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Everything posted by nerdboyxxx

  1. Good ideas, I could possibly help with the quest (write up some requirements, ideas as to what you have to do, etc.) but I am kind of busy now. I'll get back to you on it. I know it is meant to be an f2p boss, but you could add some possible p2p drops as well (they don't have to be great, but stuff like runes, arrows, possibly some dragon equipment like dragon longsword, med helm, etc.) I support it. If you need any help, just pm me.
  2. Hehe true. Stringing, on average, takes me 15-20 seconds per inventory, meaning I get through 42 per minute (assuming it takes me 20 seconds). And I have to string 10K yew longbows to get to 95 fletch. That sounds like a long time :| I might go with the cutting and stringing. I used to get through 27 yew logs in about 30 seconds, meaning quicker experience overall.
  3. Hi all! Another question from me :P I need to know, which method is quicker to 99 Fletching? Stringing yew longbow (u)'s or cutting and string yew longbows? I am currently 94 Fletching, and want to get it within the week. I can play up to 6 hours a day, on weekends, and just over 2 hours a day (usually less) on weekdays. I don't have the cash to do mage longs, so don't tell me to please. Thank you for all responses! :)
  4. thats neat. got anymore interesting info? Yep. He's not a ****head on probation.
  5. Thanks for replying =) Well, mainly gear. Full Bandos, dfs, whip, fury, berserker ring, maybe an ags/bgs. Yeah, expensive stuff =P but the prospect of making about 6M a day is just too good to pass up, no matter how long it will take. It'll be worth it =) again, good luck with your goal of 99 rcíng =)
  6. Hey dude, I made a thread a little while back asking what is the best way to make cash. You suggested Runecrafting, but to make a really decent amount of cash you say double nats. Double nats means 91 runecrafting =P~ I was wondering if you could give me some tips on training my runecrafting, I might actually attempt it :D Best of luck to you, I know you can do it! And if you can do it, I'm guessing I can do it too :)
  7. Wow, I want to train Runecrafting now :D Problem is, my runecrafting is REALLY crap. Its only 20 :ohnoes: I might train it, maybe with 91 rcíng in mind, but I'm not sure. That amount of cash in a day sounds really good, and more consistent than combat. I am looking for a good amount of cash, rcíng may be the way to go :) Thank you for the responses, I read them all. Combat is good cash, but I need consistent money. I'll work for my cash if I have to, even if it involves 91 runecrafting XD
  8. Thanks :) are Avansies better cash per hour than Dragons? Because my range level is pitiful (only 50) so I might not be able to do them. I might continue to train until I am around level 114 and go with a clan/group/friends to godwars, but until then I think I'll just do Green Dragons (I average about 200-350K an hour there).
  9. I need some help here. Combat v.s. all the skills, which one is better for cash? Regardless, in the end I will be using combat for money, once I get enough cash for all the gear I want and I reach my levels. But I need to know what is better to reach my goal. I will need a whopping 46.7M for all the gear I want, not including the OTHER gear I want for pking, and other things, but I will probably be getting the cash for pking gear, etc. from combat (gwd :D). Okay, enough babbling, I need your opinions. Fire away, and thanks for all responses :)
  10. Also one of his pics is 88k and the other is 90k isn't the max 100k? Can you please stick to the question, and see if my working out is correct? And to end the mini discussion, yes they changed the signature rules,I shrunk mine down to fit in, and the max size is 100K per image.
  11. I dont see how it is violating rules, I have stayed within the siggy rules set. And that isn't really on-topic. It takes me about 15-20 seconds for a full inventory, possibly less. It is hard for me to record because it can sometimes vary. I have to string 94, 051 yew longbows. So, that will be 94, 051/28 = 3358x0.2 (it is seconds not minutes, if I am doing this wrong please tell me) =671.6 minutes. Doesn't sound right, I think I did it wrong. I might have to go by how many inventory's I can do per minute :? Now, the profit margin. Tell me again if I am doing this wrong. This is based on prices about a day old, so it might be a bit off. But it is just an estimate. Prices haven't changed much today anyway. So, a yew longbow sells for 690gp, but to string one, I require one Bow String (200gp) and one yew longbow (u)(451gp), which in total cost me 651gp. So, to work it out I will have to do the following: Total cash Pile: 690 (yew long) x 94,051 (no. of yew long's I will be selling, after stringing). = 64895190gp BUT, that is not the profit I will make. It will cost me about half of that to get to 99 Fletchng. I worked out that per yew longbow strung, I am making 39gp profit. 39gp profit x 94,051 = 3667989gp Profit. PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEASE Tell me if any of those calculations are wrong. I might have missed some steps, added too many, or have waaaay too much cash at the end of it all. Please tell me though, don't just say OMG ROFL NUB.
  12. nvm close this I got it....Im not really thinking straight 2day
  13. Very nice concept here, the idea is actually very tempting... Woodcutting clans lol :P
  14. Heh, why not, I support it lol. You guys deserve more than 68 measly bank spaces, despite what Jagex reckons, "f2p don't have as many items as p2p". Doesn't mean you guys deserve 68 spaces. I would like to see it increased to at least 100, that will allow you to store some pretty good items overall :thumbsup:
  15. Absolutely, they are, in fact, working on this right now, although it will be a long way down the track. But yes, I believe they deserve them. Noone is going to pay $5 a month to keep a skillcape, so making them f2p wouldn't really do any harm.
  16. I say leave it as it is, you can already make a lot of profit from rcing, why change it? And it will just cause a lot of upset in my opinion.
  17. Are you kidding me? Construction has some of the fastest experience in the game, the reason it is rare is because it costs so damn much, and that alone doesnt account for it been a harder 99. I'd say Fletching though, I am currently going for 99 fletch and got from lvl 20 to 91 in less than a week, just stringing yew longs, which I will be doing for another whole week to get it to 99. Cooking is quick also, but can cost more than fletching (with fletching you can make a slight profit).
  18. Ummm thats 40K exp an hour for rc at 99, which is hardly great, because we are talking to 99, not from it. Although from 91-99 there isn't much exp change, with runecrafting from 1-91, max exp with nat running is about 24K, unless you have time and/or money to burn you can do other methods. Slayer is fun, you can also make a quick buck, and you are also training combat skills along with it. It might be slow, but that depends what task you get, how you perform that task, and other factors. Overall, Slayer is the easier one, Runecrafting is just a kick in the nuts :evil:
  19. Fully support this idea, I play both ftp and p2p, ftp is great and definitely deserve something like this :thumbsup: Ill give my support on the RSOF as well.
  20. There's a picture of you weightlifting? Who takes pictures of themslf weightlifting -.- Edit: Just saw the pictures. My cousin is bigger than you :|
  21. Wow gl I have faith in you, I reckon you can do it. But try and do other things as well, you will get sick of it if you just mine and mine and mine and mine and mne for 2+ hours a day *dies*
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