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Everything posted by Craiglowery

  1. http://www.last.fm/user/privatepat69 Just joined yesterday. Check it out!!!
  2. Awesome find. Never expected to find anything like this in Google Earth.
  3. No offense, but it seems like you boast alot about how good of a student you are. To answer your question, I have been researching the fall of communism in Russia for my world history class. Its going well. And congratz on your accomplishments.
  4. 1. Usually any song by Moz is depressing 2. I usually keep my house around 78 degrees
  5. Hunter Revenge Very simple yet very creative. The song is great too!!! Check it out!
  6. Sounds like any other speakers you had in the car must have went out, or wires somewhere disconnected. Just take it to a stereo specialist and have him check it out.
  7. A man in a black suit randomly comes up to you and hands you a heavy briefcase and proceeds to walk away. You open the case and you find 1 million dollars in it. What do you do with it? I would first buy a new guitar then buy a new car then put the rest away for me and anyone in my family that chooses to go to college. Go!
  8. When I went to visit my uncle in Austrailia, he let me try some and I hated it, but he loves the stuff. The name should be enough to tell you that it is horrible.
  9. http://www.engadget.com/2006/02/10/so-t ... -ipod-eh/3 It looks pretty cool and I heard it will also have a phone and internet also. Discuss.
  10. What are your favorite movies? Mine are Back to the Future parts 1, 2, and 3, Taxi Driver, Saving Private Ryan, Platoon, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and Pulp Fiction. Go!
  11. Cexcells took awhile for me to accept and its still growing on me but I still prefer AFI Your an ignorant terd.
  12. I love paintball, but man I hate some of the teams I get placed on at the local paintball arena. Worst injury was I was in a snake and some jerk on my team comes up and unloads around 10-15 balls on me from maybe 3 feet away. Airsoft is pretty fun too. Im trying to find places to play but its way harder than finding a place to play paintball. Paintball Gun: 2005 Eclipse Ego Airsoft Gun: Some type of gas gun from my local shop
  13. Dont you have anything better to do than waste your life on wondering if you really exist?
  14. I enjoy listening to vinyl when Im at home plus I love collecting vinyl also. But for going out somewhere I always bring my mp3 player its much more handy and compact than a cd player
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070819/ap_ ... le_rowling
  16. I dont think that homework is ever a bad idea. It is meant to keep your mind up to date with the material your learning. Everyone needs to go to different schools. Can you imagine if everyone in your town went to the same school? All hell would break loose. If your parents force you to go to college they either care about you or can't wait to get rid of you. Either way, college is never a bad decision. Going to college to party? Who the hell would waste all that money on tuition just to party? Those people are idiots. Or you can avoid all of these things you mentioned and just drop out of school.
  17. The intro to the Bad Brains song Big Takeover is probably my favorite intro of all time.
  18. http://www.apple.com/imac/ I want one.
  19. ill give u 6 for free if u mssg me in game
  20. I hear everyone talking about rock crabs and how trainning on them is good xp. Whats so good about them?
  21. Has anyone seen this vid? Well I thought it was the funniest thing ive seen in awhile. I do love his voice. He looks like Gerald from Hey Arnold but without the huge afro. Well if you havent seen it, here it is.
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