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Everything posted by ThruItAll

  1. Because pointless repetition is the surefire way to beat boredom. :< I'm looking for some decent X360 games, with or without Xbox Live, seeing as I haven't got around to hooking it up yet. Just any decent game, don't really care about genre or stuff, I'll have a look at it as long as it's not terribad. Left 4 Dead Fallout 3 NFS: Undercover Street Fighter IV Fear 2: Project Origin (never played it, but heard good things from friends.) Dead Space and of course, my favorite; Gears Of War 2.
  2. Anyone wanna try get Untouchables, Nothing Special, or Do Not Disturb with me? Pm me.
  3. I think you should start your school up again.
  4. Yeah he does BTW I've never seen him make candy canes with pentool D:. I can, but tend to stay away from them. That isnt mine btw.
  5. Me and my friend have one, we only ever lag on gears. Everyone lags on friggin gears.
  6. If you need someone to Wingman with you, Im here.
  7. ThruItAll


    Jopie is just jealous :P I like it, its better than most manips i've seen, disregarding the text.
  8. It's true. You did it legit, I had umm a little help, aka, my co-op partner on casual for 1 act.
  9. Just beat insane, thanks GKnight and Limp. <3 <3
  10. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=SFDxbXNEyMY Parade Of Death - Dynasty Warriors 4 Awesome sounds great when you're mowing down enemies with his twin tonfas. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gDhduRPNh8M Memories - Dynasty Warriors 5 Great again, sad song it seems, but it sounds nice.
  11. Still need a wingman partner!!
  12. V2. Littleboy, try looking around photobuckets for resources. the resource ones lol. to get new c4ds. Thats all my crit. Im a busy boy.
  13. Not on public. I think its due to score on the Horde Leader boards that determines the difficulty. You can choose it on Private XBL.
  14. Shame it's strings are tied to your trachea. TPUM will die from being Rent Victim #172.
  15. Sounds a bit like my scam. "It's a blank disc, create your own game."
  16. Fable II is easy to complete, but you can free play.
  17. Thought it would be fun to post my pics. http://gearsofwar.xbox.com/photogallery ... GTSScope=1 Anyway, I need to finish hardcore (iKiddo aka limpbizkit.) cough cough. Lol. I'm in no rush, Anyone wanna play wingman, GT : LazyCheshmak
  18. To be honest, I actually agree, with the messy, complicated part. Some find messiness, without neg. space appealing. I dont think many are that good, aside from Stilev, whose tag I have fallen in love with. Stilev gmv.
  19. Fable; just the main storyline I think would be good.
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