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Everything posted by Saradomin_Mage

  1. the last 4 seconds of actual gameplay footage =(
  2. Don't you need to pass the Note to Robert to Robert, which tells him that the animal is cat and that he needs to inscribe DIRAKS in his collar? You'd have to do this well before Robert even became a cat for the events of ROTM to take place.
  3. Yeah I've seen that guy around, not sure if it's the same one but likely so. PM him and see if he recognises us?
  4. I'd rather some parts of the continent already be fully functional, while only a few towns/cities need to be reconstructed. Instead of there being a single reward shop for the whole continent's content, split the rewards across activities in the whole place.
  5. Would there be content to immediately play with, as opposed to having to build everything in order to unlock certain resources/creatures/areas along the way? I don't think I could wait for the community to pour in resources for a week before we get to unlock a dungeon/slayer creature, would rather there be things available to play with from the get-go.
  6. Dom gloves are t80 tank, aren't they? they have the added bonus of making basic abilities hit 25% harder and drain stats, which is great situationally
  7. it's like blogscape though? the rules have always been more lax here
  8. wonder why they didn't stick to the model they had of her from FOTG
  9. Took this many kills, but finally got the ring too. Rest in peace Cywir clan 980 murdered elves later.
  10. Anyone have a rough idea of the drop rate for the wedding ring? Also, which type of shapeshifter did you kill for it. Currently at 750+ shifters killed, all ranged type at time of kill, no ring so far.
  11. Fair enough, I have been misinformed about the dialogue options.
  12. "design a boss where switching won't be easy"??? We have how many action bars now? If they want to accomplish that they can simply re-add that stupid tick delay when activating prayers.
  13. Meh, personally there was nothing wrong at all with the reference in the first diary. You've got a line where she talked about being a boy before, and that was it. Subtle drop. She doesn't bring it up in conversation again, because it's not important. It's just who she is, which we'll take for granted. The preachy bit comes where your character finds the wedding ring (after slaughtering probably the whole Cywir clan), and when you turn it in to her, she lets slip that she used to be a boy. Rather than just go "oh that's nice" your character goes into "OMG YOU WERE A GUY?????" mode, to which she replies that not everyone is born into a body that they're comfortable with. Is our character seriously that retarded? Why do we need to have this spelt out to us? It's terrible writing when you have to drop something so obviously instead of leaving contextual clues. Did we need to ask Korasi if she was hot for Jessika?
  14. I thought the hits for wild magic and snap shot were only changed to be spread out for pvp combat? Strange.
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