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Everything posted by Grimy_Bunyip

  1. so long as we're a small community, there will not be level reqs. There might be some need for a newb filter if the community ever gets big. But, there's not exactly a plan in place to get big. Nor would such a plan say that a level req is the best way to filter the newbies.
  2. I personally found that soulsplit alone made Nomad a joke. The biggest problem is saradomin brews reducing your damage output. That really doesn't make nearly as much a difference with soul split. A chaotic rapier would also help, but I personally did Nomad with a good 20+ saradomin brews to spare with a zamorakian spear and soulsplit. That after I died 2 times to Nomad because I didn't use soul split. I think you are overestimating Nomad. You should be fine.
  3. wish I could be DGing with you and bladewing
  4. Accusing anybody of cheating will be removed and warnings sent for it, friend of a moderator or not. I do not know of the instance you are alluding too and have never heard of it, but if somebody was banned for accusing another of cheating, it would have been a coincidence if a friend of a moderator was involved. Like I said already, the issues I mentioned are in the process of being discussed, as some of the matters are somewhat private. And through the appropriate channels (a private discussion has been created on TIF to discuss it) If you want to talk to me about this, I'll see you in the appropriate channels Danq. This thread can be locked.
  5. then don't bet all your money. Use it as an income source when you have excess cash, if it yields a profit on average. Otherwise stick to your day job.
  6. We're not just a "teaching" cc. Our priority to breed high quality dg'ers trumps are service to teach the community how to DG. This is why we allow keyers to be as vulgar as they want when lecturing newbies. (They of course, have no obligation to always be vulgar, nor do we instruct them to do so, but the freedom to do so exists should they choose.) Remember, if you're not helping us towards the ultimate goal of creating high quality dungeoneers, you're not needed. And high quality dungeoneers tend to be ones that can take a little abuse. That's why the raging exists. It does serve a purpose, whether or not the newbies like it. and yes I do use the word yell kind of interchangeably. But, we are VERY harsh on the newbies. We have a lot of newbies. And very few teachers. We got to weed them out someway. And most keyers prefer to weed out the ones they don't enjoy teaching (IE the ones they have to yell at a lot).
  7. You can't, I made that medal for Izenhime and Izenhime alone.
  8. im sure you can add a new eating condition in there fairly easily. You totally should. The limitation of the markov chain is that, although it gives you an exact result in a ridiculously efficient number of calculations, it makes several key simplifications over brute force simulation. These simplifications do not work if you add in conditional statements such as eating of food, venging, etc.
  9. idiocy aside here, congratulations on developing the new code. So from my understanding it works my running mass simulations as opposed to a markov chain? So it is able to simulate, the eating of food for example? or healing from blood spells? and soulsplit? yes is this just mass simulations it is possible to with the right amount of work but i simply chose boxing as it is much similar if by "just boxing" you mean just exchanging blows back and forth, then markov chains are the same. A markov chain is essentially a calculation that runs calculates every single possible simulations, using matrices to optimize the calculation time. The limiting factor of markov chains is the inability to factor in complex, decision based inputs such as eating food should one fall below X amount of health. as to your question about overkill loss a long long long time ago. It has occurred to me that while it is very time consuming to calculate overkill losses, once calculated, you never need to calculate it again. IE once i make a spreadsheet, of a matrix of: Max hit vs Overkill loss Once that spreadsheet is filled in with the computed values, it does not need to be calculated once again. Sorry I didn't think of that earlier.
  10. idiocy aside here, congratulations on developing the new code. So from my understanding it works my running mass simulations as opposed to a markov chain? So it is able to simulate, the eating of food for example? or healing from blood spells that a markov chain would not be able to account for efficiently?
  11. That's not exactly an appropriate response for forgetting to regate. Depends on the frequency of the mistake, and the nature of the keyer. The keyer is allowed to stop a floor and lecture and or yell at a person for making a mistake, regardless of how frequent it is. You're being serviced by a keyer, and this is a learning cc. You are expected to sit and take any lecture a keyer throws at you. Forgetting to drop a gatestone even after a keyer has lectured you several times is ban worthy. This is a learning cc. If you can't learn, you no longer have a place in DGS.
  12. uh what? I don't recognize any of those players. and 36 mins almost 2x as long as an abandonned floor should take.
  13. Then feel free to do as the staff that's been posting in this thread has been saying, and report the stuff you find annoying/offensive in RS general discussion. If they don't catch it, it'll run rampant. I am not prone to enjoying discussion about RS in general anyway, maybe because of the crowd that plays it at this point in time. I pop in every once in a while and only see complaints on the huge stickies that I'm not a fan of anyway. I do think that you need to 'build up' or be here longer to be less intimidated by the staff... I've been here since what, 2006? And only maybe into 2009 did I feel comfortable PMing a mod. Getting involved with the community and forums helps to make you less 'scared' of staff and realize they're just real people like you, with a bit more responsibility. I still believe the staff does as best of a job as they can, dealing with a wide range of users who are not necessarily mature enough to express themselves well, and obviously dealing with those who exist only to bother others (ie trolls). I'm sorry but you just don't understand the situation, as you've probably never witness a mod explicitly insult someone, or ban someone for accusing one of their friends of cheating in RS. These complaints are hardly raised without appropriate precedence. Like I said, we're working on dealing with the situation in our own way. There's no need for you to lecture me on how to use the report button. The grievances I am eluding to are very specific, and involve very specific moderators that frequent the runescape boards. And we are currently planning to deal with them in a responsible fashion, as the methods you have described have never worked in the past. I respect your pride as a moderator, but like I said. It's specific, it's being dealt with, and the solution is not going to be anything as simple as what you have proposed.
