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Everything posted by 999134

  1. This is interesting, since I made that edit to wikipedia, if you look at the pages history you see an ongoing battle between users keeping my original edit/added content of other members, and employees of Insight removing the edits regularly. Sorry for the slight gravedig, but it shows this is one way to get their attention, this is what people see when they google their name.
  2. Decided to try and complete every challenge in brawl (apart from 100 man brawl with every character, I mean come on :? ) Having problems with boss battles intense, and getting every trophy, goddamit meta/normal Riley.
  3. for the lolz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE1cQvXS4bs lol read the comments on the video, people are getting so mad I did not rwt it...
  4. “We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.” This quote is one of the fundamental ones for my beliefs, what gives people the arrogance to think that their god is for some reason the right god, why is someone who believed in worshipping the sun any less absurd than someone worshipping a God. God to me seems to be something people turn to when they cannot accept reality, I remember a program I watched about angels and the people seeing them were extremely vulnerable people, who say had terrible illnesses and when they recovered they put it down to God visiting and protecting them, where more likely it was a dream or hallucination due to their traumatised state. Looking back through history the entire point of a God seems to be a social control, whether it be to justify human sacrifices, Medieval priests extorting people for entrance to heaven or just the staple behave strictly towards our cultures rules without question or challenge to the ruling classes or you will end up in hell (or reincarnated as a ant).
  5. rares have gone insane, white is over max cash. My bank when it was 40b would be worth almost 80b now if I had not lost it.
  6. The staker I reported and had video evidence of rwting and ddosing has still not been banned, despite getting an email from jagex saying they would look into it. I also know so many stakers who rwt, I always report them but NONE have ever been banned, not a single one despite them selling bils. Only *ONE* high staker has ever been banned single free trade came out (Viet master), Jagex did not even get him for rwt, they banned him for account hijacking ( Using other peoples accounts to stake on). Smokin mils is another disgrace, they are still an active clan despite selling gold directly on their website.
  7. outside top 15, and unlikely to get back in I think?
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insight_Venture_Partners A small thing but might get their attention, awhile ago made an edit to their Wikipedia page and included a section about controversial business techniques.
  9. Buyable xp already added with double exp items. Not directly but I consider it to be the same Though i do agree with you, I expect a 100% way of getting the boosting gear instead of a random wheel drop. If not, hey. Soon you can buy funny looking items with abyssal whip stats! is that really such a big deal? Most items in rs are such low value and only take at most a few hours to earn the cash for, a whip is what, 300k? If someone wants to spend like 50$ on a trimmed version let them. Only the really high end stuff would be a problem to add to the wheel/solomon, they messed up with divine/ely/arcane on it but luckily they are so rare it does not matter. A trimmed whip doesn't matter, a trimmed divine would.
  10. it is one of the major reasons behind me quitting, I think it might be good for rs in the long term/overall, just not what I want at all.
  11. Just bought Brutal Legend as I am a massive Jack black fan. Can't seem to find time to play it atm though getting back into brawl. Had a depressing time on brawl recently as I was trying to get a nice home run record, but could only manage 710ish metres while seeing people on youtube getting like 3000. Noob Americans with your wrong measuring systems... @ALG, try Dark souls if you want Fable but stupidly hard.
  12. leave the duel arena alone if you want to keep the fun in rs :P.
  13. Doesn't mean you do not weigh anything :P, just means your equipment is now making you 2kg lighter, so its effects would be almost noticeable (make running a little easier). The -24kg from wicked robe set however... moon jumping time.
  14. they probably think they are being successful as they are actually getting more profit from runescape. Their Wikipedia page does not say much.
  15. I did give out a fair bit as well but not going to give out any more, leaving just those rares. If I had just given out that 20b to friends instead of losing it I might have been tempted to ask for it back. I may return eventually but it will be in a time when I can trust myself to just play casually (I think EOC killing staking/pking will help ...)
  16. Before I made this topic I decided to wait 2 weeks after quiting to make sure it was the right decision, and I am now certain it was. I reached this decision after staking and losing 22 duels in a row (don't just close the page now!), going from 38bil bank, down to 27bil, this unsurprisingly was no fun at all and I also realised I had been playing for 8 hours straight that day. This lead me to ask why was I playing, staking was the only reason I was playing runescape, and this was no longer fun + it was taking up far too much of my time which I need badly right now in real life as I will soon be applying to University. In order to force myself to quit I decided to stake as big as possible leaving myself with either so much I would never need to stake again, or so (comparably) little It would seem like too much effort to rebuild. I lost the 20bil stake XD. Kind of think that was for the best now however and do not regret how much I lost, a small price to pay for the amount of free time I have gained. (although a little saddened at the half wines I had 10 of and lost rose from 670m to 840m in the week after I lost them... Knew that was a good merch choice :(). I had seen this coming for quite awhile I think, all other aspects of runescape had got boring awhile ago, and still angry with Jagex over the SOF. I will still be on TIF might come back to runescape if I ever find the time, but seems unlikely, I really really really hate the EOC update that is coming(another factor in quiting) and can't see myself wanting to learn my way around it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE1cQvXS4bs getting rid of my bank video.
  17. runescape "players" kill 150 dragons every day! lol...
  18. Er swear I posted this already but my post seems to have gone...? Also I tried wearing a phat/queen guards hat in wildy, still could and people could still see it. Kept getting that message though.
  19. They have to get rid of any extra bonus xp chances that you don't have to pay for I guess -.-
  20. dragon ceremonial legs or fish mask I guess. Never been that lucky with it.
  21. 3. offensive word in siggy(from a screenie) , posting a video which named a ddoser in a bad light, and oversized siggy :L.
  22. would do it but already recently bought 6 months members.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKwJrSSQnww Haven't posted a staking vid in awhile. 5.21, 900lp comeback for me. nice still. Pots/pray off btw.
  24. isn't this the same clan that hacked timmy and then he cried to the news :lol:
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