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Everything posted by killerbeer0

  1. I hope it's true. Too badass not to be.
  2. Who cares? North Korea could be wiped off the map in under 24 hours. Not like they'll do anything.
  3. I'd call the numbers, say I had the phone and ask for an address to send it to. Then send him my crappy phone and his SIM card and be psyched about my upgrade.
  4. killerbeer0


    I decided once and for all what university I'll be attending.
  5. can i disable javascript on just the runescape game page?
  6. You know the new feature that keeps you from accidentally refreshing (or something else) your runescape page on accident? Can I disable this somehow? I, for important reasons, need to be able to close tabs fast and that confirmation really is a problem. OH, i'm using firefox, might be relevant.
  7. 29 and 30 in ACT. Including a 34 in science. I never bothered to study much at all. Probably could have gotten higher but it doesn't matter now!
  8. The marriage being legalized won't make more gay people. More might come out, but roughly 10% ( read this stat somewhere...) of the population is gay and that won't change because of a law.
  9. Reproduction occurs without marriage so how can marriage be defined by it?
  10. killerbeer0


    Haha ah. And nice lol, I'm gonna be getting my own appt. pretty soon actually. n_n It's gonna be $711 for a 3 bed, so its not a bad deal at all. So what's Psyro? Music group. http://www.myspace.com/nirpsyro :twss: Whats this supposed to mean?
  11. killerbeer0


    Haha ah. And nice lol, I'm gonna be getting my own appt. pretty soon actually. n_n It's gonna be $711 for a 3 bed, so its not a bad deal at all. So what's Psyro? Music group. http://www.myspace.com/nirpsyro
  12. He was pretty delicate about it. When I first told him he didn't know what I meant, wikipedia fixed that. He accepts it. Doesn't want details, I understand that. Actually he dropped an off hand comment that led to me suspecting he has a friend like me. Of course it could just be me jumping to a conclusion based on my status, but not many people draw themselves as a wolf... Interesting to see where this will go. My friend is going to drop the word "anthro" casually ans watch the response - from experience I'm pretty sure it can't do any harm. I'll feel bad if he like breaks down or something though, but things that remind me of my orientation are more numerous than one might think. However, zoophilia was the topic of choice today at my school. Gross jokes en masse, someone said that "those [bleep]ers deserve to die" referencing people like me. That hurt deep.
  13. killerbeer0


    Congratulations on your house. :thumbsup:
  14. I did it. I told my friend. I still have my friend. I feel the best I have in months.
  15. killerbeer0


    You can't diagnose him like that... you're not a doctor.. but anyways, I think he's already diagnosed with clinical depression so he's already been there and done that. I'm depressed. I have often felt that way. Trust me, he's depressed.
  16. Damn. Zaps room is totally awesome.
  17. I can't help being reminded of it. My mind can't drop it.
  18. killerbeer0


    Yeah you're depressed. You should see a doctor, maybe they can get you on something that makes you feel better.
  19. killerbeer0


    Dang dude! Are you depressed? I'm here for you if you need to talk... you helped me.
  20. Getting close to where maxing out defense won't really affect who you fight. max melee
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