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Everything posted by LaserDude333

  1. That was an awesome second half. Those brazilians are really religious. Congrats =D>
  2. Well Spain are unlucky. Tbh the americans won because of luck and because of diving more than Italians. They had only 2 shots on goal and they played with around 8 men in their own box for almost the whole game. It's gonna be a boring final if they continue playing like that.
  3. Ronaldo is definitely not worth that much money. He had an excellent season a year ago, but I don't think he'll get any better. Btw, will he have "Ronaldo" written on his back or "C.Ronaldo"?
  4. Kaka transferred to Real Madrid for 6 years. Those guys have too much money.
  5. I'm hoping Israel can finally qualify for the first time since 1960 1970. If they don't I'll just root for Brazil (even though most of the classic brazilian players I like don't play for the national team anymore), Spain and England.
  6. Paolo Maldini retired today :( 40 years old.
  7. [hide=][/hide] There aren't many funny ones.
  8. I heard Kaka and Ribery agreed to transfer to Real. Anyway, I've been following Ronaldo (the Brazilian) and he's making one hell of a comeback. 9 goals 11 games and already won the brazilian championship.
  9. [hide=]Maj. Klein, who volunteered to lead his Golani Brigade Battalion 51 into battle, was killed in the line of duty on July 26, 2006, during the Second Lebanon War. While fighting in the hostile village of Bint Jbil in southern Lebanon, Klein and his men were ambushed by Hizbullah terrorists. Maj. Klein led a group of soldiers and tried to attack the terrorists from behind, but they were stopped by a wall. Klein then began treating one of the wounded, at which point a terrorist hurled a grenade at the group. Soldiers who survived the battle - eight did not - reported that Ro'i jumped upon the grenade, absorbing the brunt of the explosion and saving the men around him. Though mortally wounded, Klein tried to continue to communicate by radio to his superiors.[/hide] Does this count?
  10. [hide=][/hide] I heard the referee was already threatened by chelsea fans. I wanted barca to win but even I can say the refereeing was horrible.
  11. Anyone seen Madrid - Barca? What a match.
  12. EDIT: Just tilt the screen back till you see something in the center. Might be easier with a laptop. EDITEDIT: Reuploaded the pic, using imageshack this time ;)
  13. I'd love a "create your own soldier" mode.
  14. Captain Price, COD4: "Right...what the hell kind of name is "Soap", eh? How'd a muppet like you pass selection?" And "Cheeky Bastard."
  15. [hide=Warning Large Pictures] My armor is red from blood :twisted:[/hide] I feel evil :thumbup: EDIT: I wish there was dual wielding :(
  16. Ok, another question: My village was captured by an enemy kingdom, we got it back but now it doesn't belong to me anymore, it belongs to another lord from the same kingdom I'm a lord in. What should I do to get it back/get a new village?
  17. Whats the best thing to do with a captured lord 2 captured lords?
  18. I prefer your Diwali :P Our car got hit by a firework once though. (I lived in India for 3 years)
  19. Anybody know of a really good first person medieval game for the pc? I'd prefer something like CoD where you are a soldier taking part in battles, but there's probably not much games like that.
  20. Call of Duty: Medieval Warfare, or even earlier than that (Ancient Rome and Greece?) Don't know how to go into details, just imagine the fighting scenes in Troy or 300 as seen through someone's eyes.
  21. Found it: memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=232272 It's already locked.
  22. I also wouldn't mind having the option to put in text instead of pictures of items in the tabs. eg: [hide=(Warning][/hide]
  23. Again: When they agree to stop shooting rockets at us. Why should civilians have to die for the actions of a terrorist group? The most sickening thing is it seems you agree with killing innocent people till they stop firing rockets. I didn't say they should die, and we are aren't killing them on purpose. Anyway, I don't agree with them getting killed but I don't care if they do, like you don't really care when the country I live in is being bombed day after day for 8 years. You can call me racist or w/e. I don't care what you think as long as the rocket shootings lessen. That's just me, don't stereotype all of Israel because what I say, which has happened in this topic before.
  24. Again: When they agree to stop shooting rockets at us.
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