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Everything posted by Obtaurian

  1. Definitely Zarfot and Zezima. And more personally, Sxq Power (tip.iter) had tons of MHing videos years ago that really inspired me to want to max combat. He's basically the reason I've been working towards that for so many years.
  2. Fixed skype. I uninstalled and re-DL'd. Also, new DGS banner is up. It's randomly generated. Who's mad.
  3. Skype is crashing whenever I open it again. Probably means I'll lose all of my contacts. Gonna try to fix it.
  4. The trivia has been updated, but will be edited to include example GIFs very shortly. :thumbup:
  5. Eyebeam is now a wingtranny. This is way, way overdue. :thumbup:
  6. Haha thanks for the laugh :lol: Do you seriously think he's wrong? xpx made a joke and All_Is_Great laughed at the joke. i thought it was funny, too
  7. I don't think that's necessarily true. The Ancient and I discussed this once, but I won't argue about it. I don't have any data.
  8. Yeah, you basically NEED a high-accuracy slash weapon in dungeoneering. If we had more binds, a primal maul wouldn't be a bad idea at 120, but as it stands, no.
  9. Rare, as soon as Michael gets online we'll turn the second post of the thread into the trivia archive. I'll also add a "last updated" tag. :thumbup: As far as the monster blocking guide, though, I feel like too much of the information is outdated. It might get people confused. If Tui's up to it, she can probably make a short guide. We don't want to release too much guide-like material, though, as we're working on a massive dungeoneering guide/database as it is. This guide will also include combat mechanics (originally The Ancient was supposed to write a combat mechanics guide, but he's too busy these days). I appreciate the suggestions. :thumbup: EDIT: The first line of the first post now states the date of the last update. This should make it easy to decide whether or not you want to read the guidelines again that day. ;) On second thought, I should probably just put it in the sub-title. D'oh. Added it to the subtitle.
  10. jesus involves into god at level 36 :] he also learns hyper beam when he evolves. :]
  11. Like I said before, everyone has a couple weeks to collect tokens before we start going nazi-elitist-efficiency-clown on everyone. No one will be exempt from the rules, as previously stated. You have plenty of leeway to get your stuff back and upgrade your ring appropriately, but no one gets special treatment beyond that. Admittedly, buying sneakerpeepers is a noble cause.
  12. No-one will be exempt from the rules. Sorry, Brandon.
  13. Yeah, I really wish it just said the tier when you moved your cursor over the ring, like "Ring of kinship (berserker t10)". I trust the vast majority of DGSers to upgrade their rings accordingly. If there's ever any doubt you can request a screenshot, which I know some keyers have done before. I would probably do this for people who try to use the clan chat who clearly have not read the guidelines. It's a hassle, but whatever. We'll make due. EDIT: But as previously mentioned, everyone will have a couple weeks before I start going all nazi-efficiency-clown on the chat.
  14. Oops, forgot to clarify that we obviously don't expect everyone to magically have the tokens. Just upgrade when you can. :thumbup:
  15. when you ggs do you cause little hitsplats to appear on monsters near you???
  16. Ring tier guidelines have been updated. Previously the required tier per level was very arbitrary and didn't account for secondary rings, so we've rectified that and made it much more complicated for you! YAY! But seriously, the idea is that you'll be spending about 25% of your tokens on rings to maximize your offense while still being reasonable. So without further adieu, here are the new guidelines: For the vast majority of you, there should be very little (if any) difference. Love, Jimi / Obt EDIT: Obviously not everyone is going to have the tokens right away, so just upgrade as soon as you can.
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