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Everything posted by powerent

  1. What can I say? People keep blowing up, suddenly respawning at the place where they died, and I'm not yet mentioned. I guess I'm off to the deep north, past registered game area. I've come into a place where people can control the elements and could kill me if they wanted, and if I didn't have Saradomin's sword. This place exists without any blood or gore, just complete people who can die, but don't die. It's called the land of Null and Void (if anybody recognizes that, Null and Void is the tune from the Void Knight's Outpost). No combat levels, and I've come to find an orb of complete power, the Orb Of Guthix. It would balance the world and the fight between Saradomin and Zamorak would be over. Enjoy trying to put your usual style into what I made, muahahahahaha!
  2. I'm getting confused between who is saying what about who, and I'm just here because the forums are nice and I have almost nothing better to do with my time. As long as nobody comes to kill me, I think I'll be fine. And I don't think I'd be leaking a secret that should be so well-kept that someone would murder to keep it quiet.
  3. The Day After Tomorrow You, me, and Dupree...(are) The Benchwarmers...(who are) ...Prisoners of Azkaban (that stopped) Guarding Tess..(who will either) Live free or die hard...(in) a series of unfortunate events (because of) The forty year old virgin(aka) lil' nicky (are)Big Daddy('s) Bad Boys...(at) The Sandlot
  4. Oh, still. I'm 12 too. But eviler......
  5. Don't worry: you offended me horribly. Why does the newbie get picked on? :cry: sorry, I'm gonna get more manuscripts into here when I'm not so lazy. I just wish people were nicer, cause then I wouldn't have to kill them... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: The killing part is all a lie, I'm just weird. And awesome. Edit: I'm not a "fine example of the male species," but rather just an example of the male species. Call me a geek, I don't care. I'm following in my dad's footsteps, "picked last for P.E. class, but first for the geography bees."
  6. What, you say I'm 12? Where'd you get THAT info? Even though you are correct, and I'm going into 7th grade, with 8th grade skill level of everything except math, which is at a 9th grade level. And I want to be a professional author, hopefully before I become *cough cough* stupid *cough cough*...erm, I mean, an adult. Why I'm leaking these secrets I have no idea at all, besides that it's fun and people notice me for being smart, not short.
  7. I wanna be in the story, hiding among the bookshelves, trying to find some of my own work, and seeing who else is next to it. I'd be wearing a santa hat (I don't own one in RuneScape, but oh well), a black sweatshirt, and sweatpants. My face is pale and my cheeks red from the cold. I'd sit down into one of the many chairs to start one of Archimage's books, and he would notice and say hello. Something like that, it doesn't have to be exactly like what I wrote. And don't change the verb tense in each sentence, I'm just lazy.
  8. It's beginning to have a clearer plot, assuming the crest is the "mighty fine piece of rubbish" mentioned in the first chapter. And only once I pressed submit on the thing did I realize I called the piece rubbish, sorry about that. That was a joke there...I think. Oops. :oops:
  9. Instead of "leaving" you wrote "leavening". And AWESOME, Zaros made life by blowing stuff up! I wanna blow stuff up! :twisted:
  10. Hey, what about Zaros, the guy from the "digsite" quest?
  11. Please, spell "Zamorak" correctly. You spell it "Zamorack", but the way I said it earlier in quotations is correct. It's not much, I'm just exploding from noticing it.
  12. "Three is the number to count, and the number to count is three. A counting of four is not allowed, nor is a counting of two. Five seconds is too great a counting."--Paraphrase from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the "holy hand grenade" I just felt the need to quote Monty python right about now, that's why I said it. Don't even listen to the critics if you don't want to, just remember that they sometimes have advice that would help greatly. We have our opinions on someone's piece of work, other people have theirs. "You can please some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time, but NEVER all of the people all the time."--"Abraham Lincoln. Listen to Honest Abe (or at least that quote) and you'll be fine in the varrock library. Best regards, and keep writing, Powerent
  13. Hey! Me vs. Snake, I'll get destroyed. Still, I want a few characters for the good guys, on powerent's side. These are random names, ones I completely made up. Name:Zhunger (pronounced zhun-ger) Level: 68 Wears: Full Adamant with a rune dagger, poisoned with regular weapon poison Story: Met powerent early on, and they were good friends, helping each other out. Now he comes to his friend's aid at his time of need, and he'll stay to the death (or a few thousand) Name: Plunger Level: 40 Wears: Plunger on his head, steel platelegs, black platebody, and the plunger is a weapon, and he also has a mithril shield Story: Tried to scam powerent once, and got killed in the duel arena for it. He's stuck by powerent, hiding in the shadows, until now. Plunger and all, he'll fight for his life, before running away. His lesson was taught, and he gave back all items he scammed, and payed nearly double. He's an honest fellow, but will run away from a fight that seems hopeless. DON'T KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!! (multiple times, that is)
  14. Well, I had one story which I saw would never go far and I just lost the motivation for. It's either at the bottom of the first page, or into the second, I don't know. "Never take anything as a given" should be an unofficial rule here, except for the fact that this is a forum area for writing.
  15. More detail is advised, and using a thesaurus would help to find words or phrases to replace a few "unfortunately"-ies and some "due-to"s. I would use things like "to the king's regret" for "unfortunately" and "as a result of" for "due to". I've read the first two books of A Song of Ice and Fire myself, and they have some pretty gory detail, and too much detail in the sex scenes, and yes, there are some in the books. Keep writing, and follow what Archimage and I say, and you'll go far. That makes us sound like a team, which we aren't.
  16. Pretty good, I have to say. Creepy in a small part, with good detail and a sufficient amount of info to keep a reader interested. Keep writing, cause "Either that's a mighty fine piece of rubbish, or the fish are trying to sell us something!"
  17. Yay Archimage_a has finally mentioned me and agreed! :wink: Not like that's rare, he just said my name! :mrgreen: I guess I have semi-taken his position as all-powerful story critic when I arrived at the forums, so this is happiness. What? Nobody's cheering? :uhh: Umm...
  18. Creepy, and good references to Hazeel and other various supporters of Zamorak (I almost put Voldemort there) around the runescape world. It's a bit too hazy to understand most of the plot unless you've done a large amounts of quests around Gielnor (Gielnor is, for those who don't know, the actual world in which runescape resides). Is there going to be more?
  19. What's with the accidents "involving mainly spoons"? :shock: How much "Monsters Inc." have you been watching?
  20. W00tness! Thanks tons, and I actually have decent grammar.
  21. It has meaning...almost too much meaning for the varrock library, but that doesn't stop the readers. I'm telling you, it's powerful. The skill that you write with is almost phenomenal, and it would be good to see a lighter story from you. It doesn't have to be comedy, just make it nicer than this one. I repeat: good story, now write more before I SET SOMETHING ON FIRE!!! :-w
  22. Make me throw up again, and I'll kill you. :evil:
  23. Good thing runescape isn't real, or any person who had ears would kill themselves when they heard "J00 g0t PWN3D!"
  24. "You're the worst pirate I've ever heard of!" "That might be true, but you HAVE heard of me." AND "It's not the liars you have to watch out for, it's the honest ones." Don't even guess, unless you want to have no challenge. They easy.
  25. Cows started to scoff. The farmer shot the cows.
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