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Everything posted by starev91

  1. I would go to the dag kings if they hadn't ownt me yesterday :P I'm not going into the wildy with a bunch of strangers, which leaves the kq, which ownt me the day before :P So I guess I'll have to give this a miss :)
  2. Specials I like: Magic shortbow, Excalibur, Dragon Long, Dragon Scimmy, Dragon dagger (all varieties), Dragon battleaxe, dragon 2h, granite maul Specials I dislike: Mace, Whip, Rune claws, magic longbow If they arn't listed I dont dislike or like them, which means I use them, but not as often as the ones I like.
  3. Hardly risking it :P I've made 10k nats through the abyss and only had to teleport away twice (I use ecto when I'm in danger :P). Just wear good mage defense and it could hardly be considered a "risk" :)
  4. 10 more slayer before I can really critique your guide, but I think salve -should- work against them if jagex stays along with it's norm, and since you "hardly take any damage", why not have -more- pray pots and less food? :) You could also wear something with good mage defense if your praying against melee :) Just some thoughts, although I know veracs has a nice prayer bonus-you could use an initiate helm and white knight boots for a better prayer bonus :) Whip shouldn't do too badly against them, it would make up for it's weaknesses comparative with speed :) So maybe bring battle, weild whip, battle spec, restore, super attack, wield whip, and attack enemy :)
  5. The wildy one looks fun ;P I wonder how much exp is a "generous" amount however.... if it takes an hour to do and only gives me 10k exp, I'd rather do boring old training.... Pest control looks awesome.... a good place to test out new weapons against monsters, the way I use fight pits and castle wars for pvp :)
  6. I wouldnt mind being something or other around. Maybe a ringwraith-I've got ghostly and could probubly afford whatever weapon they use (maybe I could be the leader one with a flail? It's the highest barrows weapon I can afford off the supplies I have right now, although that might change). Or I could be a random soldier or other. Just nothing with armour from the white knights :P
  7. You have to do to a certain point if you want to be able to use the bank. Other then that, no.
  8. If you had the general store manager will sell you one back for 3k :) Can you explain what you are talking about? If you lost/sold your gadderhammer, go to the burgon de rott (or however it's spelled) general store-The manager of it (forget his name) will sell it back to you for 3k. Oh, and yea, I've been trying this out. I think that the shade level has an effect on the bonus, as I hit a 28 unpotted on riyl shades, but didnt hit that on phrin. No I don't think the type of shade effects the bonus, I am still able to hit 30's on fiyr shades To be more exact, I think that the bonus is more potent on the high leveled shades. It doesnt seem to do much against loar shades, but it's noticable against riyl.
  9. What's sad is that most abyss pkers can't even pk right... I was crafting once (I wear one of the -best- def from mage suits possible-black d hide, sara book, some mystic and have a rune pickaxe as a weapon) when a level 89 in mystic starts to sara strike me. The first one splashes, and as I have an ecto-teleport (If you flame me for this, my explination here: If you are so bad a pker that you can only attack defenseless crafters, then the defenseless crafters have a right to teleport like you would if they owned you) I charge up and start nailing him with my pick. 10 or so sara strikes later, one actually gets through and hits me for a 7. He hasn't started praying yet, so I keep attacking him. I'm about to kill him when his ring of life kicks in and he teleports. 1 hit away from full mystic and some bloods :\ I was only 2 combat higher. I don't get abyss pkers... only the really fast ones can tb+entangle me, and if they can they'd be better off pking people with actual items. My friend is going for 94 mage just to own everybody who abyss pks for a week straight. She's lost 4 or 5 glories to them, and isn't happy :P
  10. Meh, I was once killing blue drags in taverly, and it was nearly out of food. Then a white dot runs in and attacks a blue drag. It was a level 64 with no antifire shield. Before I could warn him, he got flamed, and I got a full load of food. Same thing repeated itself 8 times before he stopped coming. He never wore an antifire shield. It was... wierd. He never said anything to me, but I did like the free food :)
  11. To get the gloves you have to have done one of the, if not -the- hardest quest in the game (DT) and have 175 qp. Not many people do that these days-I'm the only person I know with 210/210 qp. Infinity gloves and dragonhide vamps are easier to get and much cheaper. Should something expensive and hard to get not be good? I like the stats, although they are out of balance when I'm fighting some poor guy who doesnt have them. The bonus for mage and ranged are -good-. If they weren't there, it would throw the combat triangle off-the mages and rangers wouldn't have them. Therefore, although I do agree that they are quite powerful and nice, I disagree that the bonuses are too high. I think they are just about right.
