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Everything posted by NuckingFuts

  1. I decided to get back into some GOP (because I wanted the Omni-Talisman-Staff , Which I have now obtained \ ) However in one of my games, when it was late, I was tired, I had accidentally drawn out the repel wand, and out of my own foolishness kept on repeling our teams orbs. Now as you can imagine, the team was pissed, and so was I after I found out nearing the end of the game (I had chat turned of until I noticed the majority of my team following me) - However one of them kept on saying he had reported me for bug abuse? So, my question is, does repeling your teams orbs count as bug abuse? Or for a better way of stating it Does disrupting/hindering your teams performance - count as bug abuse? Can it even be reported under anything? Thanks in advance.
  2. Looks cool And yeah, they are going to have to open this new Slayer Monster up somehow, I doubt they would randomly stick it into the game without any background story. Most likely a quest to make it available or something, either way, I am looking forward to when they release it. :)
  3. You have to be s***ing me! This is the best news of the day for me (coupled with the Alch update) I sure do hope this is legit and has a chance of happening! I have wished for a new name for many many many months now (but without having to loose all my stats) Aside from personal benefits, imaging how awesome being able to change your name would be for Clans. Clan Tags anyone? That will make clans stand out a lot more and get improved recognition. I Love Jagex. --- Quest looks sweet as well, I hope the story is justified and well planned out. I will do it one day... I just want to do all my other quests first. I also for some reason, hate quests in the desert (personal opinion) I'm scared of the desert heat and the really long distance walks in the sand :(
  4. I never do quests when they come out, nor have I done any of the new quests since like last year? I guess I am just lazy with questing :( I will get there eventually though! --- And in response to your question why? One simple answer/reason, is that it's new (Yes, it can be a reason). As with any new content being posted about on the front page, you can be sure to find many players at that location, trying it out for themselves. Same reasoning can be applied to anything really... For example TV programs, if the next season starts showing on TV, many people watch/record it there and then, opposed to waiting ages. If it's new, people want to know about it.
  5. 'sigh' I hate rants that are tied with the OP going on an ego trip. So basically, some player was being a "noob" towards you, and you respond by doing some "noobish" thing back. What's to rant about? The fact that you just fell into the ever-growing list of people that respond in an immature fashion from bring irked by another player online? It might have made you feel better, but you gave him/her what they wanted... Essentially, you both lost.
  6. Sorry for jumping in on someone else's thread, I only ask because it was brought up. Do you need to know how to cast the spell before you can make teletabs from it? For example Bones to Peaches, and does it require a special kind of lectern to make? (like one of the higher level lecterns) Sorry :( ------ For some slow profit, telegrab Zamorak Wines. They sell for like 852gp - 941gp, I used to do it in a group once. Basically some guy wanted the wine, and so I was telegrabbing the wine from the temple, while he was running back and forth with the wine and money. At the same time, 3 people were killing the monks. It was a rather fun, and strange method that I used to get some money back in my low level F2P days :P
  7. I would be embarrassed wearing something that was linked to something that had a poor reputation or social status, yeah. Much in the same way I would have been embarrassed buying something branded with Pokemon back in the day. For many people, what you decide to wear, can describe what kind of person you are. I don't want to be portrayed as a nerd tyvm. It's not my friends opinion I care about, its the potentially new people that I meet. "Don't judge a book by its cover", "Don't judge on first impression", Whatever the quote/saying... it happens, and being embarrassed about wearing Runescape branded clothing my response to that.
  8. Yeah, I love that it doesn't scream Runescape, well... at least not to someone who has very limited knowledge of the game. I probably will be buying one, and not be embarrassed about wearing it, the logo on it looks pretty awesome to be honest.