  14. everybody that's been posting here with complaints, + the few people defending the mods such as all is great, are runescape discussion board frequenters.
  15. The problems are private matters. I'm not going to mention them specifically. Some matters are of the past, some are not. Once again, I'm not going to spill the beans in this thread. Furthermore, I barely even post in blogscape. Almost every last post I've made in blogscape, has been in the my personal blog. Which was made like, a week ago. I don't know where you're getting your accusations from. Sure, I raged a lot about how people should play their game over a year ago. Can you please get over it.
  16. When's the last time I questioned your playstyle? Can you even provide a citation that isn't over a year old? And yes some of my friends do that a lot, and I did a lot in the past. But that's behind most of us now. And I don't encourage them to continue such behavior. But I can't stop them if they really want to.
  17. TIF's moderation isn't very balanced. Some of the time, the willing moderators aren't necessarily available. The times where a TIF moderator does intervenes, they have a tendency to take it personally and or take a stance based on their personal ideals. It is practically never the case that a TIF mod takes some time to step back and reflect, before raining judgment. Lets say, hypothetically, a mod makes a mistake. What happens? Will the mod ever get feedback telling them they made a mistake? If they do will they alone be able to see that they made a mistake, or would they brush it off. A lot of people I know, are very very upset at TIF moderation and administration. Some of us for recent reasons, some of us for deep rooted reasons stemming from years ago. So here's the problem. When we appeal to a mod, it's through PMs. It boils down to a 1 on 1 interaction between moderator and player. And should the moderator choose to, he/she has every right to take a brick wall stance, leaving the player helpless. In the American justice system, people have a right to a lawyer. Someone, who to a small extent, has the power to moderate the moderator. Because if one moderator crosses the line, it's simply an additional effort to PM another moderator, and get him/her involved as well. An effort that the vast majority of people would not take. But if you had multiple mods, then the moderators keep an eye on each other as well as the player. No one moderator can overstep any lines. But, this is almost never the case. The moderators are free to reign judgment on forum goers. Creating the illusion of over moderation. in short, lack of competent staff, and overzealousness on the part of some of the moderators. I'll be blunt. Me and my friends have tried appealing to other mods when things do not go as we hope. And there's pretty much only 2 mods we can count on to actually do anything. Das is one, he actually exerts the effort to try and create a solution between the moderators and the players. I can't remember who the other one is, We've tried appealing to say, Tripsis for example. Who, I respect as a moderator. But she's too by the book. If we have a problem, her reaction is always, more or less. Here are the rules. Sorry, I can't change them. Which doesn't really do anything to alleviate the solution. IE Tripsis is a brick wall. Which is fine in some regards. It makes her a perfectly fair judge which is effective moderation the majority of the time. But completely useless if you're seeking compromise, not to be told what you already know. I consider Danq overidealistic. Bottom line is I don't think he thinks things through well enough. But hey, none of the other mods are going to tell him that. And if a non mod tells him that, it's fallen on deaf ears. A prime example of what happens when you let a mod run amok with without having a reliable source of feedback. I consider Racheya simply slow on the uptake. The last time I spoke with Racheya, i spent literally about 10 pages of posts explaining what my assertion was. I did not even get to argue with her, because it took me so long to explain what I was trying to say. But of course, I can't exactly say, hey Racheya, you're really not getting it. Because Racheya's a mod. And nobody else is going to say it either. So the issue remains. I could go on, about other mods too. But regardless, I've frankly given up on the TIF community. This post is a courtesy. But I have other friends that are actually trying to take efforts make things better and I'll support their efforts. And likewise, I'll help and answer any honest questions a TIF mod wants to ask me so long as my friends are willing to support this community. But once my friends stop supporting you, TIF can burn for all I care.
  18. We will only want to submit so many members to each war (five) So it has to be the 5 best in the 3 skills being battled out. so it'd be nice to know what skills u think ur good at, and what xp rates/strategies you think can execute. of course if you have a very very sweet strategy, don't just post it in public, pm it to someone. Disclaimer, is that, while you can join the wars, you may not partake in many wars, if at all based on your stats. But that doesn't mean you cannot support the 5 competitors in getting faster xp. Once again, the players that do compete, will be chosen based on the strengths/weaknesses of the opposing clan, and the 3 skills being warred.
  19. a cape with a cabbage and an X on it either it's a clan cape, and the clan picked a cabbage + X logo or it's one of the cape of 10's
  20. we need a memberlist for the skill ladder. Which is being released on april 18th. So if you're interested, please post here or PM a relevant person (IE Me, Mc, Cheeesy, or Obtaurian) before said date. The CC competes in 3 skills per war and submits 5 people to represent them in each war. So please mention what skills you think you can get high xp/hour rates in.
  21. battles are only based on best of 3 skills. And you pick your battles. If a poor clan chooses to only duel other poor clans, they can complete a season more or less without ever dueling over expensive skills. But being poor is a disadvantage, as it should be. But it can be compensated by picking the right battles. There exist problems with the skill ladder. But the problems are in how the clans are ranked, not how wins and losses are decided. The problem with the current ranking system is that a team can win 21 wars in a row, and be ranked lower than a team than losses 20 wars in a row, and wins the last one. And a host of other ranking problems.
  22. Actually - I think it's more along the lines of who's group of bots manage to operate longer before Jagex's "super secret bot detection programme®" catches them all ... :rolleyes: the skill ladder is not based on total xp gained. it's based on the rate of xp gained. 1 efficient hour of xp, will beat out 6 hours of no life or botting.
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