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Everything posted by AceSpitball

  1. crap 0/10 should probably learn to pk better. by the way include the clips where you get owned hard pls inb4hementionsmepretendingtobeagirl
  2. This year sucks recently. A ton of unnecessary PVP updates that would have been prevented had jagex thought of a WORKING PVP SYSTEM first. A lack of good quests, not much new content, it's honestly been pretty disappointing. Hear me out, Jagex. Pick up where you left off with the great updates or I unsubscribe on my birthday next year aswell. I'm not paying for half baked crap.
  3. yeah I didn't think I would see it from this perspective lol
  4. 4.5/10. Has good editing/good pks but I honestly dont find rush vids that interesting because it's a garaunteed auto kill when edited into the video anyway.
  5. Let's quit the arguing here. None of you including the mod are even doing unspams...
  6. The editing was very, very, overdone... I agree with fishy.Could not finish the video because the lack of being able to actually see the fights.
  7. Very nice I actually think my fm (93) will come close to 99 #5 too aswell.
  8. Just kidding. Ponies are. <33333 Congratulations to daniel too, who got it with me. 88 summon ftw! Rate/hate.
  9. WHAT THE [bleep]. Did anyone else see that? He was already on the GROUND, SUBMITTING DEFEAT, but that [bleep]ing jack [wagon] wouldn't leave him be.. this is a situation where the death penalty needs to be put.
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