  9. Sweet, Thank you for the help and the quick reply :thumbup: :thumbup:
  10. Simple question that I have had on my mind lately. When barrows degrades, does it produce any negative effects? (Do the stats go down, or the special from having all pieces on, i.e. Guthans weaken at all?) Thanks in advance :)
  11. Yup, I tried that also, still nothing. In the end I gave up, and went and installed Linux Mint 6 Felicia (Which plays RS fine, even in HD -.- ) And I'm digging the interface it is giving me, so this looks like a good move, heh. Well anyway, thanks for your reply and help skatedog111, appreciated. This thread can basically be locked now if need be, thanks :)
  12. Operating System: Ubuntu 9.04 64-Bit AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ 4GB RAM Before, well, yesterday even. I could play Runescape fine, with no problems. (I have been playing it in standard detail for ages, because I never seemed able to get high detail to work without flickering constantly) Today, I head onto the computer, login, and BAM, about 40-60 seconds in I'm presented with the WSOA (White Screen of Annoyance) Why this had suddenly happened is actually puzzling me; I have the latest Java, and the same graphics driver that I have had since the start of using Ubuntu, no problems before. I have already tried a few methods found from browsing this forum and the web, however nothing seems to work. - Rebooting the machine - Re-installing Java - Deleting the Jagex_cache_32 folder - Installing some firefox32 from some guide that dsavi_x4 linked someone to on this forum - Running in a different session. I've tried GNOME (Without all the eye candy like compiz), Fluxbox Still, nothing works. So I come here in the hope that someone could be of some assistance :) Thank you in advance.
  13. eeeek, I don't know why I started talking about Guthix XD (Shows how much I have forgotten after that period of time away...) Thank you very much for that list, looks to contain similar items from when I last ventured down to the GWD, and obtaining them should be no problem. I shall also work on that quest ASAP so I can enter the Eyrie :D Many thanks for your reply/help. It's people like you that make this forum so great. :thumbup:
  14. Now I know a lot of you will *sigh* because of this, for that I apologise. I know it is a common question around these parts :( Basically, I am going to go and Pray Aviance with my soon to be achieved 70 prayer I understand it is suggested these days to Tank them, however I am not so much comfortable doing this method, as I am a big girl and fear dying -.- (I also have never done it before...) What I wanted to know, is what would be good gear to bring along? I haven't done the Aviance for a long while now, and so I can't remember what to bring along... :( - I also have some new levels since then, and so can possibly wear new, and better equipment. From my understanding, I should bring one of each item tied to one of the Runescape gods to prevent getting WTFOWNT upon entry of the GWD? So that is a Saradomin, Zamorak, and Guthix item correct? (I know that Guthix isn't required, but I should have it if I want to use the Aviance room right?) Sorry for asking this common question - Just a simple list of the recommended defence gear I should take with would be awesome. Thanks in advance.
  15. Sounds good to me :D I just got myself 3k Dragon Bones for the 70 prayer, and Guthans for use in slayer :) Thanks so much for yours and everyone's help :)
  16. Ok, well I probably should have stated in my first post that I was going to more then likely be training slayer, and that I already have the majority of gear - Whip, D Boots, Slayer Helm etc... I apologize for leaving it so vague. I am going to take the advice of getting 70 Prayer. Bones - 149,557 = 10,543,769gp Big Bones - 44,867 = 16,084,820gp I'm guessing I shall go with the big bones right? I also noticed using the calculator, you can bury them using Gilded Alters (2 Marble Burners)? Which could put the price down for doing Big Bones to 4,595,970gp - Thing is, I have no idea how I do this method? :( Any help there would be greatly appreciated I feel like spending it on prayer, would be a good investment, not only will it help me in slayer, but also if I ever want to do Avianses again, and use the pray method. ------------------------ I then started looking at this burst technique a few mentioned, however if my calculations are correct, I wont even have enough to purchase the chaos runes needed in the spell? 63,025 (Number of casts needed) * 4 (number of chaos runes needed in spell) * The price of a chaos rune = 26,807,850gp Lets not forget on top of that I then require the death and water runes. ----------------------- If I am heading towards slayer, then I guess I should buy some full barrows gear, I have been looking at Full Guthans, which is around 4m, I hear this is good for slayer because of the health bonus and such? ----------------------- Any left over from this spending, goes into summoning :D Thanks for your help everyone so far, You have made me realise that it would be better to wait for Bandos, until I have enough money to buy them both at the same time + some. Thanks.
