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Everything posted by Craiglowery

  1. ZOMG!!! It's not only blacks that get the scholarships, its also hispanics and american indians that get a chance too, they just dont put a box to check. But I do think its based on race, and how many more of high school graduates that go on to college are white.
  2. I used to sleepwalk alot when I was 8. I would wake up in different rooms and even one time I woke up on the patio in a chair swing. I even used to pee in the trash can instead of the toilet when I was sleepwalking. It was weird.
  3. Yes I love to read online news articles because sadly the news that most people watch and/or read doesnt inform them of what's really going on in the world today. Does it bother you that much to where you have to send me a pm asking me if the only reason I post topics is for attention? Please if you dont like the topics that I post then dont bother reading them. And cyco, thank you for not being bothered by my topics. Man so many people have beef with me posting topics.
  4. "There was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but people who have to deal with black employees find this not true" -Dr. James Watson, Nobel Prize Winner http://news.independent.co.uk/sci_tech/ ... 067222.ece Old people never cease to amaze me. But what if they really found proof of genetic differences in racial intelligence? Would this change the way all races are treated? Naturally, racism usually depends on skin color, ethnicity, religion, etc, but could intelligence level be added to this criteria? Also, check out what this guy had to say about racial intelligence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Philipp ... d_his_work :XD: So what are your thoughts on this topic?
  5. The new flash based Portal should be added. Its so good.
  6. Not necessarily aliens but some form of life may be out there.
  7. Look at my magic: http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseacti ... d=19453986 I do free magic shows too!
  8. I know that the kids from Little People, Big World play. And I also heard a rumor that Curt Schilling plays. I know that he plays WoW and Everquest, but im not to sure about RS. Miley Cyrus supposedly plays too.
  9. What happened to the Runescape page?
  10. Any fans? I saw him live a couple months ago and it was one of the greatest shows ive ever been to. Discuss moz and all his greatness.
  11. Don't take any chances. I would try to report the guy if you can.
  12. Craig Lowery is this kid that I go to school with and his name is always being said so I thought I might make it my rs and tip it username.
  13. Damn your black heart bloodredsword!!! I dont know if this has been posted before but its pretty funny:
  14. Whats the scariest place you've ever been to? Well, my aunt lives across the street from a cemetary and in the middle of her house she has a courtyard, and in this courtyard is a chair-swing. One night when I went to use the bathroom, something was in the chair swinging it. I was freaked out and slept with the lights on all night. Another place is 3 years ago we were at campground near the beach but to get to the beach you have to pass a wooded area. Its ok to pass through in the day but at nighttime its pitch black and there are mountain lions that pass through there. One night, me and my cousins were walking through all the paths of the wooded area we could find and as we were walking we found a bed of newspapers with tons of womens clothes scattered everywhere. So we think nothing of it and continue walking. Later the same night, some guy keeps following us and he has his flashlight directly on us. As we get back to the campsite, he leaves and we tell the family of our findings. The next day, we were waking up and tons of police and CSI were on the path to the beach. I asked what happened and they said someone was murdered along the same path we were on the previous night. Im too freaked out to even walk alone on that path, so whenever I go through I have to have at least 3 people with me to feel somewhat safe. So, where's the scariest place you've ever been to?
  15. My clothing style is normal. I usually wear a tshirt from any of my friends bands or a polo shirt, jeans or jean shorts, and a hat. I cant go anywhere without a hat. My music style is punk/hardcore/grindcore/thrash. My attitude is usually somewhat anarchisty but always open minded. So I guess I fall into the category of punk.
  16. Another reason why I am not a fan of security. Something needs to be done about that guard, and I hope he gets what he deserves.
  17. I stopped after question #3. All I know is that global warming is bad and I should do something about it.
  18. Anything wierd happen at your school? Well yesterday we got an announcement that we were on lockdown. No big deal, right? Well a second announcement came up and the lady who was announcing was crying and saying it was very serious and that we should lock the doors, close the blinds, bring anyone and everyone on campus inside, and hide under the desks. We were on lockdown for around 30 min when a teacher came to give us the ok to get up and resume class. I asked what happened and he said that there was a Paintball shootout 10 miles away. Not really wierd but a total over reaction. There is also this freshman kid who for some reason loves to pole dance. He does it at least once a week, and he does it for no reason. Theres even a video if you want to see it. It may not be suitable for children. [hide] [/hide] So, do any wierd things happen at your school?
  19. Craiglowery

    SAW IV!

    Ive only seen saw and saw 2 but Im gonna rent all three before I watch this one. I cant wait!
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