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Everything posted by Kelpie

  1. It was great! I just hope all of them are like this jagex can't ignore us forever it was very cool to all teleport to lumby at the end
  2. then, probably i shouldn't tell you iw as all a dream after all
  3. i'm sorry??? I live in a so-called "developing country" and i assure fifth-graders practising sex is something to freak aobut here, too! nobody anywhere(except sick people ie pedophiles) want them to do it. DO you really think that "south of the border", you will find that child pregnancy is sen as a blessing? We don't expect people to have kids until they are married and aroun their mid to late twenties... I'm from Argentina, btw, and please will you think before pressing submit?
  4. I read it in about 10 hours counting small breaks for eating and stuff. I hated it at the beggining but then chapter 19 came and I loved it. I would have wished the epilogue to include more characters but it was good anyway
  5. http://www.elmundo.es/traductor is a great translator!
  6. Ever heard of "sujeto eliptico"? for someone that uses u instead of you...you got a big mouth...either is right, but you certainly have showed you got no idea about spanish lol 1- Hablo castellano todo el dia xq soy Argentino 2- Me estaba refiriendo a que el plural de rey es reyes no reys.. Translation: 1- I speak spanish all day long beacause i'm an Argentine( 2- I was referring to the plural of "rey" being "reyes" and not "reys"...
  7. FÃÆÃâÃâïnding Nemo adahh Godzilla deffinitly could have a sequel and i would like to see MIB3 How could anybody stand watching the matrix trilogy? i saw the first one, slept half of the second one and skipped the third one. Also why do so many people like Austin Powers? It's an ok film but it's not that funny...
  8. I dont know if sb else said this, I haven't read the other posts. But seriously u dont know what socialism is!!!! even worse u think invented the word! quick wikipedia search reveals that:"Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that envisage a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community" remember that guy, Marx.. well i think he had sth to do with the concept of socialism :wall: .. I hope u are a little kid and if u are not please tell which planet are u form? deffinetly(sp?) not Earth. Your idea is good, but your ignorance makes me wanna cry. Im uttelry shocked. PS: u meant socialising (Edited to correct quote)
  9. Really.. they are different? I read it when it changes
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