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Everything posted by Craiglowery

  1. I wouldnt worry about it. I really never talk to my parents about my social life, I just tell them stuff that they need to know or stuff I feel like telling. But I like to invite my friends over cause my family is really cool with my friends and most of my buddies like my family(or at least I hope).
  2. Fred Left. Now I wasn't much a fan of them but it saddened me to hear that he left :cry: Best of luck to Fred and the band.
  3. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/10/ ... 2443.shtml I think that lady deserves some of the cash for her honesty. If that were me I would have probably taken some of it. So if you found it, would you turn it in?
  4. Ehh... Its ok. Anyone could've done that. But it does make the song somewhat more intresting.
  5. I caught some people having intercourse in an abandoned building and I threw a water bottle at them and the guy ran after me and my friends naked. It was really scary cause I was trapped in between a furious naked man and a 10ft fence and had no way of escaping.
  6. Anyone dig The Nigh[bleep]chman? At first I had a hard time getting used to Tom singing but the album is so good. I really hope he sticks with this project too.
  7. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be? I would have: A bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats A burrito from this mexican restaurant near where I live A Fatburger. What would your last meal be? Here's a list of some last meal requests if your intrested: http://web.archive.org/web/200310011904 ... lmeals.htm
  8. Insect Warfare- World Extermination LP If your into grindcore you should check them out.
  9. I highly doubt that you have even the slightest case of OCD. I think you have some sort of germ anxiety or phobia but you should probably get it checked out if you think its becoming serious.
  10. It was so good! I learned so many new phrases tonight!
  11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21097673/ What the hell? Ill give these idiots something to hug. Your thoughts?
  12. Just be happy with who you are and hope your parents come to accept it.
  13. I was a hot wheels kid. I used to play with those hours on end. I even had a travel case for my favorite hot wheels. I would take it everywhere I went.
  14. Ive already been invited to 2 costume parties but I havent dressed up since I was 12 so I gotta start looking for one.
  15. 24, 3, and 1. Maybe that will work?
  16. Anyone here ever meet a famous person? Well one time I met Dharma from the show "Dharma and Greg." My mom asked for a picture with her and I had no idea why until she showed me the show. The show sucked. I also get to meet AFI whenever they come play a show near me. Always good times. And Joey Porter(Miami Dolphins Defensive Lineman) used to live next door to my uncle and during the offseason he would come over and hang out. He taught me how to play beer pong and quarters :D . But if I could meet anyone in the world it probably be any member of RATM or Emma Watson. She's pretty =P~ So discuss your encounters with famous people or people who you want to meet. Go!
  17. http://www.radiohead.com/deadairspace/ W00T!!! Discuss Radiohead if you like.
  18. Studying with music is better.
  19. Just take the call and be done with it. Theres really nothing you can do about it so just accept it and get on with the game.
  20. Any fans? I remember seeing someone with some of the lyrics to Know Your Enemy in their sig. That was pretty cool. Discuss!
  21. Anyone here ever been pressured into trying drugs, beer, or tobacco if you were underage? Any tips on how to say no for good? Well this kid at school is always asking me if I want to get "high" with him. I tell him no but this kid wont stop. Ive tried telling him no, walking away, ditching him but nothing works. Im thinking of ratting him out to the school or parents but he says if I do he will "stab" me(he is a supposed gang member). What should I do? Should I keep telling him no? should I snitch on him and risk getting stabbed? Im all out of options. Give me advice or discuss other times when you have been pressured into trying something that you dont want to.
  22. This is not something to lie about. Man she has no respect for any of the victims, victims families, and most importantly herself. I hope she gets what she deserves.
  23. The stupidest but funniest quotes ive read were by 2 guys I played baseball with last year. One was "If peein in your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis" from Billy Madison, and "A hippopotamus is a really cool opotamus." So use one of those.
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