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Everything posted by Great_one

  1. they are actually doing rather well. why spend $60 on a xbox game for one week when you can buy a month worth of play for $6
  2. bought the red chins for 99 range at 23m, i traded them in seriously hours before they crashed due to a gut feeling and traded them in for regs.
  3. my swiftkit uploader for the pictures is currently not working for some reason. but i do have tin and copper finished(to my knowledge) for the spots that you will be teleported.
  4. i find that sometimes getting super fast exp itself is the enjoyable part
  5. i'm going to rob that bank tonight while you sleep after nolifing all that ma
  6. well my sk uploader isn't working atm so i'll just tell the story. A few leeks ago i decide to buy 99 range in red chins, i got 35k of them for just under 23m. i still haven't used them and last night i had a hunch to sell them for regulars because i wasn't in the mood to have to spend the extra 6m. so last night while i cant sleep i get up at 3am and sell them all, i got 28.8m for them at 822gp each. sweet i made 5.8m profit(inflation buffer really). but i still questioned if it was the right move or not. so today i went on and i tried to sell the last chin i had in the bank, this one only sold when i put it at min price of 777gp each. moral of the story? trust your gut
  7. kinda makes you wonder why there are 2 large swamps divided only by desert, were they once connected?
  8. Theres some glitches with the notepad right now where it won't save if you write something after being logged in for more than 15 minutes. The developers are working to fix this soon though. Quick find code: 15-16-931-59141765 On another note I haven't found any new ones yet. I tried the names of some of the developers of the notes feature but no luck. :| damn it! i just checked and yes it does erase them. i had 15 different notes including starting exp's to track the 3 hours of killing i did for kills :wall: also tracked the amount of herbs and gem drops i was getting. i normally write this stuff on paper but now i get my time wasted because jagex cant get something even sk got right. ugh
  9. thats almost the kind of bank i love seeing. i hate it when people have just huge piles of cash(even though thats what i do) i would rather see giant piles of materials. =D>
  10. i would buy 99 range: 27m 99 prayer: 100m 80 con: 8m 96 summoning: almost the rest
  11. untrimmed str cape. just because most people that are wearing them are d-bag 12 year olds with 78 atk 54 def and their highest skill 32 cooking.
  12. as said before it is a drop chance not a drop rate. i personally have killed 3.2k irons with not even one dragon drop.
  13. oh, reds are being merched? i thought it was just the inflation. ether way i have 99 range banked in them
  14. for god sake ppl, take it to pm's this is the image thread, not the discus fsm's wannabe mods thread. unspam
  15. i was thinking about that. seems pretty iffy as to whether or not it works. anything that i could attack back though and be as fast or faster?
  16. well as the seeds are now over 290k i want to degrade my crystal shield that i never use, what is the fastest way to do so?
  17. nice im rank 194 almost got that my self =D commander is 200+ rank The color variance between 100 and 200 seems low... :| I think I got them in my picture out of order... -.- Someone correct me please. I imagine it goes: Sergeant, Commander, War-Chief then Lord Marshal. @Metoo Post reward pictures as soon as you get 300! Okay, yeah, I am slightly confused. Rank 300 is the fourth floor then? So we're navy - green - bluish green - ???? Wait! If you start out at Junior Cadet then you can never rank-up to the Lord Marshal prefix? This is confusing... there are 4 upper floors. 1 basement. the highest rank is 400+ btw this post is 1337
  18. bad rewards? okay w/e i will wear my oynx ring with pride and +6 in all stats. not to mention my tool that i can use to tele to rune rocks. that will come in handy too. and also who is to say how good the soils get at the highest level
  19. well it now seems that if you are winning in rescue that as soon as you get above 20 you get teamed by 2 or more ppl. they don't rescue any, oh no, they just steal all of yours along with the other team. it is quite pathetic that in order to win you have to wait 5 minutes to start actually playing or else you will end up 20 min later with 2 units and an empty loader.
  20. let me guess. you hate slayer too right? i mean something that you have to put some time into to get great rewards in the end is lame right? :roll:
  21. anyone try whatever that floaty spell was. the one ron used on the troll in the first book?
  22. conflict: my 3rd favorite. it is mostly a stall fest but i found that just realizing that it will take super long to win and just playing to maximize your reward, and also your fun. i usualy attack first. 6/10 seige: 2nd favorite, it is alot of clicking but it is better than the camp fest on conflict hoard: least favorite. i really just dont like this one... it is mindless everyone just runs to the mines and waits rescue: MY FAVORITE, i love this one. this will be the one that keeps me coming back. it is so involved and actually fun to play. well fun unless you are at 24 then get teamed by 2 of the people. it isn't fun when you have 10 distractions in a row and 20 units stealing from you. it will get you back to square 1 rather fast.
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