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Everything posted by Chippy_PK

  1. omg im pissed this got moved because most useless item in runescape is in general discussion but most useful isnt? wtf is up with that? Ok ive seen the most useless now i wanna see the most useful this topic was inspired by the "Most Useless Item In Runescape" as i check this thread i will see what i think i most useful and post it on here, each week has a new most useful item! DISCUSS!!!!! :D :) =D> :-w :thumbsup: :ohnoes: :-k AND YES, money and any other item does count no matter what item as long as it has a use to you
  2. well considering the fact holloween is on its way prolly a holiday item, maybe a drag plate or kite, i know there working on a lvl 1200+ drag that will drop 1 of those that cant be solo'd i know that from very reliable sources
  3. prolly a rare becuz as the rs population grows the more rare it bcomes and more value it has
  4. i was at rock crabs and a nub pure range died from not paying attention, i got robin hat ranger boots zerker ring fury and a cannon =) and my 3rd ever trip to barrows was verac brassy and flail =) im really lucky at tzhaar too i get obby drops alot!
  5. barrows and im really lucky with tzhaar drops i get an obby drop ever 15 kills =) on average
  6. this thread makes my brain hurt.....
  7. no matter what my first post says, i dont think it will happen anytime soon, the monster would need whole new areas and everything, it would overload java if it happened at once they would need to update it piece by piece
  8. i run double nats often and ive noticed too even b4 the update, i guess they just gave up because its kinda bad and slow money
  9. least im not doing drugs or being a porn star, idc how much my mom hates runescape lol
  10. they do help the economy but whats the point in wasting ur money on bots for a virtual game? its kinda pathetic actually
  11. maybe a lvl 1000 that would drop a drag plate and a lvl 1500 which would drop drag kite shield, or the other way around
  12. yeh they are the easiest but they are 99's....show some respect, there just jealous cuz it takes alot of money to get, which they dont have and are jealous of
  13. not gunna happen for a very long time, those consoles r actual rivals of java. java is for pc therefore supporting pc not game consoles
  14. i used to never get any drill seargent or mime or lederhousen, after lvl 80- BAM got at least all 3 once a week ever since, now its just a pain
  16. i do it all the time, its like pc u love it and hate it, takes so long to get the points, but the reward is sweet, yessir it is, i used to be addicted to it, 3 months of nonstop pc, that ship sailed, never ever doing pc again even if some1 gave me 5m to do 1 game
  17. yeh same here if im like pwning some monsters i listen to metallica or other hard rock.....mainly rock or hip hop
  18. Man so many of my friends up and disappeared...like archbow7 or poon blade (same person) and runesforpure....a great pking friend pure range....he never ever died.......odd eh? like he was a rs admin lol
  19. yeh if they knew that bots would go in the first place they shouldnt of had the update, they shouldve started them at like 300gp
  20. if you need some clarification on that then pm me be happy to explain
  21. IT IS NOT A MYTH IT HELPS WITH THE AMOUNT IF RUNES U GET, say u would normally get 10 runes from a drop ring of wealth gives u 15% more runes, trust me its in the knowledge base if you know how to search correctly
  22. all of these methods have been nerfed after jagex came to there senses.....and!!!!! its not exactly "new" anymore
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