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Everything posted by Saradomin_Mage

  1. Anyone know what this headgear is? Ta mates. inb4 it's some runefest thing edit: it's the zaros morion, from that god cap promo. rip.
  2. Nice progress man. You're doing fine yourself, don't let those other people get to you. Also I assume this is the site you went to? http://www.artofmanliness.com/2015/07/22/asking-a-woman-on-a-date-should-you-call-or-text/
  3. The lore from Betrayal at Falador is pretty close to being canon, being referenced by multiple characters as well as a quest. I think it's a fair judgement to say that the Black Knights are more "traditionally evil" than the White Knights.
  4. they don't know how to barricade? also nice 71 araxxi kc [bleep] YOU
  5. Just give us another Monk's Friend/Clock Tower and call it a day.
  6. Yeah Veiva I tried to get Toad back but when I told him that top-end Araxxor gear cost over 200M he decided against it lol
  7. Dungeoneering doesn't exist in DarkScape either :P ...
  8. The minifreezes are due to the memory on the client being maxed out, and then being dumped. Try restarting the client, or turning down your graphics settings.
  9. I think Kal'gerion 4 is bugged at the moment too, just doesn't drop from Yk'Lagor for people who have been killing him for days now.
  10. About that luck... +1 more golden armadyl in house PM'd the tech support team last year to try to get the extra two golden armadyl converted to other sets, but I think they couldn't do it because my bank was full and I never bothered to follow up. rip.
  11. I think it's because they took world 202 offline, 200 is still up afaik.
  12. itt jremy realises that people can be lucky enough to win lotteries
  13. They dropped browser support on FF and Chrome a while back, I think. You have to get the client to play, there should be a Linux version out there somewhere!
  14. it's in its original location west of lumbridge, since the crater wasn't added to darkscape.
  15. Wasn't the easiest thing to do just stand in melee distance (except for the final fight) and use protect from melee? Worked fine for me. Threw in devotion too, you could include debilitate if you want. No need to kite until the last battle.
  16. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lord_of_Vampyrium RIP whatever we voted for.
  17. Well, a lot more people died than I thought. I assume you'd get the bonuses by virtue of having it as your mainhand weapon, you can use a drygore offhand for maximum effectiveness after that. I think it's been discontinued, actually. Anyone found any post quest stuff to do?
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