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Everything posted by Raee

  1. Congrats on the magic levels, I did amulets to 94 too. Just going to leave this here. :shades: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/2509/110317020945.png
  2. I got on irc when there was 5 minutes left, didn't bother coming! :rolleyes: Gj PH
  3. I will continue to flame assuming I have no planned fights within two days of that war.
  4. Poison, I hate teams. Nexus or White Skillers
  5. Oh great, the "tip it is too severe" story again. How original. If there's one thing I don't think anybody can complain about it's about the mods their looseness imho. Please give examples of what you say, I'll give examples of why you can't complain: 1. This topic got locked (http://forum.tip.it/topic/288420-is-tip-it-dead-or-not/) for a good reason. It was a useless topic, so no need to keep it open. 2. This topic is handeled very loose imho. (http://forum.tip.it/topic/287474-please-welcome-our-newest-cl/ ) Its a congratz topic, but yet again some cowboys find it necessary to start baiting and whining about stuff going on or not going on at tip it CD, instead of putting some effort in making a decent well typed out topic to discuss it. Only Danny decided to do that, but of some of the others I am yet to see a suggestion about how we can help out. Please find me examples of too severe moderation? I'm honestly interested. Do you want a RSCommunity scenario (with all due respect) where everybody can act like a moron (well, I'm afraid it's the best some can do) and just support the decline in quality clans have to suffer the last years? I sure don't. Do you want an RSC scenario where more than 5 posts are made a day on the clan discussion part of the forums? Ever since Tip.it was surpassed by RSC in activity they've defaulted on the "RSC may be more active but we have the better/more mature community" excuse, and while it may have been true at some point, it sure isn't now.
  6. Grats Eternity, guess this is what WG meant when they declined my offer for a skill war because they are "focused on pvp atm".
  7. Some logs, I have plenty more if anyone is interested. -Bolded the important part. I have yet to receive and email/reason and probably would never have been unbanned if I hadn't bugged Quickdraw 5 days later. Shame they never saved any of the topics either, the majority were actually "legitimate". Some pretty lulzy stuff here [12/17/10] - Quickdrawjoe finally removing my indefinite ban and giving me a 2 week ban instead. No reason why, but I was somewhat happy because I would be unbanned like 2 weeks before Danny! Peter being useless/telling me that clan staff isn't doing what they are meant to be doing as well [12/22/10]
  8. ^ +1. Contact Raee, Not_Random or Pan on swiftirc if interested. #Nexus Edit: They only wont accept oh well.
  9. Well either it wasn't permanently or it was a small temp ban, but I appreciate your snarkiness nonetheless. Staff always give reasons when asked, so forgive me for saying that's a crock of [cabbage] you're trying to pass off as fact. And even if they didn't in some miraculous and twisted parralel universe, then when they appealed even with "Why was I banned etc etc" they would have it thoroughly explained to them by an admin. Well you wouldn't get a reason for why Danny was banned, but if you asked a staff member about your own ban you would of got an answer. Quite curious as to who you talked to, even, because your recap of the situation seems...faulty. In regards to the irc mute, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't asking in public repeatedly and then your friends took up the chant, which would've given an IRC moderator no choice but to take action as they had. And, mind you, you don't need to be unbanned from a channel to private message anyone online in IRC; you could've pm'ed the person who supposedly muted and kicked you even. I don't like when people multiquote and break things up, much more annoying to make a response for me :|. I never said I asked why Danny was banned, but simply that he didn't know himself. And if I remember correctly Danny got a month ban for... Nothing? I guess you could consider that a "small temp ban". Staff didn't give reasons when I asked, and like I said the only response I got was "that wont get you unbanned", I never got an email either and when I asked about that they said they were "too busy" and would "get to it eventually". Still never received that email either! The people who did so was everyone that was halfop+ in #clans at the time, and I'll post logs if you really want them, but then again I can already see you calling them fake or something. It's funny because the staff here never admits to any wrongdoing, it's always someone else's fault or problem. And obviously by the look of things in this forum, they are clearly never wrong!
  10. Being funny != acting like at idiot. Look at Danny; I'd say he's probably one of the funnier members of Tip.it's clan community and he's still around. And most importantly, he isn't an idiot nor does he act like one. I have to wonder if any of those people who were banned at the time even bothered to appeal it or talk to the staff about why they were banned; of a surety they would not have been banned unless they made a monumental [bleep]-up or had a large history. Already said this in my last post but I'd love to restate it again for you. Danny was actually banned in the mass ban, so I don't think your first argument works that well. In terms of the second point, the staff didn't give reasons (Which are actually required but whatever) and left most people with indefinite bans, and I think it would be kind of hard to write an appeal when they don't even tell you what you've done wrong. And yes, people like Danny and I did talk to staff, once they wanted to listen, only to get our bans shortened to 3-4 weeks, even though I never got an explanation why I even needed a three week ban or what it was for. The funniest thing for me is the fact that Danny got banned, he talked to staff, he never actually did anything wrong, and yet his ban was longer than mine :thumbsup:
  11. How do you know they didn't, or at least on an individual basis? Because they refused to talk to us in IRC about deleting the topics, set the channel on mute and even kicked people. I wasn't able to talk to any mods until hrs after the situation in which I was already banned. Yes this was actually quite funny because I asked them for a reason for my indefinite ban which is required and the only response I got was "that wont get you unbanned". After another week I continued to try and contact the staff to which I finally found someone (I think Quickdrawjoe?) who reduced my ban to two or three weeks. Danny, as well as everyone else in Downfall, was in the same situtation and most didn't get unbanned for at least a month? Things like that turn clans from wanting to revive tip it and bring back the activity to calling tip it dead, and I don't blame them. Edit: lol'd at Kimberly's response to Pan seeing as she was one of the mods on irc at the time of the ban who "set the channel on mute and even kicked people". I have never been contacted in any form by any staff and I'm sure others can attest to that as well.
  12. I think it's clan leaders like Pan Nx that have the ability to make clan discussion improve because they are the ones who have influence over their members(duh?). I remember Downfall used to be quite active here and then until that mass ban which I thought was handled quite poorly by the staff. Before the ban I remember leaders not caring/enjoying posting topics here, but after the ban the only time Tip.it is mentioned is when they say "lol tip.it is dead". Judging from the past few posts and Das's attitude towards Pan it doesn't seem like Pan is exactly loved here either, so I'm not surprised he doesn't exactly encourage his clan posting in clan discussion even though a sizeable portion do post on other parts of the board. But hey what do I know, clearly staff knows best eh.
  13. http://www.pure-warfare.com/forums/
  14. Bought red for 1.7b a few days ago, could have used the extra cash. :wall:
  15. I could post that I would bless their grave if they were nice. Honestly though, every time I remember someone dying pre-2007 I would just loot their stuff :< Glad it's coming back, feels like it brings a little more risk into the game which has been lost over the years.
  16. Most Respected Clan: Nexus :thumbup:
  17. Was fun, I made some cash :)
  18. Raee


    Thats a neat banner, grats.
  19. Top 10 is all propaganda, Gj to those that looted some rune though.
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