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Everything posted by Lacoste

  1. Slayer will be the preferred way.
  2. Yes, just be sure to use a set of black armour for getting tokens, as you might have trouble with anything stronger.
  3. Well, do you meet the requirements? (its okay if they go over)
  4. Possible, but suggested to get minimum 75, 80 will be best. And you might want to get your prayer to at least 60, if not 70.
  5. Well, can anyone explain/show some quick ways to level farming, I want to use it as an income method, so I'm assuming i only need 32 for rannars to start making some income, will that be a good way to get money and farming exp? If there is a faster way which involves no income, I'm fine with that as well. I am currently level 20, and am farming tarromin..... 8-) And for the mini game where you can enchant your Salve ammy, is it difficult? Would rune and strait 90s in melees w/ 70 prayer suffice? What exactly will I be doing? Thanks =D
  6. Sorry if this doesn't help you, but the fighter torso is garbage, dont bother getting it, there are many things that outshine it, and it has few use. But that's just my opinion.
  7. Yes, its worth it, you can kill greens for fast bones, then sell hides to buy more bones.
  8. That's how I get money :wall: And yes, money is happiness, I don't know about all you other people.... I can't understand how money can't buy me happiness, anyone care to explain? Money in the bank won't make me happy? But spending millions of dollars on like oak planks to get 99 con, is supposed to make someone happy, who wants to do more work.
  9. I guess this would work, but honestly don't bother....
  10. Farming rannars, while doing other stuff....
  11. Clearly you don't have alot of experience in monster hunting : I think your doing fine at that amount of kills.
  12. http://www.runescape.com/kbase/viewarti ... cle_id=815 Seriously..... :wall: :wall: :wall:
  13. Kill green dragons assuming your ptp, then tan them, then craft d hide bodies.
  14. Again, have you read any updates/rants at all? To answer your question, yes, it does effect too.
  15. Blood's post's always bring a smile to my face :D
  16. -.- Ptp? Ftp? Budget? Currently training at?
  17. Zombie Monkeys. Everything your looking for.
  18. If cannoning, do the ice trolls, you should be able to break even I think with the shield drops, as for melee, death plateau is decent I guess.
  19. I think so, be sure to bring a familiar that can attack, which will increace exp per hour, since it might be a bit lower with your stats to most people.
  20. Are you sure the knowledge base didn't help at all? In ftp, you cant get your gravestone to last very long, if you want to change yours talk to the priest/father in the church in lumby, and for a small fee he will change it. When someone dies, no one else can see the loot, but if the player returns before the gravestone collapses, they can reclaim they're items.
  21. For mining, either granite quarry or iron in yannille using kyatt. :thumbsup:
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