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Everything posted by Furah

  1. Furah


    Anyone else got any ideas? Converting the dollar bill into a coin? Perhaps even altering some alcohol/driving laws? What law-altering-worthy things do kids take interest in these days?
  2. Furah


    So I managed to, barely, survive living with my friend for a month. Last day we were at each others throats a few times. He flipped his shit because I was at my computer and didn't take my plate to the sink the exact moment I finished eating. I waited until I was going to get up anyway, to get a drink and go to the toilet, and he said I was a very unclean person and unhygienic. I wish I could talk to his doctor to get him tested for OCD. I was wondering where you went off to. I do that all the time. I also hear sounds.
  3. Furah


    At least you're voluntarily taking water. I hope you're taking this as well as you're making it seem you are. My god I don't know how I could handle something like that. We're here for you if you need anything. Really, you should also thank scientists for how much work they've been putting in to making HIV into something that is much more manageable and, hopefully very soon, curable!
  4. Furah


    Yay Serpy! Sitting here procrastinating from cleaning out the kitty litter box because it smells so horrid. It's something I'm not going to miss when I get home.
  5. Furah


    If you learn the breathing form that didgeridoo players use, but in reverse, you can basically just have the NO2 just leave your body before it can do much.
  6. Furah


    As some of you might know, I can't remember whether or not I've told you guys, I'm at a friend's house for the month. Early morning and he's yet to wake up and two of the three cats keep going at each other and it's annoying me because I can't let them out till they have been fed.
  7. Furah


    Why weren't you elsewhere, dealing drugs or something since all the cops were clearly begging for dinner.
  8. Furah


    Once again, it seems, that I won't be able to visit my girlfriend at her place. Her mum doesn't want me over any more. Doubt it will last long though as her mum is just [bleep]ing because my girlfriend is earning too much for her to get money back for money she spent on my girlfriend while she was still in school.
  9. Furah


    Yay! Steam on Linux is just around the corner. Soon enough I won't need Windows!
  10. Yeah, good thing you didn't hang up. Why is the boyfriend in gaol anyway?
  11. Confession: I'm only ticklish if I'm turned on. My girlfriend finds it really amusing.
  12. Furah


    Eh, ANZAC day has never really held much significance for me. Then again, neither has any holiday.
  13. Furah


    Don't they need your email acc to change the email associated?
  14. Furah


    How did you achieve that? I hate how I can only deactivate it and re-activating is easier than that. http://www.groovypost.com/howto/security/permanently-delete-your-facebook-profile-account/
  15. Furah


    Finally have broken free, my facebook account has been deleted! Not deactivated, but full-on deleted.
  16. Furah


    It's mah birthday today. :D I am now 20 and can finally say what I've wanted to for a number of years now: [bleep] teenagers.* *Excluding the ones in this forum and a few select others.
  17. Furah


    Anybody miss me? He does, and I get depressed whenever I get reminded of the fact that I have no job, and that I'll probably never get to work doing what I love again. Any good crustacean names? The only one I can think of to name my crab is Citizen Snips Lord Hammerclaw the Third.
  18. Furah


    My mom always gives me a shitload of chocolate. I'm so not complaining :thumbup: What I do find funny is how people NEVER go to church.. then suddenly on Christmas and Easter it's absolutely packed. I feel like.. if you think it's important to attend church at all you should go as often as you can, not just twice a year. idk. It always seemed silly to me. As if people are hoping that by attending on the 'important' days they'll be 'safe' and fulfill their obligations to their religion or something. Lucky, I didn't get anything this year, although we did go out because my mum didn't feel like cooking. My youngest sister mentioned how we didn't get chocolates this year and I, jokingly, said how disappointed I was to wake up and not find any chocolate. My other sister asked me why I celebrated the holiday (she's Christian.) My response of "it's a pagan celebration so you shouldn't be the one celebrating it" shut her up pretty quickly. Then I had to explain to my family that Easter is really the pagan celebration of spring, and Christmas is the Winter Solstice. It got difficult to explain once they pointed out that Easter is in Autumn here, and Christmas is in Summer.
  19. i do have an idea what to build. but the thing is this is going to be a gift for my bday. i'd rather ask for a prebuilt desktop than ask for money for parts. Most sites let you make a wishlist where you could put the parts up and people buy it for you for your birthday.
  20. Furah


    Had a pretty good farewell for a mate who is shipping off to the army on Monday. It was a night of vodka, a single cigar, and scotch whiskey. Not cheap scotch either, but Blue Label. It's a shame that he's leaving as he is an excellent host, and it seems his whole family are great at hospitality as they made us all breakfast in the morning. They didn't give a reason for why they suddenly they're not allowed?
  21. I'm fine with the internet being lawless, I understand that any given moment I could come across something that should probably offend me. Arizona has had to change its mind due to being flamed over it.
  22. Furah


    I feel like you've skipped a major component in the story.
  23. Try talking to Nadril if he still floats around here, a few years ago he managed to come up with a build for under $400 that could play most games at decent settings.
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