  12. If you had the general store manager will sell you one back for 3k :) Can you explain what you are talking about? If you lost/sold your gadderhammer, go to the burgon de rott (or however it's spelled) general store-The manager of it (forget his name) will sell it back to you for 3k. Oh, and yea, I've been trying this out. I think that the shade level has an effect on the bonus, as I hit a 28 unpotted on riyl shades, but didnt hit that on phrin.
  13. I thought that was castle wars :) The whip will have a successor eventually, with a higher requirement. It'll probubly be released when whips start to pan out at about 1m and stay steady for a good long time. Dont hold your breath for it however :)
  14. Well... Maybe if Jagex made the weaknesses of platearmour to crush more extreme, and the same for others? This would revolutionize the wildy as people with a mace would do well against a guy in platearmour with a d long (supposing they had the same platearmour). This would bring more strategy to the wildy too :)
  15. If you had the general store manager will sell you one back for 3k :)
  16. How much do you know about whips as weapons instead of tools of disipline? If it was weighted it could easily punch through a sheet of metal. Or it could be interlocked peices of sharp metal such as those wooden snakes. Or it could be barbed. or it could be all 3. You dont know :P As it is, you have very good accuracy if you've got 70 attack (supposedly) and wouldnt miss very often. Besides, for all you know the whip guides itself to its target (it is an "abyssal" whip :))
  17. Hmm... St00pid fwee iteemer!!!1111!!!!1111!!!!11!!!11eleven111!!!one!!! U hav noo hunor!!!!oneoneoneoneeleven!!!!1111!!!!! :P Well... you asked for a flame.... I usually go into the wildy with a dds and clue materials, as the main reason I visit the wildy is clues :) No armour, little food, and a tiny elf crystal :P Or just a spade, the clue, and the coodinate materials :)
  18. Try downloading the client, and also try virusscanning your computer, you might've picked up a runescape based keylogger or other malware (bad programs) that has an interminated loop somewhere in it (careless programming on whoever made it, but good for you-it gets stuck on one instruction, but also takes up all your computing space). Just my thoughts on it. And, why IE? RS works fine on firefox, and firefox is better anyways :P I'm an opinionated guy about internet browsers :)
  19. I personally like the new pies, they offer me a variety of things to cook and some of the better ones heal more then a shark after 2 bites. Wild pie is an example, I wish I could cook that (I'm too busy doing other things to train cooking).
  20. I wonder if they'll do something (news article prehaps) when we reach 200k simultanious people? I remember when they we're estatic about 85k people on at once! Those we're the early days of rs2 :) I make a point to spread runescape among all the people I know as friends, mainly because I only make friends with people who would like it :P Infact, I was surprised how many players there were at every away camp I went to (I met an old friend at one last summer who I'd been playing with since I was a newbie). It spreads by word of mouth, although miniclip really messed up the community. The fact that the players from there are so used to being able to use cheats and the like.... it really boosted the autoers problem in my opinion.
