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Everything posted by Great_one

  1. to bad you only gave me 300k so far today :ugeek: maybe i get my share later
  2. he is right, at mummies you actually loose more money. i recently bought red chins for 99 range from 90 myself and i bought 35k witch should get me 99. it cost me about 22m
  3. yes that is what i'm asking, how many burst can i cast an hour and how many charms will i average if i burst
  4. well, i have gone through this portal over 100 times and i did not get this till now, nice little surprise i suppose edit: and yes i am good friends with 2 other great ones but i do not know them irl.
  5. =( that sucks dude. you make my loss look like child's play, i suppose we will just have to make all that back wont we?
  6. thats it? you do realize that means bursting is only ~120 crims/hours. you sure that's right?
  7. the guide is alright but it didn't answer how many charms/casts per hours only said per trip and per 1k
  8. would have been way cooler with a runite ore at the end
  9. i cant wait for the rewards from this quest. we got the magic secutars and fairy rings from the last one
  10. well as the title reads i would like to know all there is to know about bursting rock lobs. how many casts an hour? how much exp per/hour and per cast? how many charms per hour? per cast(average)? what should i take? what is the best spot to use? what is the cost per cast? per hour? my mage level is currently 86 btw. with all quests done.
  11. bump, i now have 99 range banked but will be waiting till they nerf 26k-ing to use the red chins for it.
  12. why don't they do what normal poor people do then and steal food, that imo is not nearly as bad as goldfarming. because with goldfarming you affect a lot more people around the world and the profit is also not given completely to the workers. they are both illegal and one is technically less bad so to speak, so i'm all for those workers stealing food to support themselves if they are that hungry.
  13. Yeah, but it also ruins a huge part of pking..rematches. I like to prove to the person who killed me that he just got lucky, and I would have to wait four hours before I could do this again... This isn't a simple fix...if it was, Jagex would have fixed it by now make it so the one that was killed could attack the killer. but the killer would then only get another drop if the guy that was killed was risking 75k, then that would be the last of the drops for them for the time limit.
  14. easiest way to nerf the 26k trick. make it so if you kill the same person within a certain time(hours, probably 4 hours) then you will get no drop after the first kill. Problem mostly solved.
  15. if they are fully developed why are they still opening up coal burring power stations and coal mines all over the place. and why is Mcdonalds still expanding at a much faster rate than in the US. if they are developed this assumes that they are already done developing and are simply expanding with the population, witch they are not. China is still trying to catch up to it's population unlike Europe or the US.
  16. [/hide] I was mainly arguing the fact that he said the chinese government refuses to use new innovations in technology, which I know is false. Edit:I just looked it up on wikipedia. The people's Republic of China(the communist one) has the 2nd largest budget for R&D(Research and Development).... what about that big state project they got going(i dont remember if it was a bridge or a tunnel) but all i know is that it will be record breaking. they have thousands of people digging foundations by hand bucket by bucket, they dont buy machinery because what they already have is labor.
  17. have you watched the documentary "peoples republic of socialism"? because if you have you would understand what im talking about. and i watched that video, tell me what i made up that that goes against? I can't watch the video now, as I'm at work and youtube is blocked, however the head of my department at my university(who is from China) always talks about how the US has to compete with the Chinese in terms of becoming a technological power. I've never been over there myself, but he makes it seem like they have more advanced technology then we do. (btw, I'm going to trust a credible primary sources as opposed to some documentary) goodluck finding it on youtube meaning it is a documentary by Ted Koppel and is actually available for purchase and was featured on the discovery channel. It is the first look at the modern China, the first American documentary that was allowed by the government to be shot there. And i'm talking about the general population btw, do you think all of those over a billion ppl have office jobs? But it is your choice to trust a worldly accredited source or your head of department .
  18. have you watched the documentary "peoples republic of socialism"? because if you have you would understand what im talking about. and i watched that video, tell me what i made up that that goes against?
  19. Is that sarcasm? I hope it is. Because if it wasn't, that's pretty heartless. there is really no reason to be worried about the Chinese peoples' jobs. unlike in the united states or the uk the Chinese government chooses not to use new innovations in technology. That is what is causing the job loss in america(and foreign cheap labor and taxes and osha etc etc). when a machine bought and maintained for the salary of 1 worker can do the job of 10, people are going to be out of work. in China they just take all of their unemployed and use them in giant state protects as manual labor.
  20. *is finally exited for something Jagex has planned to do*
  21. just remember before you go praising Jagex. they said it would be released in December, that was said in november. they then postponed it due to bugs. this means that they have been working only on bugs for over six(6) months now. if this game has any bugs im headed to Jagex castle and stabbing someone.
  22. it's called real world trading. it is not only unfair but also actually costs Jagex money even if 200k autoers are paying $5 a month
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