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Everything posted by jsboutin2

  1. Wow! 4th kill!?!? I must have killed 200-300 of those and I never got anything...
  2. Went to Edgeville, then GE, Then around Varrock, then Seer's up to miscellania then Burthorpe to the Rogues' Den. Great sights...Especially the dock in Miscellania! The water and the boat looked great.
  3. It looks friggin' awesome IMO. But I think the Rogue's Den has too much shadows.
  4. That'S incredibly impressing...Congrats!
  5. That'S not balance...balance would be the balance between your responsabities and your desires... For me, it would be saradomin, because it would be nice to eliminate evil from the world. (I don't like his methods though,,,)
  6. I think the whole idea of this topic is stupid. Everywhere, everytime, the advantaged people (in this case, the rich people) are, well, advantaged. That's called Natural Selection. In this case, it isn't a real advantage, it's "aesthetical comfort".
  7. Nice achievement! 10M/10M, I enjoy runecraft myself and I can't wait to the day when I'll hit 10M xp.
  8. If some random idiot wants to pay 600$ for some pixels, I don't see how it affects me... But I'm glad they removed it because someone could take a real advantage out of RWT. A blue phat isn't an advantage, it's a status symbol.
  9. Because a good friend of mine introduced me to it.
  10. I like humans because theyh have the best cities and rule the world.
  11. I only get rubbish stuff lately... But I continue to do them in hope for some great 3rd ages items.
  12. It would help me for some things...Like cooking or pure skilling. You lose a lot of time answering other people.
  13. I saw a famous JMod once in Edgeville, I think it was Paul but it was a long time ago so I can't be sure... Also saw lover Romeo, no.1 in agility.
  14. Good read, but I find the Tip.It times to be more and more ranting... Can't you talk about nice things too?
  15. Well I'd say attack, because it'll speed up the training of strenght or defense. Well... it's just my opinion (and I think it's shared by many other people).
  16. Maples don't have any use in construction...They only are used for fm and fletch.
  17. 1 million of lvls 3 couldn't kill 1 lvl 138... They wouldn't be able to hit anything except 0s... 10,000 macroers would take 10,000 hits to kill. Even if they only hit one every 1000 hits that them hiting 10 every time the level 138 kills one, equal damage. They might have 1/10000 chace to hit, but once dead, they can't revive, but the lvl 138 regenerates. If he summons a steel Titan, it's even worse for the macros. It's like having a goblin attacking Jad...
  18. I realized it was a "special" day when I was going to bed... Had a nice day though...
  19. 1 million of lvls 3 couldn't kill 1 lvl 138... They wouldn't be able to hit anything except 0s...
  20. I'd go to every NPC that gave you these items to try and have them back. But if they gave a warning, it must have meant something... Edit:Didn't see the message about the new answer...sorry.
  21. F all the way... We (members) would own with all our potions, whips, godswords, god spells, dark bows, food, summons, etc. And there might be 9 million F2Ps, but how many are mains? And how many still play? Less than 1M, I'd say...
  22. Uh, Mechanical? You know, robots, futuristic. It's an attempt to describe an entire game in a prefix. That means it can't be a sequel to RS2... :wall:
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