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Everything posted by LaserDude333

  1. I got it for the PSP two days ago :anxious: Comparing it to other psp graphics, it's pretty good, and the gameplay rocks but I can't wait to buy it for another console.
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080918/ap_ ... u_big_bang They closed it....
  3. Soooooo..... Is this the hard quest they're talking about? :-#
  4. Lame outfit but meh. Forum Name: LaserDude333 RuneScape Name: Laserdude333 Picture:
  5. I don't even bother taking food there, the level 41's, 35's and 28's all have the same hp I think. I always go the the south east spot. Btw, I once made 80k in an hour there, body runes and random events :thumbsup:
  6. I totally agree with you. I also hate the people who start flaming me when I use prayer the in the free portal :? If I wanna keep killing people, then I'll use prayer, stop complaining >.>
  7. Favorite: www.punditkitchen.com Stupidest: www.thingsididlastnight.com
  8. I saw somewhere they haven't smashed the atoms yet. If they have... Well, I'm not dead. You?
  9. Warriors should learn from **** not to fight you. Or something like that :/ Some more: Well done, you've pwned ***. You have wiped the floor with ***. *** has fallen before your mighty mightiness.
  10. "So.... Who doesn't want to die a virgin? =P~ :pray: :thumbsup: "
  11. And use quick chat to communicate, as there are no keyboards.
  12. Why do you say it's not an achievement? It certainly is an achievement >.> It's just a stupid achievement.
  13. It's still an achievement, maybe not a big one, but still it's an achievement. Even lvl 40 mining is an achievement, it depends on the way you look at it. And I don't support this, we get enough already.
  14. Here's another wcing and fming/dropping spot. [hide=clicky]8 Willows, most of the time totally empty, just north of the crafting guild. [/hide] Oh and for the buying the logs part, you can buy 144k willows (99fm from 1-99) for only about 2.5m, you dont have to add this though. Thanks for the guide :thumbsup:
  15. Woot first medal for Israel in the olympics this year \
  16. Is this the 'thing'? I wonder what he's planning to do with an airplane. A few of his bookshelves have tinderboxes in them too.
  17. Sell all your stuff, buy lots of needles, do a drop party in the party room and log out. You wouldn't want to play after losing all your stuff.
  18. I love the sigs :D Since lot's of players have skills not in the HS, maybe make it possible to edit in your skills? Or is that impossible now :?
  19. I can't sleep on my back :/ I sleep curled up to the right side all the time. I don't move during the night :?
  20. Being F2P, I hope it will be, but I don't think so. We hardly can rc anything, why make a guild?
  21. Thanks for the banner :) Looks awsome.
  22. Jellyfish. When I was 4 I got stung all over my legs, ultimate trauma.
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