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Everything posted by Rien

  1. [hide=Quotes] Its called "peer pressure" that's how most people get started, it is not AS addictive as other drugs but people do get hooked on it. [/hide] As long as you don't have an addictive personality, you'll be fine--i.e. cannabis isn't physically addictive, although, just like with anything else, you can become psychologically addicted to it.
  2. Yes, Murphy in Draynor will give you another.
  3. Happy Birthday, Fedorca! :D ---- May 10th is mine, by the way. :
  4. Same here. I've cooked thousands of monkfish since and haven't burned a single one.
  5. ^Immaturity at its finest. You know full well that that the only one flaming here is yourself. The OP has asked you *repeatedly* to stop posting flame-bait, but I suppose that's simply asking too much--as reasonable a request as it is. [hide=Some "proof"--which you seem to regard so highly.]Stop commenting this if you haven't been to Saradomin please. So even though you tried, please don't continue cause there's only flaming ahead. *Note the word "please"--here used twice. The OP was never flaming you, as you claimed. Rather, he was trying earnestly to avoid a flame war.[/hide] Again, you don't understand. Ever since the safe-spots were removed and Zilyana' AI manipulated to thwart triangulation, the only method for killing her successfully has been the Hit-and-Run Tactic. Really, the only debate in this matter is whether to use Melee or Range in the Hit-and-Run. The OP has clearly chosen to follow through with the Melee aspect--hence, this thread is centered around the question of preferred Melee gear. However, despite which aspect of the lone method is used, there are a few, vital components to hunting Zilyana that both share in common--one of these being the use of the Protect from Magic Prayer. Trust me, anyone who walks into the Encampment will soon realize the futility of the Protect from Melee Prayer against Zilyana. And, even if you won't take my word from it, you could always PM one of the GWD Experts here in TIF--they'll all confirm what's been said. You've no allowance to preach to anyone the mechanics of Saradomin GWD--not after you've admitted to never having gone and especially not when you don't even know which Prayer to use. Ah, I think I understand now. I had previously believed that you had merely been misguided and argumentative--now it's become obvious that you're trolling for attention. This will be the last time I post in this thread--I don't have the time to continue on in a never-ending, meaningless squabble. If you want the "last word," you may take it. You may also take you're "win"--I was simply here to give my opinion on the matter and to correct what I first thought to be a misunderstanding, not to feed a potencial flame war. With that said, I bid you farewell, and suggest (to SirHemen) that he seek Mod intervention to either clean out the unnecessary posts or close the topic altogether.
  6. [hide=Quote] [/hide] This is the quote that bothered me the most. Here, as in other posts, you attempt to dictate the mechanics of Monster Hunting in the Saradomin Encampment to an experienced player, when you, *by your own admission,* had previously confessed that you had no personal experience in the matter. Quite frankly, it's ridiculous--I don't believe you had any right in posting, let alone engaging in this "debate," when, at best, any information you might have had to offer would have been based on second-hand accounts or your so-called "common sense" (i.e. hearsay and suppositions). Anyway, to clear up another point with you, everyone is entitled to their own opinion--however, that, by no means, makes all opinions valid or equal. [hide=Example]If I were to be of the opinion that domestic violence is acceptable, for example, my opinion would not give me free license to beat any future wife I might have. This example may be extreme, but it should, hopefully, get the point across--that your opinion in this matter, being unsubstantiated and at fault, is of lesser value and can therefore be dismissed. I do not deny you the freedom of forming your own opinions--I merely assert that you have no right to continue in your badgering of the OP when your opinion is so clearly faulty and unwanted. It's disappointing that you continued arguing even after the OP asked you to stop several times. Let me ask you this question: Why have you persisted in posting in this topic, and for what purpose?[/hide] Normally, I'd expect apologies to both the OP (for needless agitation and flame-bait) and myself (for the inference of my being arrogant and "stupid"), but, somehow, I doubt we'd get them. You seem to fall into the category of problematic players I mentioned in my "Off on a Tangent" quite nicely. ----- I realize I come off as being condescending, but you have to understand that I fervently believe in not posting in a thread unless I have something of value to contribute. I'm a fairly laid-back guy, but "waste" (as I term it) simply sets me off--unnecessary actions that do not serve a purpose bother me unduly. I apologize for any offensive you may have taken. <---There's my apology. ;)
  7. From my perspective, you aren't making much sense. What is clear, however, is that you have no right to debate on a subject in which you have no prior knowledge or experience--in addition to this, you've only made the situation worse by continuing to argue your erroneous assertions. [hide=Off on a Tangent]Is it only me, or does this seem to be a fairly common problem with the Debate Club and Help and Advice Forum (the fact that many posters post irrelevant or otherwise flawed information)? I would like to think that people would restrain themselves from posting if they were to have no idea what they were talking about, but I suppose the overriding need to spam/increase post-count/appear to be intelligent is just too much. 'Truly a shame and disappointment.[/hide] To contribute, I'll describe how to go about killing Zilyana--in brief. *First of all, let's establish that, unless you or anyone else dearly wishes to lose a great deal of wealth in a frighteningly-short period of time, the Protect from Magic Prayer will be used at all times while fighting Zilyana, as her Melee attack--while considerable and worthy of caution--can only be unleashed upon one victim at a time (as opposed to her Magic attack--which will devestate everyone in her Chamber should the Protect from Melee Prayer be used). *Secondly, considering Zilyana's ungodly defence and her lightning-fast (dart speed), accurate, and powerful Melee attacks, it would be foolish to attempt to engage her in direct combat. *NOTE* Hit-and-Run Melee tactics, while technically effective, should only be employed by near-maxed, highly-experienced players. In all other instances, the counter-part Ranging tactics should be used. If one were to use Melee, it would be advised to use Verac's ("welfare") or a Godsword (preferably either a Zamorak or Saradomin Godsword, as the ZGS can be used to freeze her and the SGS for healing on the minions, while the BGS's and AGS's abilities would, most likely, be wasted--her near-impenetrable defence causing the specials to fail). Both are equally viable, but the Godswords have the lucrative bonuses of their special attacks. Something to consider: Guthan's or Higher-Defence Armour can be used in conjuction with the Godsword, while Veracs' users are stuck with middling defensive bonuses and no side-healing ability (either Guthan's or an SGS). <--- This, I believe, answers the OP's question. Thirdly, *I had a third point, but I've forgotten it somehow, unfortunately.* At any rate, before I digress further or forget anything else I had intended to say--you, Pantim, shouldn't have started the argument. Your "common sense" is completely invalid, as Zilyana is like no other monster ingame (excepting the Corporeal Beast, but I doubt you've killed it either) in regards to sheer offensive and defensive capabilities. Unlike any other boss, Commander Zilyana (and the Beast) requires some measure of skill and active adaptive/thinging ability to defeat. As such, you have no right to criticise the OP or to offer "advice" on the subject.
