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Everything posted by 999134

  1. can hardly believe my luck lol. Started out with the stuff outlined in red (stuff left over in ge). [hide=lol] End result was about +8bil total. [/hide] Lost like 2 out of 10 stakes
  2. people saying they think their accounts are worth like 1000$ because of how much time they put in are delusional. You are not 'working' you are playing a game, if someone was serious I am sure they could get most of your stats in a few months from botting 24/7. I doubt even max cape accounts would be worth that much (who would buy it...).
  3. Not sure how many people are into modding, but this is my first fully released mod, it works on both servers and on your single player client. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1504670-smpclient-132boomstick-explosive-wand-jetpack-invincibility-insane-new-toolsforge-works-on-servers/ (will change the link to video later, its uploading).
  4. was only me + a guy with darts, I got rapier damage in then he threw the dart to do the rest of the 19999ish damage. Was only person to get xp from the drop
  5. this doesnt work, I tried rapiering corp and despite getting xp in, didn't get any drops. Yes I logged in, used my 4 darts and got some onyx bolts lol + 87 slayer from the lamps.
  6. only the 5th gen annoyed me due to so many pokemon that looked like complete copies (woobat... that jellyfish) Every gen has had loads of fairly unoriginal ones (woo another pidgey pokemon...). Enjoyed the game still overall but there seemed very little to do after beating the league compared to other games, got bored after that. What I would really like in the next game (or any games) the most however is some sort of challenge Pokemon games always feel lacking heavily in difficulty, don't think I have actually lost to any of games since when I was like 8 on gold. Not saying make the main storyline extremely difficult, but I think gold is the only game to have any trainers with a pokemon above level 80, which you can still beat with a level 60 team.
  7. what happened when I decided to amplify tnt's power by a factor of 9001. I think I blew up the entire region aside from the bedrock.
  8. Some people might have noticed me logging in. (didn't play for 2 months, which wasn't bad :P) Actually got back into staking again for a bit, decided to come back before EOC killed staking, soon realised I couldn't trust myself to play sensible. Made 6bil in under 2 weeks from 100m that I forgot about in the ge (some torstols). One of the most important years of my life right now and can't afford runescaping, did a 6bil bank stake and it went as well as could be expected. I think I won overall though here :), quitting for good (really I promise) this time, realised coming back that I didn't want to play runescape again.
  9. that was probably staged to get people to go stake them, retards see people winning big and think that they can somehow profit against the odds flower gaming.
  10. win all day set up a new fc and started charging like 5b a rank, loads of people bought and he has now closed the fc. GF idiots.
  11. It seems unlikely they are going to be made to repay any of it, won't believe it until I see it, its like telling drug sellers to pay tax.
  12. "Hey, look, a youtube video for a video game I like *click*" *'Let the bodies hit the floor' begins to play* idiots who complain that I don't put music on for that very reason.
  13. The main problem with something like this in my opinion would be that it is an online game, how depressing would it be to have your account wiped for disconnecting or lagging.
  14. 10% might be bots? But would have thought even the bots might spin the free ones.
  15. I am not sure why people think members is more expensive now, pretty sure it has gone up at under the rate of inflation... 3£ in like 2002 to 4.5£ now. And even then I still pay 3£/month as the increase is only for new members.
  16. You know a great way to roll cheese down the hill 2000 times, botting, but I am sure botters will learn their lesson and not bot that after getting caught ;).
  17. saw about the free exp you could get so decided to log in and pick it up to get 85 slayer as I still have ages of members due to buying 6 months at a time, something I had aimed for as a newb way back, but could never be bothered to get :). On my first and only kill. edit: hmm not sure why @ below. edit2:ah drops turned off from when I did corp and got tired of mystic robe drops :P.
  18. It's one of the only games in the series that has a complete/good translation though, if you don't have any problems with that sort of thing. Where can I find it? Like a rom or something?
  19. Ug, was hoping for it to be done well, had so much potential.
  20. Picked up the 2003 gba fire emblem game and really really enjoyed it, extremely diasapponted to find its sequel is Japanese only along with most of the other games.. Also is the dark souls pc game out yet/is it a crappy port.
  21. I would have to disagree with that o.O, most of the time I cannot tell the difference that Brandon is the one writing and not Robert Jorden, the characters change a lot throughout the series anyway, the only one that I felt was really different was a lot of Mats parts, other than that I think he did brilliantly and I am looking forward to a memory of light :).
  22. you just run the modified server.jar.
  23. A link to my minecraft thread if you want to download it, as I am unsure how tipit would feel about me putting download links up on here. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1420150-wip132-minescape-runescape-mod-unique-weapons-trees-cabbage-npcs-new-oregear-and-more/?do=findComment&comment=17262313 Unsure if this belongs here, its runescape related. (give it a few minutes to upload/process) I go into more detail especially the progress and pictures of the mod in the thread I linked above, but this is a mod I am working on (currently alone) with the end goal of having a huge runescape themed minecraft mod eventually including shops, bosses and whatever else runescape themed I can manage to sensible get it . Much further down the line of this mod if it gets enough support may start a server up with it .
  24. Channel 4 is gone! I sent Jagex an email (the same email I sent to them months ago :wall: ) with the obvious evidence, and he has been banned!
  25. wow really? Amazed they finally got around to what should have been done years ago. how can we tell if someone is banned? Are they removed from the high scores. "channel 4" is still unbanned, how dumb are you Jagex he constantly admits to mass rwt.
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