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Everything posted by ProtoGuy

  1. haha that would be awesome now if we could get past 20 XD 15
  2. awh, hmm... the ge would be a safe zone prolly too cause its a bank and all... i guess a parade of death would work best then :twss:
  3. :twss:x 11 haha wow im bored, and darn it jimmy! now as soon as he logs back on were screwed ._.
  4. heh heh... indeed ^_^ -Light blub- That should be a tip.it joint event! :thumbsup: Taking over a PVP world! :lol: Genius. :geek: I'll second that. as long as its f2p id do that all day XD just tipit storming the entire f2p world, starting in edgy, then going to each city till we get back to the starting point as one giant mob killing all in our path that or just killing anything that so much as exists in lumby again and again works too ^_^
  5. haha nice :P :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss:
  6. :shock: !!! :D maddieh! awesome blog hun ^_^ good to have you back!
  7. in all honesty, ive been wondering the same thing myself recently. youre not alone man, i promise you that, im 18 as well and ive been having alot of stress being thrown at me too, and to answer the question about the breathing thing, yes, breathing and meditation can be very relaxing to the body, no it does not solve everything and can calm you down in that short amount of time like a "fix" such as alcohol or smoking can another thing you might want to consider is a therapist if it gets too bad mine helped tremendously, and now, i even have a medication to help with my panic attacks, before him i didn't even know what a panic attack was! haha but instead of smoking, try alternative sources for relaxing, things that wouldn't be detrimental to your health and such things like playing a good video game, playing an instrument, taking up a skill like cooking or digital arts, there is alot of options and really, all you have to do is look for 'em ^_^ but something i HIGHLY recommend is to look into meditation now there is alot of people saying "oh this and this is meditating" "finding your inner self" and all this other spiritual bull, that makes no sense at all and is nothing more than a waste of time meditation is nothing more than a breathing skill and mindfulness try your local bookstore and go to the psychology section to find something on this, but try to avoid anything from the new age section as it will prolly give you the wrong idea, then you start wondering where ur going wrong and just get even more stressed haha. that would be bad
  8. or else i wouldnt be posting :P so my elite red ringed about a week ago, so i took all the steps and phoned it in, blah blah blah anyone with a 360 has gone thru that at LEAST once haha ;D so my friend ryan told me about the towel trick, for those of you who are in the dark about this, let me tell you about it for short, you wrap ur 360 up in a towel and give it a 15 min nap, and *poof* fixed! :D for those of you that are intrigued as to how it works [hide=]what actually happens is when you wrap it up, you turn the system on, and leave it there, and essentially what your doing by over heating the system is re-soldering the connections that broke loose when the system died[/hide] so i did that, and leik, 0mG! it worked :D (i swear thats the last i ever do that -.-) but theres a catch yeah, it would turn on and show the dashboard with everything, but NO disk game would work not a dvd, not a demo disk, not the orange box, not a normal game nothing. all the stuff already on there works fine! like ive got fable and halo 1 downloaded (thank GOD) but thats about it =/ thus ends my tale of woe. *bows* haha but is there anyone else who has any idea on how else i can get it to work on my own? im moving out of town in about a week, so if i could get that working when im just settling in, thatd be amazinggg
  9. :thumbsup: twister the game
  10. at least with aids im not a vegetable and can do something to enjoy my life be involved in a hollywood scandal that lasts for years or lose a limb to frostbite?
  11. im interested to see what the reply to this is... :lol:
  12. lol i think he might of been refering to halo as in the object, being he was one of the 666 posters lol :P and tbh, ive been playing alot of ff a2, yay for ds \ :arrow: 11664 :!: and now for something completely different
  13. (as self detrimental as this is) banned for backing me up :thumbsup: *hands cookie* you have done well
  14. i forget, how fast is the mace? it might be of a good bit of help, its cheaper than skim, and helps boost ur prayer a tad but the selling point would be its a crush weapon and probably much faster than warhammer
  15. lol ur the one who wrote it... and that anthrax specialist was actually me but i killed you with a rusty spoon before you realised who i was, i take the coin and travel to ur mums house for scones
  16. wait, wha? -- - - - - - - - - - - - - and i secretly laced the gp with anthrax before putting it into the machine *loots gp from your dead body*
  17. lol imma have to play this game... plok
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