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Everything posted by Craiglowery

  1. Why didnt he have anyone track him along the way? Man if I was traveling around the world, I would want someone tracking me just in case I get lost.
  2. Anyone have any stories behind why you picked your rsn? Well I always wanted to use my name as an rsn but I didnt want to use my real name, so I used a kid's name that I go to school with. He was a jerk to me when he found out I used to play rs(Craiglowery is my 2nd account) so the next day I made a new account with his name as an rsn. Any stories on yours?
  3. Umm I dont think any religion class is graded on your views of religion, I mean dont you guys use a textbook? I would think thats where most of the questions come from, right? In my world religions class, a majority of the questions on a test come from the book but sometimes she may throw some questions about our own views of a religion or something like that, but thats just filler. Nothing to worry about if you think you might put the wrong answer.
  4. If your into real punk check out Loser Life. Awesome hardcore punk, plus their really cool dudes. myspace.com/loserlife And if your into grindcore/death metal check out Insect Warfare myspace.com/insectwarfare
  5. Gratz on the job! :thumbsup: Man I wish I had a job at 13.
  6. All I know about WWE is that it turned to crap after Steve Austin left.
  7. Seers village for sure. I cut yews alot so thats my homebase. Plus coal trucks not too far away when im making steel bars.
  8. Post anything that made you laugh whether it be a joke, picture, or a saying but please make it within the guidelines. Ill start. I just couldn't stop laughing after I saw this pic. Whoever photoshopped this is a genius.
  9. This reminds me of PE last year: I made the horrible mistake of taking the locker closest to the air vent. Some sophmore(I was a freshman at the time) wanted it but I took it before him so a couple of days later while I was in my towel getting ready to shower, he yanked my towel off me then threw me in the gym where all the girls were at the time then he locked me out. So I was nude in front of tons of girls I didnt even know and I was the one who almost got kicked out of school for exposing myself. A couple months later the same terd would bring a lighter then he would spray the axe then make a flamethrower of some sort. He even set someones shirt on fire!
  10. Man that sucks. You should confront the guy who you may have think did it and make him pay up.
  11. Well getting on topic, I dont like too much of today's rap music. But in the 80's and early 90's rap was good.NWA will always be my favorite rap group. In other words, YAY for NWA!
  12. I have a teacher who is always trying to be a hero and its really annoying. She walks around always telling people to pick up trash, telling assigning people to pick up trash, telling people to buy hybrid vehicles, doesnt listen to others opinions when we have a conflict with her, and when she teaches, she ventures off into her own world eventually talking to herself in off topic subjects. She is really annoying about how we need to save the world and goes on telling us that america is nothing but fat people and that mcdonalds needs to be burned down for good. I dont think I can stand her anymore.
  13. Enjoy yourself. High school will be the time of your life and as long as you stay out of other peoples ways, you'll be fine.
  14. Those drawings were legendary.
  15. Tell him he is a mooch. If he calls you a bad friend, then maybe you guys shouldnt be friends.
  16. Well this thread is about horrible decisions that you have made that have affected your rs career greatly. Well when I first started playing rs, I found a guy who was buying all iron ore for 40gp each. It sounded like an awesome deal at the time so I told him I can be his perm seller. I mined and sold to him maybe 10k+ for him by the time I found out that iron ore goes for 90-100gp each. Horrible decision on my part for not price checking at the time. What is your worst decision ever made?
  17. Woah for a second I thought this was about the Tag Body Spray #-o Banned from tag. Totally lame.
  18. Craiglowery


    The greatest game show ever. Anyone else fans of the show?
  19. I thought the movie was ok but nothing will ever live up to the original. 123
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