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Everything posted by Asmodeous4

  1. Asmodeous4


    Had a diptheria, tetanus, polio jab. Nothing else really. Boring day.
  2. I've written out several posts in the edit box on this. I don't really know what to say, kinda happy, kinda sad, kinda angry.
  3. YOU'RE GONNA BE EATEN DANQ! *ahem* Yeah, update looks good. Still waiting for resolution of the strange power though and the new skill...Oh well.
  4. Asmodeous4


    Reading about some of these American news stations is quite worrying and I have to say I'm glad to live in Britain, at least some of the press here isn't ridiculously biased.
  5. Asmodeous4


    Today I couldn't go see my cousins because I had to work. So I sat at home and worked my [wagon] off. AND I'VE [bleep]ING FINISHED THE COURSEWORK THAT'S BEEN ON MY BACK FOR 6 MONTHS! [bleep] YEAH! I need some food now...
  6. Spirited Away. The most surreal film I have ever seen. Ever.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POUXUMVs_vw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uOP8JdJ1d0 Avantasia, only just discovered them. I love 'em. Different singers, great guitars and the songs are just downright awesome. If you like that, listen to The Scarecrow by Avantasia. Long song but by God is it good.
  8. Asmodeous4


    Am I the only one who can see that ninja polar bear right above the panda? No, I saw it before the panda tbh. It's quite weird.
  9. [hide] [/hide]Hah, that is absolutely brilliant. You deserve a cookie.
  10. Hydrogen seems an effective alternative but from the little I know if it, it is very hard to extract from the ground and is extremely expensive.
  11. Asmodeous4

    Once A Pawn

    Dear God, that is a girl? Anyway, yeah band name is good as many have said, good music as well, although not really my sort of thing.
  12. This sounds hilarious, just because I think British accents are hilarious. Do it Jagex! How dare you! I say our accents are extremely cultured, now...Who wants Victoria Sponge and to play croquet on the lawn? Indeed, my good lass! Jolly good show. And I'd prefer a scone myself. Alright, but anyway, nice Q&A, and I'm really relieved to know that the new skill won't be a money-sink. Edit: There's nothing wrong with "theatre". :( Lass.....-.- Anyway, staying on topic. Some of the questions are very interesting, especially the one about whether the new skill will be a money-sink or not. I hope to God not. Something along the lines of Agility or Thieving would be good, a character development skill.
  13. This sounds hilarious, just because I think British accents are hilarious. Do it Jagex! How dare you! I say our accents are extremely cultured, now...Who wants Victoria Sponge and to play croquet on the lawn?
  14. Scandinavians make the best music ^^

  15. It did take effect, on everyone at the same time yet I noticed that I saw a shadow of me as I was lifted up, I think it was supposed to create the sense of you being moved around really fast.
  16. Haah, only just read your comment on my profile. You a Sonata fan then?

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