  8. Lobsters ~ 74 (68 with the cooking gauntlets) Sharks ~ 94 (approximately) Monkfish ~ 90 (approximately) Mantas/Turtles ~ Never (at 99 Cooking and using Chef's Delights, I usually burn two Turtles per invent and four Mantas per invent)
  9. I know which are the designated worlds, but no one has been able to play in them for two days now--I had just been wondering if another world had been selected to be the "un-official" world by player consensus. ~And to Slaytanicc: I tried, but the popular trading worlds were empty, unfortunately. :|
  10. As I'm sure many of you know, the designated worlds for The Great Orb Project have been bugged for the last couple days. Now, I've been wondering if any "un-official" world has come into use since this has occured--I've personally looked, but have yet to find a world with more than a few players. So, can any of you help me? Thanks in advance. :
  11. Does anyone know of a world with *consistently* more than one or two fellow runecrafters? 'Thanks in advance. :
  12. Yes, for "comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population," we seem to have quite a few. 'Seems like an exaggeration to me. :lol:
  13. Your Type is INTJ Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging Strength of the preferences % 56 25 100 44 You are: moderately expressed introvert moderately expressed intuitive personality very expressed thinking personality moderately expressed judging personality -------- Apparently I'm a "Mastermind." :lol: But seriously, I'm not really surprised by any of the results.
  14. Rien


    I dream quite often, although I sincerely wish I could prevent myself from doing so. On the rare occasion that I am able to rest uninhibited, I merely awaken after a few hours feeling as if I had just closed my eyes the minute before. However, and as is usually the case, I'll try to fall asleep while medicated and/or under stress. I normally try to avoid doing so, but, after a couple days of insomnia-induced hell, I get to the point where I honestly stop caring. ----- When this happens, I'm forced to re-live one of four recurring nightmares--all four terrible enough, in my eyes, to make me physically ill afterwards--although I'm sure others would consider them to be irrational and childish. The lucidity of the nightmares is what I find to be their most disturbing aspect--I literally awake, on occasion, paralyzed in my bed and still (seemingly) trapped in the particular nightmare. The distortion of reality is usually what affects me the most--I'll have "layers" within the dream where I believe myself to have awakened from it multiple times, only to become increasingly agitated as I continue to dream. ----- It's difficult to explain, and I'm running out of words to describe the effects. :| Essentially, I'll have little control whilst dreaming, and I'll often be unable to distinguish reality from the twisted/warped realities presented in my nightmares.
  15. Excuse me for saying this, but that's pretty pathetic. I don't criticize others for believing in God, as it is their decision and I feel that I have no right to pass judgement on them--despite being an Atheist myself. You, however, I condemn for choosing to believe in God for the /single wrong reason/ that exists. I can't describe how much I hate the mentality of "Oh, I'll believe in God, because if he's real I'll get to go to Heaven, and if he's not it won't matter anyway, l00zorz." If you're going to be a Theist in the first place, let it not be for the possible "rewards" you may or may not gain in the afterlife--let it be because you actually have faith in a Higher Being and choose to recognize/respect said Being. -.-
  16. I don't normally attend TET Events, but I'll be more than happy to tag along on a few Monster Hunting Trips. :
  17. I wouldn't consider the issue to be a lack of intelligence on the part of those players who dislike Farming (I know Mercifull to be a very intelligent poster, for example)--rather, I would say that Farming is a unique skill in RS and that there are players who prefer to gain experience as they work instead of having to come back several hours later to "collect" their experience. :P ------- I /completely/ agree. =D
  18. Ha, I just found this blog of yours--I didn't know there were so many ZP'ers that were also involved in TIF. :o It's a shame you missed Mens' Party, although I suppose it couldn't be helped considering you didn't even know that it was being held. = / ------ You're definitely well-suited to the skill.>
  19. Yes, the Scimitar will give you more experience over time, as it is actually quite a bit faster than a Battleaxe and is more accurate (even though it is not as strong).
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