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Everything posted by mikeg0477

  1. You're missing the point. Playing the game in moderation is fine. There's nothing wrong with a bit of fun. Who decides what "moderation" is for each individual? You?
  2. Anyway, how does playing runescape contribute to society? It's a game lol. Jagex employs how many people? If nobody plays the game, Jagex goes out of buisiness and lays off it's employees. This benefits society how?
  3. You won't learn nothing from runescape that you can't learn in the real world in 10% of the time. Kids generally don't play 18 hours a day (unless you're talking about young adults). And paralyzed people do amazing things. A tifer had a great quote in his sig about this. Edit: Found it "Hilary Lister, A quadriplegic British woman who can move nothing but her head plans to sail solo around the UK. Now, people defend others who play too much RS because they are apparently too ill to do anything else. All I say is that it is a lack of creativity, a bad excuse and I have very little sympathy. (This will offend some but it is my true thoughts)" Wow, Ms Lister must have been very successful to afford a sailboat in which to sail around the UK. However, most quadriplegics can't afford a sailboat. I guess they're just "a waste of life" too...
  4. Do you mean farming? :P Yes, they mean farming.
  5. Yes they can. You cant tell them not to. And they have no reason to listen to you. Well, P2P has no reason to listen to F2P's crap either.... Why bring this argument into this thread? It's been said thousands of times on hundreds of threads. FTP needs achievement capes, 1 boss monster, and limited fletching. In no way would this affect the PTP community.
  6. Very classy. Especially the log burning thing. OT: Great articles this week. Kudos to all involved!
  7. Both articles were quite good this week. Nice jobs all around! =D>
  8. Holy [cabbage] ! Lmao, me too! Lol now i see it. Wow holy crap lol. Good call!
  9. I'm solo dungeoneering on lvl 3, and the fix pulley door is telling me that I need "a crafting level of 102 to do that." Is this a bug?
  10. Two good articles this weeek. Nice Job! :thumbsup:
  11. Ignore all the above info from other posters. I get it, when you disagree with a post, it's ok. People disagree with you, they're posting "negative opinions". Nope, you misinterpret me. =; The reason I considered the opinions of the three who I responded to as "negative" was because of the derisive nature (particularly towards myself) which they took on. -.- My initial thought on the other hand about "ignore all the above", however, was more of a "hold the presses" kind of thought... Further, it was made purely on the statement "money is not an option", which basically meant that the OP ('duckstarr13') needed to avoid the G.E. (AND any gp usage) as completely as possible. Which with how the G.E. is messed up, means that speed really goes out the window if any person (even you, me, someone else, and/or 'duckstarr13') wishes to come out on top of the situation and with a nice package of gp to spare. :huh: I guess I'll have to get started on that 'G.E. Repair Suggestion' which I've been thinking about... I'm apparently not going to be able to hold off until I've finished up everything I'm already handling. <_< ~Mr. D. V. "People really need to stop viewing my words in the worst light..." Devnull (p.s.: You'll notice that the OP, 'duckstarr13', hasn't changed their post as of when I'm typing this. I'm pretty sure they meant what they said about "money is not an option"...) I did misinterpret you, my bad.
  12. Ignore all the above info from other posters. I get it, when you disagree with a post, it's ok. People disagree with you, they're posting "negative opinions". OT: If money is no concern, buy bars, make platebodies.
  13. I just wanted to throw my support behind rune defender.
  14. Two good reads this week. Nice job everyone. =D>
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