  17. Well, today, after selling a months worth of sharks (10k) and getting money from MTK, I have ended up with 21m, the highest amount of money I have ever had in the game. Now, I would like to spend it, But I am having a hard time deciding what to go for, so hopefully someone here can point me in the right direction :) I am looking to buy some more combat gear, I have been looking at bandos (chestplate and tassets, however I will only be able to afford one atm...) , DFS, or a Full Barrows of some sort (I already have a few parts of some that I mixed and matched for a slaying setup) What I want to know, is what would be best to spend my money on? What would be a wise purchase to make? Or is the even something not on my list that I should put the money towards instead? Bare in mind, I am looking to do combat skills for a while now, so please don't suggest I invest the money into a skill other than that, Any left over money will go towards the purchase of summoning ingredients, and I intend to only have 1m backup money left at the end :D Any advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated, I only ask here because I don't want to make the mistake of buying something bad with the money I have just spent a while making. Thanks.
  18. Anyone got a picture of this new mysterious Fringe Haircut? Thanks -------------- Update seems minimal, but that doesn't bother me, the hair however was the only thing that caught my interest :D Can't wait to grab me an afro.
  19. What about the salt water pool? Having around 20 Mins of infinite run to do something like tanning dragon hides, makes it worth it IMO. Tele to Camelot - Charter from Catherby - Jump into the pool - Tele to Lumbridge. << That alone is a fairly quick process. The quicker I can tan the hides, then the quicker I can get my batch done + get profit.
  20. When the character called the machine the "nut machine 9000" (Can't remember the exact machine name :cry: ) I immediately thought of fourchan XD I only just done the event today, and although it was a nice break from my shark fishing, the event seemed fairly boring and unimaginative. And IMO I don't mind the reward, I just think it looks damn stupid and ugly. New emote is sweet though :D
  21. This is the only slightly decent suggestion in your thread. Simply because it would prevent those few keyloggers out there that a programmed to take a screenshot on every click. The rest well... is either based upon lack-of/false knowledge, or just wouldn't be ideal to apply considering the many different playing habits of the Runescape community. compfreak847 has already covered all of your points with accurate arguments against your suggestion... I'll leave it at that.
  22. Well I installed it, I installed Ubuntu 9.04 Beta to be exact, and I have to say, so far so good. I've got my music and videos playing through the applications I want, I also have installed Virtualbox / Wine so I can play around with that (And I left a 60GB empty partition on the HDD so I can install a copy of Windows) Already the system seems much more stable than the Windows XP I had before, even when I was installing AA, setting up my 3D desktop and themes,and transfering 20GB of data from the ExHD while downloading a bunch of application from the repository's, it was still running smooth. This is proving to be one of the best moves I have made in a while. Thanks dsavi for helping me with those Q's, they were all I needed to make my decision firm :D
  23. aha, The master dsavi himself has responded Well that sounds good enough to me. Tonight, I shall be installing Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu GNU (Close call :P) I'm actually really going to enjoy this, I hear the stuff you can learn from using a Linux OS is both beneficial and helpful. That, alongside the fact there is a greater sense of freedom while using it. Thanks dsavi for your response, much appreciated. :thumbup:
  24. I've started to get really frustrated with Windows now, And I am starting to feel like moving over to Linux (Most likely Ubuntu) I have used Linux Ubuntu in the past, and I am currently using Linux Mint with fluxbox on my laptop, so I am fairly familiar with the way it functions and such, the one thing that always hangs over me though is whether I want to fully devote my system to it. Just now however, I was looking into VM's, and this has got me pondering yet again... on the idea of getting it. The way I see it, is like this... - Most of my games could/should be able to run under Wine (I could even set up a partition if they didn't - which might be a could idea seeing how I have a problem dedicating my time to work) - Photoshop/Dreamweaver/Flash/Illustrator should also be able to work under Wine right? - I could use VirtualBox to run Windows XP inside of Linux, I'm not sure how far I can go with this though... - The rest of the applications I use are also, either working on Linux (Firefox, Thunderbird) or they have other programs that do the same task (Open Office, Pidgin, Amorak) So here are my questions that I would like some help with :) 1) Does Wine really keep up with being able to run application and games? For example Battlefield 2 / Photoshop CS3 / Sony Vegas 2) Will I be able to share my External HD from Linux? Would it allow a windows machine to use it? 3) How functional would a VM Windows XP be? What could I use it for? I know some of these questions are dependant on hardware, so here are a few specs that might be needed. / 64bit X2 Dual Core / 2.31GHz / 4GB Ram / I'm ready to make the swap over, I just require an extra push from other people who could recommend it to me. Thank you in advance :)
  25. You've had it in there for a month? wow, I would love to hear how much profit you make from that :D
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