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Everything posted by Lacoste

  1. Being caught in the janitors closet with Ms. Wolfe \
  2. Christianity isn't the biggest religion right now, its either Muslim, or Hinduism. Atheism is becoming very well accepted....
  3. ahahaha gooooood stuff.
  4. Torso, I think you have enough defence without it.
  5. If you can find a teleport that gets you close to a bank, and find a decent way to kill them fast, I don't see why not. For gp per hour, go kill as many as you can, then multiply the amount by the cost of a horn.
  6. Camp at dusties, until you get 68 summoning, then try out waterfiends, or do that now, if you have unlocked it, and have 80+ melee stats.
  7. Thank you very much both of you! I was planning on staying at dusties, but I was wondering if it would take a while to get to 68. It seems so far from where I am now :wall:
  8. Is it worth going to waterfiends without a familiar, I mean I only have 30 something summoning, and I plan on camping at waterfiends for a solid amount of charms. Or should I wait until I get a higher summoning level some other way? My stats I think are fine, 87 attack and defence and 95 strength, and I will be using karils and zammy spear. If it is worth it, what is the inventory look like. And what quest thingy do I have to do before I can go down the whirlpool. Thanks :
  9. The fact is though, you only got to the level 90 rangers, which isn't to far in. All of your levels prohibit you from succeeding.
  10. Check the archive of wisdom. Or start picking flax and spinning it, then sell it.
  11. Shame such a great man like him isn't taken. :lol:
  12. Your posts make my day. :D I used to think that they were, until I saw someone playing at an apple store, the guy was barely 7, and was awfully small. So I think its safe to say they they can be on either side of the scale.
  13. Unfortunatly your stats wont allow you to get an awesome amount of exp, so until you hit the 80s, stick with slayer, because you wont be getting any faster exp, unless you go to yaks, experiments, or bandits. Once you do get to the 80s. Go to the zombie monkeys, or armored zombies for amazing exp.
  14. That's overkill. Use bronze knives, 35-45k xp/h do darts have the same effect or no? Just use knives, don't know about the darts, try it out and see.
  15. Yes but only if you like it, if you don't, then stop, for future reference, post questions in help and advice. Dont stop at 90, the day jagex releases a new monster, you will be right in the game....
  16. 79 range will do just fine, just dont expect to get it on your first run, watch vids, and check out muggi's guide.
  17. BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAH. This thread has made me laugh, in the darkest of my times, THANK YOU. Other than that, good job hemen, I cant really say more than that. I dont like numbers. :
  18. Yes, available to all.
  19. Its going to take you hours. I would assume 2-3 if you have 0 experience.
  20. That or the spiders, if you take to much damage, stick to fleshies, until you have like 70 or 80 def. And yes the body runes can add up to quite alot
  21. Stick to dust devils, you werent having any problems, and you got a chain, were those reasons for you to stop training there? :lol: The exp is 40-60k I think, and you get decent loot and charms, so that's a a plus.
  22. Unfortunatly he already has 99 herblore. Plant the best thing you can, if you want to make profit, make sure to to rannars at 32. You will have to get into the groove of planting, doing something else for a certain amount of time, then coming back, and getting your plants, re-planting, etc, be sure to do trees as soon as you can. Marigolds, right now can make you alot of money, but I'm sure your not concerened about making money. So erm... just plant.
  23. I use prayer on all of my tasks,and instead of a glory/stole change, im using verac skirt and prossy top, Piety usually lasts all through my tasks ( I bring prayer potions or a SGS). You should pray for all melee-able tasks. Stole glory thingy, Try veracs and prossy, chivalry is enough that you wont need to use any other boosting prayers. Ofocurse our stats vary so I don't know if you can sacrifice melee defence with prayer boosting for certain tasks.
  24. You are doing the best you can for training range with a profit.
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