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Everything posted by Lacoste

  1. Verac's, erm, if you dont have the pendant, all of the avainsies will attack you all at once, which means you will die faster, defeating the purpose of tanking, when you have the pendant, you can focus on one at a time, and not get pounded by like 5 at once.
  2. Ptp, Ftp? Erm, the mines of something, forget the name....starts with an A, if ftp, the crafting guild.
  3. If your new to members, I think you should focus on skills that wont lose you that much money, eg. summoning or construction, but that's just me.... Just make the highest thing you can until oak larders, then do that I think..
  4. Dark beasts, Dags, Kalphites, Black demons, erm things like that....you have the right idea :
  5. I dont understand what you are trying to say/show/explain.
  6. Regarding the slayer ring, is it as easy as buying one? Or do I have to complete the number of tasks needed to make 1.
  7. I was just wondering if the mini game was hard, and what kind of armour/level req, will suffice, and should I make a few more regular salve ammy's so when I go to enchant them I can get them all done, I hear they are a pain to get back.
  8. Aviansies, train with them until 85 range, then spend the money you get from them to chin the last 5 levels.
  9. Get woodcutting to 70, and chop yews, get hunter to 63 and hunt chins.
  10. There is no guaranteed level, I knew someone who went from 97-99 mage and lost like 10mil.
  11. I've posted it once, and will do it again. I hated every minute of training, but I said, ''Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'' Muhammad Ali
  12. Why/how would we have anymore knowledge than you? Has Jagex told specific people here? :P
  13. Nope, no way to contact them, your stuck, although it would be nice if they heard your plea.
  14. If you dont do any hardcore monster fighting, why are you considering buying armour.
  15. I hated every minute of training, but I said, ''Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'' Muhammad Ali
  16. Get the flail version of the rod of ivandis, cooler than the sara flag...
  17. Aviansies, shouldnt take longer than a week... atleast it didnt for me.
  18. Well, if you ever in your whole RS career, want to train it, it would be better to have alot of crimsons than golds. Just saying, and the chance of a d chain never hurt.
  19. Fire giants, or get slayer to 65, and camp at dusties... then you will be able to train summoning with the charms you have from after slaying.
  20. If you were ptp, I would say yes, but money does not come to easy from ftp runecrafting, atleast from my view, its still a useful skill to train though, use air runes, with the gloves from fog.
  21. Meh, wasn't like you were going to kill anything... :
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