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Everything posted by Lacoste

  1. Fire cape > Skill cape, in terms of a str bonus that is.
  2. Your best bet would be finding a 110+ Pc clan, I dont think you can join one, but thats the fastest points, exp will be decent. Just stick the the 100+ on a pc world is your best bet.
  3. You have to get past a certain point, don't know which, but you don't need to finish it.
  4. People will say training combat by power training is bad because apparently your losing out on slayer experience? Frankly, I just want the levels fast.
  5. Who wants to alch????? Combat mage > other forms of training mage.
  6. Well there is no reason to impose your beliefs onto others is there? To answer the question, power mine granite, and mine rune, sorry I cant give any time approximations :cry:
  7. I'm training to get a white cape, I'm an idiot because I care to look a certain way? I could care less about plus or minus ranged bonus... some people like the capes themselves, apparently not you.
  8. Rune heraldic armour, I think that's what it is.
  9. In my time in ftp, its always the same levels asking the same questions, "wats ur str lvl?" what you dont realize is that in ftp, the general age is very low, and all the kids really care about are how high you can hit, you go with a rune scimmy and hit an 18, people go ballistic..... people see that and then have more of a drive to train their strength level, and the cycle continues....No little kid enjoys training skills other than maybe woodcutting, they dont have any understanding that RS is not all about being able to kill the guy you are training beside, they are always trying to be better than the guy beside them.
  10. Best Thread Ever, a much better change then the common speak of price changes etc, sorry I didnt get a chance to go into depth about what I read, just wanted to say that I like it very much. :thumbsup:
  11. WRONG! The grand exchange just made it a tad more difficult for most people to merchant, some merchanters thought the grand exchange made it easier for them to merchant.
  12. No one is going to tell you "good" things to merchant. And with 200k, you wont be getting anywhere....
  13. Well, there's the question, im not a huge business person, but i like what the black berry offers with the click able screen making it easier to text, but the iphone is downright appealing and user friendly... I also want to be able to use the phone for music and other random applications. Should I wait until the storm comes out ( I live in Canada) and if anyone knows, apparently it is coming out on Friday November 21st, if it is that soon, I will wait, but if its coming out in months i might not wait. Which one would you get and why? Thanks alot, if you have any other ideas, they would be greatly appreciated as well.
  14. Getting it on ftp, is not an anymore of an accomplishment then ptp, you just trained slower.
  15. Didn't take, more of a chance he dropped them in the party room or something...
  16. You must be looking at the wrong sig.
  17. Canon balls are very slow, I say you do blast furnace....
  18. Nah, half of those accounts are inactive, useless, and are below the combat level of 50.
  19. If you are getting desert lizards as a task, you aren't using the right slayer master.
  20. I still have lvl 1 mining, so I need to get a min lvl of 30 mining also??? 1-20 would be building the best thing you can The ores, can be bought. I think you will need coal.
  21. Go to the summoning icon (wolf) then click dismiss.
  22. No shield needed, just use mage pray Dont know about what familiar.... Take 4-6 prayer pots.
  23. You could do alot of things, but why range, reffering to Campbell, did you get 99 strength for nothing?
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