  21. Sounds interesting. I'll try it. Total combat exp: 6,823,894 Total overall exp: 17,551,269 0.3887978-38.88% Oh, and firemaking is my lowest skill :P
  22. Very good guide, it has helped me with my clan (my first clan back when I was a noob failed, so I did "research" by joining various clans and seeing what made them good, and reading this guide). Anyways, onto what I think should be added to the guide: There is also the question that almost every members clan gets to at a certain point: To be rsb or not to be rsb (runescape official forums): Increasingly often, there will be a guy who joins your clan just to get "free armour" or "ch33p st00f". Increasingly often its harder to find these freeloaders until later on. I personally, having created a clan based on skills and helping each other with our skills to raise eachother up in general, can affirm that there are a number of people out there who ask "What can this clan do for me?" instead of "What can I do for this clan, and what will I get in return for it?". I must say I was very lucky to find a good memberbase of people who were the second kind before the first kind started to come in. Now, we have had several of them, one who made off with 300k of items from one of our more trusting members. Now, this problem could be solved by going non-rsb. That would keep the majority of freeloaders out of our clan. It would also reduce the number of people who would join our clan in the first place. This would be a mixed blessing. Some thoughts by my clanmembers on this subject-we are currently deciding wiether to be rsb or not. Note that I've removed mentions of my clanmembers. "Althought i always thought, if they were smart enough to find our thread, they be great for clan. I was partially wrong because I am recruited some really immature people before but luckily none of them are part of clan anymore. Some great members that were recruited through the rsb was **********, was and still our "highest" level." "We have lots of great members through the recruitment thread but as ****** have stated, most of our other great members were recruited through friends telling friends. If we are to stop using the rsb, we can have recruitment drives in game..." "I just don't think many people look for a clan that will suit them. Instead they pick what they feel is a clan they can get use out of." "sounds good to me i recrute people in rl all the time but something to remeber i was recruted by rsb" "So my point here is that I don't mind leaving the rsb and I think recruiting people through friends would promote more loyatly and trust. BUT save the clan thread just in case we return to the rsb someday" "This would greatly reduce the need for member sweeps, and would also make sure that only members who we could count on as a clan could join. There are some disreputable runescapians out there who would gladly take all we could give and not pay us back. I know I dont put anything about that on the recruitment thread, but it might just be best to recruit by invite instead of having posted an application on our boards." And my statement to the clan: So, what are your thoughts on the matter? This would be a great leap for the clan-from rsb to non-rsb. It WOULD mean less new members. It wouldn't mean that there would be no new members, it would just be a predicate that they have to be recommended by one of our current members. Also, if we did this then the combat level prerequisite would be removed, in favor of a "level recommendation" for certain events. Having a level recommendation would make it much easier-there are quite a few good people lower then combat 80. This would also allow for us to do more dangerous events-daganoth kings come to mind. -------------------------------------- So, pros and cons are listed there. The major con is less incoming members, the major pro is less freeloaders and more activity. I would at least like to see a mention of runescape official forums in this-they are a major part of many clans these days. Prehaps an objective look at the pros and cons of them in the guide. Just my thoughts on it. Edited to add: I personally did this-mainly because I was too lazy to set up ranks and powers, esspecially with the small member base that I started with. There's the main member base, which are differentiated into squads, then theres the council (we origionally tried to have a representative from each group of combat levels, but that didnt work out because people started training :P). Then theres the leaders. I find this works better then what I had been planning on-less decisions on promotions, which allows more time for discussion of changes or problems in the clan :) What I had been planning on was a 4 tier pyramid, but this works better for non pking clans anyways :)
  23. Thats because the kbd kills your cannon. chaos elemental isnt smart like the kbd.
  24. Hehehehe... bad grammer... hurts eyes..... Reminds me of a badly translated version of a Wing Commander cutscene.... Anyways.... Mos'leharmless- Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, Earth if I remember correctly-Mostly harmless :P
  25. Heh, I remember when I was a little 63 member and had no idea what the highscores were (I played the game, I barely knew how to change my password and read the manual). Anyways, I had just finished shilo quest (maged the final demon with help from a blocker friend), I went in, and saw a level 125 character. I asked him what his combat skills were and total, and wowed at all of them, asked if he had any advice for me as i was new to members, he said a few things along the lines of dont beg, running natures is good money, and know the map like the back of your hand. A week or two later I found the highscores and saw the number 1 person. Turned out I had met zezima and not realized it. I finished my business there, logged back in and told my friend, who laughed at me for not realizing he was the number 1 player, and asked me why I didnt tell him. :P He had a good laugh at my expense, I'll tell you that much. We're still friends although he's quit rs now. Surprisingly, zezima wasn't being mobbed. Infact, he was alone and fly fishing at shilo. I wonder at this to this day :P Now, that story was long and probubly slightly off topic, so I'll be more on topic. My problem is when people ask for free stuff, I'm too high a level to kill them :P Combat 90, they're almost always below 30. I cant touch em in the wildy.... which annoys me. I usually go on nonmember worlds with telerunes to escape if I need too.
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