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  1. I used that furnace for my wilderness training stint. Wildy became undangerous and boring so I gave it up before I gained the 5 levels in everything I needed to succeed, so I gave up.
  2. I remember being reported for stealing someone's drop trade. Item scamming =; They never logged back in after that day. I didn't actually get much due to having to drop all of my inventory to get at it, but there was full mithril, a bunch of runes, some mid level foods, and all sorts of arrows.
  3. Personally, I think it will just slow, right down to the assist maximum. Since only people that have completed the quest can come. After that, I think you can last through a few trades if law prices and essence prices come together further than they have come.
  4. Since I am a prayer n00b, and use protections whenever I am not safing, I would keep with my defender, and only use the DFS at dragons, and the things I fight after dragons :P
  5. I think I might give up my pizza slots to hold my armour, and visit the clothier, try to find myself a nice green cheerleading outfit :P Okay, a couple questions... Gloves... just leather, or can we go with coloured... or even vambs (and if that, just leather, or can we go with d'hide?) Are we limited to steel weapons? his was never made clear to me.
  6. "I ran into your arms... but your sword was drawn" Usually I go hug pkers, then run away so that they will chase me. It is fun.
  7. I'm looking forward to bounty hunter. Though it would have been cool to see it in action across the globe (hey, sometimes I like to go hang around varrock bounty office and watch the showdowns in the street). One thing I am waiting for, though, is for the games room to be put on the high scores. I'd like to see life return to that place, and with official high scores, people could once again be waiting for second floor tables to open up.
  8. Perhaps it won't raise melee fighting levels, but instead work with magic and range like strength does with attack? Personally, I think some people will try to be "Pures" not getting the new skill at all, some people will pick an arbitrary bonus given by the skill and stop leveling there, and others will max it out. Those who fight in low level f2p wilderness will avoid it completely, to keep down their combat level.
  9. About as long as she has been a girl... when Grim Tales came out.
  10. Uhh... I can't ever remember dieing f2p until my most recent wilderness training stint.(failed, Why can't people wait until I have a full inv of fish to pk me? so that they can get more.) So, first p2p death. Gnome stronghold quest, took the glider to the shipyard. Had no clue where I was, attacked by invisible spider, 11 poison prevents me from tele lumbridge, I manage to find the store and sell all my stuff for an antipoison, cure, walk north, die from 11 poison after tripping over spider and casting tele lumbridge afterwards, so I respawned right there, but all my 2 coins was already gone.
  11. how did you not get zombie dance when you said you got them all? Well, could have gotten the zombie walk or a piece of clothing instead. favorite random event you have had: Evil Bob's island, I waited for that one for years. least favorite: Mime, I never got this on any other account, but Time Kitten gets it twice a day on average. the event you get the most: Mime, for reason of being inordanantly common now, and not giving me prizes anymore to make up for my time. event you wish you will get for the first time: I have gotten them all, but I would like to get a gravedigger for Time Kitten for the music. event you want alot that you have had once or a couple times: Teleportation error, always nice to have more runes. fighting the river troll or rock golem: I like to dress up for these areas, and don't carry food or decent weapons, so I usually ignore them until I am full, then kick them in the balls and run. i think its a random even but the smoking mining rock: Yes, is a random, along with the ents, slightly annoying, but sometimes people drop broken axes of a decent metal. Ents are more annoying, and look like they are angry at me, and usually pop up more often than volcanic rocks. M.O.M: Mommy, mommy, a strange man came up and gave me a box of candy! My favorite source of gems, when other people drop them from this event. mime event: Blargh! genie lamp: Need more. Maze: Decent on the death runes, good way to get strength potions in f2p.
  12. But in other skills, say runecrafting, you need only level 31 for the high scores.
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