I nearly died so many times. I hate children.
  19. Wow, so many replies since I last looked. I have to say the emerald ring approach is also intriguing, I'll try it out small scale and see if they seel and how much I like it. Oh and Sonic, I also found that Flesh Crawlers dropped an inordinate amount of gems but I hate the lack of bones. =S Thanks all. :thumbsup:
  20. The article was about PvP minigames. Pest Control is not PvP, therefore it was not mentioned. Anyway, first article was interesting, I do find that some people do just forget that there are people behind the characters, some people just see pixels. It's just sad really. Second article I can't really comment on much, being F2P, but from what I remember (3 years ago), Castle Wars had a sort of "feeling" about it. I don't knwo what it was, it was just so appealing, even though the rewards were terrible. The game itself was just fun.
  21. Oh it is it? Thankyou for enlightening us, now just tell us where you got this from, not including the badly founded reasons you have already said.
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