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Everything posted by Continuum

  1. That's why American hospitals won't just give it away for free, XplsvBam. :wink:
  2. I wasn't saying you have teen angst, I was saying that other members will say that. -.-
  3. Yeah, I think it would be a crime to kill a human clone, but that's not the main emphasis on cloning these days. It's all about cloning organs, not humans. First off, it's expensive and has a high failure rate. Second, it raises a huge ethical problem. Third, by the time it takes to clone you, you might be dead from whatever problem you had by the time the clone grows old enough to "give" you the organ. No, don't worry about cloning humans. It's all about cloning organs. ADD: If it looks like a sheep and acts like a sheep, it's a sheep. Who cares about what it's thinking if we can get human organs from it?
  4. Dog-Sized Monster Toad eats dogs for breakfast.
  5. Unfortunately, pretty much no one on this board is going to give you sympathy, assuming it's teen angst. I'm sorry for you, being thirteen is tough. Unlucky year. If you want to talk, feel free to send me your screen name on AIM or whatever. I'm only about a year older. *shrugs*
  6. I thought about including that, but I decided that everyone knew that already. :P
  7. NeoPets sucks, end of story.
  8. While I seriously doubt that anyone will threaten to kill you because they want you to torture a sheep, whatever. Just note that there's a fine line between necessity and cruelty. Sheep should be injected with pain relievers or something. Plus, they wouldn't thrash around as much...
  9. While Bush is a freaking moron, my response to this is: Less spending on animals, more on fixing the American economy.
  10. Two important characters are dying, not three. Obviously, Snape and Voldemort/Harry. I seriously doubt that this gawky teenager can defeat the immortal Voldemort, even without his horcruxes. Might severly weaken him again enough so that someone else it able to defeat him, I doubt that even Voldemort could tear his soul into another seven pieces for new horocruxes.
  11. Well, hold on now. What situation would require you to torture a sheep? That's just cruel. +Killing other animals for the betterment of makind -Killing other animals for fun
  12. Erm, no, it's set in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century. :P
  13. That's because people are stupid enough to respect inferior species. Mother Nature is nothing but a tool for the advancement of mankind. Well i guess I'm not stupid as i don't respect you... Don't flame, just state your opinions and argue. Insults are merely a fall back for the uneducated or stupid when they're outmatched.
  14. I love how all my most brilliant ideas come from my dreams. I'm working on a book called "O Abram!", which is, in all modesty, a damn good book so far.
  15. Everybody knows helium-3 is going to save us all. Homer Hickam said so.
  16. Continuum


    ...You're an idiot, games_sneak... The United States: Unifying the Middle East and protecting their oil the [developmentally delayed]ED way.
  17. Humans are the dominant species. While we should take steps to care for our fellow mammals and such, if we need organs, we're going to take those organs. So pipe down, all your animal activists and "Playing God" morons, people are dying because they don't have organs. I'd choose to save a human life over a sheep's any day. Advancement of Mankind here! Helloooo!?
  18. Oh, please, spare me. The topic is just repeating itself: The majority rules that you should live life to the fullest, while the minority maintains that life sucks because everything we do means nothing. End of story. We were going to keep at it until we found out you're a liar. -.-
  19. You know the old saying. If wimpy gay hobbits can do it, anyone can.
  20. If you do, let me know if you come across the passage about some little kids pissing Isiah off and then him summoning a bear, who proceeds to rip them apart. I remember reading it once and tried to argue with it in Religion class today. :P
  21. Oh dear, it seems I've been defending a liar. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...
  22. Fail. Phail. Cail. Kail.
  23. Heh, my friend on a different board accumlated 30k posts in a year and a half. The Admin-Overlord of the site has about 12k. >.
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